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w.steve wells

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About w.steve wells

  • Birthday 01/07/1953

Personal Information

  • Name
    w.steve wells


  • Location
    flemingsburg, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 black cherry venture
  1. hmmm ice cream sounds great but a bit far off so i'll just offer up a prayer for Nancy's father and hope turns out well, steve:325:
  2. i like the look , what kind and where did they come from, if you dont mind sharing that is ,, thanks,,steve:325:
  3. Hey Don, after reading a few of these post i've decided retiremant for women must be way more boring then it is for the guys, just saying,:stirthepot:,,steve,
  4. will be praying for him and family,, steve
  5. my brother bought a fairly nice looking wing but is having trouble winding some parts, mainly the brake lines, dealer says they are no longer made, anyone have a clue as to where to start looking for such an item,, thanks,, steve p.s. brakelines and hoses,,,
  6. JP cycles has an adapter both left and right hand for yamaha mirrors for less then $5 each, i used them with Muth mirrors work great ,steve,
  7. not to dispute you but that artical is about the 2012 star line up, steve,
  8. i received my order of patches today and they are very nice, thanks for your hard work, cant wait to add them to my vest, steve,
  9. praying for a speedy recovery for Bob and for Becky's peace of mind,, steve
  10. thoughts and prayers sent for you and family, steve
  11. Happy Birthday Mini, hope you have/had a great day, steve&marsha:325:..:Happy Birthday:
  12. US23 is a great road i think very few trucks except around pikeville ky a ffew coal trucks, i ride 23 from ashland to ashville a lot actually prefer it to I75 once into ohio just maintain speed limit as it is patroled . steve,,
  13. praying for Brad and Ronda and family
  14. God created it,man has molded it into what it is today, many have fought and died for it, so i can and do enjoy riding across this great land seeing all it has to offer and amaze me with,,,steve,,
  15. sorry to hear of this another great loss of an American hero, praying for his family and friends, rest in peace Sgt Walker,
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