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Everything posted by gwashorn

  1. OK, I am probably one of the newest to this group. So even though I am an AGGIE, I gotta guess we ain't talkin' Ohio. So address? I want to try and make it up to meet folks. I know I have to "SO" an IDPA match that morning but should be out by 2:00pm. Looking to try and make this. Thanks Gary
  2. Being new back to this forum I am interested. My '89VR should be out of the shop this week and ready to ride but I do have more things I want to do myself. Mostly interested in meeting fellow riders in the area. Not sure if you meet on Sat. or Sun. but whatever day I will do my best to attend. Should be a nice ride from Alvin. Looking forward to it. Gary
  3. I used the e-mail for paypal you sent me in the PM. I assume you got it OK? thanks. Gary
  4. I just sent in PM for one of the extras. Gary
  5. Interesting on the plug and thanks. I noted in the write up about being fully seated. I am wondering is that if that is the problem on mine. If I push in real hard all the channels work and workes great. As for the CB, I have not tried it on mine but it should. I mean if I switch over like normal to a cables headset for my CB that works so the blue tooth should be no different. I am running mine into the shop for some tune up and front fork seals and springs work but when I get it back I am going to spend more time getting all the electronics going good. Gary
  6. OK, Still not making contact in the plug unless I an pushing it or giving it a little twist. has anyone tried the cable for the SM10 to the VR cable yet? All the electronics work great with the SM10 and SMH10 to the VR electronics. Just having issues with the plug. Appears to be the correct one. I might try replacing the VR cable with a new one if I could find one. Thoughts? Gary
  7. Thanks and understand the Texas Laws here fine. Looking to just add some accent to stand out at night as I ride and to just look cool. Looking for pics of other VRs that have accents. I think I know where to put most of the ones I want. Just looking for confirmation I think. Hope to get this done next month so looking now for the ideas and good products that people here have used and like. thanks Gary
  8. I am wanting to add some LED accent lights to my '89 VR. I have read through the threads, online searches etc. What I am looking for is ideas of where to place them. I know I want under carriage ground effects but also how to best show of the lines of the VR around the engine and front etc. I plan on taking out my damaged side panel vents and replacing with clear lexan and the light the engine. My bike is the pearl white version and want to go with blue. What other areas do others highlight? I have not found many pictures of other VRs. Also, recommendations on the LED types, wattage etc. Thanks. Gary
  9. I also got the SMH10 and works great together and will our phones. I just added the SM10 to bring my '89VR audio into my helmet too. I got the goldwing cables for the SM10 and they work but having trouble getting it to hold contact with the plug pins. Still working on that one. Not sure if it is a pin size problem on not. But the SENAs do work great and appear to work with our bikes too. Gary
  10. I just got my SM10 and I have the SMH10. the headsets work great, just started using them. I got my phone and helmets all paired up and works great. I got the SM10 paired up too and finally figured out the way it works and is fine. I got the Goldwing cable and it does work on the VR intercom system. However, I had trouble getting it to plug in because the weather plug was too long so I trimmed it back to make sure it would plug in. At first I thought that was the reason I had to push so hard to make contact so it would play. After cutting the hood back I found I still have to push on it hard. The pins all line up fine and it sounds good too. Works great but not sure why I have to push and hold the plug up tight. I am thinking the pin sizes on the SENA may be a tad thinner than the receptacle pins are and when I twist or push it hard it makes contact. Thinking about getting a new cable for the radio headset or maybe a Goldwing one and cut it into the cable so it will fit the SENA plug better. Still playing with it. But other than the connection issue it worked fine. Anyone have other ideas on the plug? Thanks Gary
  11. Well, I need to replace my 89VR speakers too. Still working on some other items since getting this one last month. I have not replaced speakers before in my past ones. So just how hard was the taking apart and putting together? I need to do this anyway because I have some other things for wiring I want to do. Might as well do it once. Also, the Bazookas look nice but sure seem deep. Will they fit? Would like to add a more powerfull amp too. Looking for ideas/direction on that one. Thanks. Gary
  12. I see no other comments on this thread and I have the same question. I need to install my new license but removing the plate holder eludes me. I know the previous owner told me he twisted the four nuts and then found out they were LED lights and he tore the wires. 1989 Royale has the small rear fender and I see two bolts up in the top. Do I remove those to get access to the plate holder? Thanks Gary
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