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About jaymacdoo

  • Birthday 10/24/1973

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  • Location
    Antigonish, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    2012 Royal Star Venture
  1. poor pics i know
  2. yes the rack from yamaha . it will only fit on when its off to one side
  3. does anyone have the condora trunk rack bag from Yamaha ? mine doesnt seem to fit right . am i doing something wrong ?
  4. so where is the best place to get one and which harness do I need ?
  5. k thanks
  6. how do you make your headlight pulse like a strobe light . I assume its something you can plug into the harness ? anyone know the name ? it does a good job of getting the cageres attention Thanks:fingers-crossed-emo
  7. thanks for the reply
  8. looking for a tank bag that is not too large and (pretty much) water proof . Any ideas
  9. fixed it so how do i get more gas out of this tank ? what is "punch Holes"?
  10. jaymacdoo


    fuel light came on . I kept riding .20 kms later Needed to switch to reserve. I kept riding . 70kms after that i ran out . Thats ok now i know I have less than 70 kms on reserve. BUT what pee'd me off was the fact I could only get less than 22 liters in the tank . What happened to 23 liters and 3 of reserve making this a 26 liter tank ?
  11. I am sure if the birds get hungry enough they will figure out a way to get it opened.
  12. she not nervous she is rocking out to the cassette player . What should my tire pressures be ?
  13. i have 5000kms on my 2012 RSV and as soon as the wife got on i can feel a slight shake at slow speed. My dealer has a beat up 1st gen someone left there 2 years ago and he cant find the guy . Do i need to buy that one too haha?
  14. Dunlops came on it but i will be switching to Michelin at the first tire change. I get those free
  15. Coming off a 2000 Honda ACE Tourer for the last 3 1/2 years . (loved the bike) . Looked good lots of power. And was reliable. I put about 35000kms on in that time. Bike Had 80000 kms When I traded it in. I decided that which ever bike bought next would be new. So I priced the H-D Electra Glide looked at the Wing (for about 2 seconds) and decided to go with the Venture . Price and Warranty where major factors (price Wing) but when it came right down to it I know the Yamaha dealer And not only did he Take my bike but also my sled on trade. I went with the Venture because I ride two up alot. I wanted her to be comfortable so she would have nothing to complain about . haha . I actually signed the papers before i even sat on one because my dealer didnt have one in stock ! At this stage in life I decided that if I am going to make payments on something I may as well get something I really want (38). I have had the bike for about 3 weeks now and I have 4500 kms so far . Vacation for 2 weeks tho . I added the light bar the luggage rack and ........... LA chopper pipes. Yeah Yeah too loud too loud ( Remember Im 38 ) haha and gas cap cover . Most important addition was the Sirius radio. At first i was really nervous at slow speeds but some seat time and the 3 rules from "Ride like a Pro " and i feel more confident. But I KNOW I will someday drop this bike (its heavy haha ) i Thought i would need the lowering kit but ater reading all the reviews I am glad i didnt order one. So far I am very happy with my purchase I love the power it is very comfortable and most of all the wife is happy. I look forward to all the support and good information on here and i will do my best to help others on here as well. Thanks Jay:)
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