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10 Good

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  • Name


  • Location
    Sylvan Lake Alberta, Canada


  • City
    Sylvan Lake Alberta


  • Home Country


  • Bike Year and Model
    06 royal star venture, 08 Road Star
  1. Yes pics to follow!!
  2. Well home safe and sound, Thx for all the offers to show us around. 2500km's round trip trailer worked great bike ran great. little bit of rain not to bad though. Cheers!!
  3. Well we are leaving on the RSV and the new trailer Thursday after work for Vancouver BC for the long weekend, leaving from Sylvan Lake AB.
  4. Thx for all the advice. I installed the trailer wiring last night, converter fit nice behind the battery, used all heat shrik butt conectors and lomb, looks and works great!!
  5. Thx for the info, I will take a look what kind I am getting:225:
  6. Thx. I am buying a 5 to 4 wire converter so I will put in in behind the battery.
  7. Can someone show mw a picture of where the wiring harness is under the seat, or am i best to hook up behind the lisence plate?
  8. Yes I saw that one thx.
  9. I am thinking of buying a Reese Backpacker, does any one have ifo or comments about them?
  10. in our thoughts for sure!!
  11. Just a thought, Fuel issue? pump or something? When you get into the higher gears you are starting to demand more fuel volume for the load you are putting on the engine. (i know sounds funny cause 2nd gear high RPM no problem) I think the gauges and power loss just happened to be at the same time I dont think they are linked to each other. Unless there is a wire or voltage issue preventing the fuel pump from working in those gears.
  12. Prayers for you. I also lost my dad when I was 12. it hurts everyday and I am now 40. I do know one thing though, I spend every minute with my daughter telling her how I love her and how much she means to me, because one day she will wake up and i to will be gone. I want her from then on to know in her heart that there wasnt a day went by that I didnt tell her I loved her or how much she meant to me.
  13. Now if i get a trailer, is the a light kit that just plugs in or will i have to tie into my harness??
  14. Thx, That harbor frieght looks interesting!
  15. Well I am looking for a cargo i guess for behind the bike. I will check that website, thx
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