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About gwashorn

  • Birthday 09/29/1951

Personal Information

  • Name
    Gary Ashorn


  • Location
    Alvin, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    IDPA, PASS Pistol competition. Tennis 4.5 player
  • Bike Year and Model
    1989 Venture Royale

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  1. WOW, it's been awhile for me. Have not ridden much on my '89 VR. Between knee replacements and shoulder surgeries, it was iffy to get out. had the bike totally reconditioned on carbs running and such but let her set too much and once again, darn ethanol and running ragged from sticky carb. Trying to get her clean again but guessing I will have to sell her if this next shoulder surgery keeps me down too much. Thanks for keeping the web going.
  2. I would love to try and get up there this time. I missed it last year and the one in the spring near Waller. I am clear after Oct 12th weekend. I have IDPA matches every weekend until then. I have things I need to learn. So yes I would like to see one. thanks!
  3. Let me explain something here, since my wife just retired from the post office a few months after 30 plus years. A person sent ammo that way one day and they "dropped" the box. It broke open. Guess who gets called first and then that agency contacts the sender. It is a federal offense. You send that gun by mail and it gets found, you can kiss it and yourself good bye on that one. Don't do it. I know some that do and it works. I promise you I know. But that one Uh Oh and it gets found and you will wish you had paid the FFL. I have sent by UPS my Beretta directly to the manufacturer and I can do that. It is declared and required over night delivery. I get it back by courier and have to sign. I am presently sending by FFL to my manufacturer this week for repairs to a competition gun and he will send it back to me by courier for signature as always. We are both in state. Crossing state lines has other rules. I suggest playing by them. My two cents.
  4. I went with the Sena 10 series headsets and have added the Sena 10 bluetooth interface. It works fine but my cord has a problem. So have a used cord to change out and other items and will see if that works. this way my full 89' VR audio will work with the bluetooth, I will have rider intercom along with cell phone interface and can add an MP3 or GPS to the unit. Hope my cable I got will fix the connection problem I had. This is how I am going to try and do this.
  5. Absolutely beautiful. thanks
  6. Yup, I actually bought mine there for a good price as it was the earlier version being cleared out. there is one in North San Antonio and one in Austin. I am in Alvin now but born and raised in dirty ole S.A. as we used to say back in the 70s. I really like my Evoline. Comfortable, love the modular chin and visors work great.
  7. OK, so let me askt he preventitive question. I have a lot of UNOBTAINABLE chrome on my '89VR and I find a few pieces loosing up. Double stick tape or a glue for reattaching?
  8. I ordered a Clearview GT25 for '89 VR with grey tint and vent three weeks ago and hoping to get it maybe next week. Then will mount, replace of bunch of bad bolts and a little wiring while apart for it all. Looking forward to getting it on and seeing how I like it. Question, do any of you Rain X your shields if tall enough? Assuming then the rain does not come off and hit you in the face if too short.
  9. Well, while out for vacation I had my shop install my 4 brush starter plus a few, well lots of upgrade items. It turns that engine over so fast I have never heard any of my past VRs turn over this fast, cold or hot. So glad I did it. Now I also, side note, put in the carb sync shims too. Plus while he was in there, I had lot of oil and cooling leaks so had all that done. Of course with valve covers off, shoot do the vavles and on and on. Noticed now it spins fast but I seem to have to crack the throttle to get it to start now. When I rode it home it ran much better, way quicker acceleration and smooth. Not sure what or if all together the work helped it but assuming the starting difference is the leaner mix it is set at so cracking the throttle may be the new starting norm. Anyway, glad I did the work, ready for summer. Now new windshield, audio system upgrade, fuse box and LEDs.....
  10. glad you got one in such good condition for the good price. I went ahead and ordered and got the new one from US Auto Electric. I had called them to confirm and it is one of the ones someone mentioned was from Taiwan but it looks like yours. Have not popped the end to check yet. But got it for $131 brand new. Yours looks new inside. good deal.
  11. sure looks nice cut open that way. Good job.
  12. Well, sent this person a message and asked if it was a 4 brush starter since it does say SM13. Answer came back no that is was a 2 brush starter. Looking more and more like many of these people on Ebay list all the different starters that fit but do not really know the difference when posting them until you push them for an answer. Makes Buyer Be Ware more and more important. thinking I will go with the one that came back new and confirmed 4 brush from the starter company. Sure wanted to find one in that $60 range. thanks to all.
  13. Thanks for the links, I had heard they were almost non existent. I have taken mine out and was planning on putting in clear lexan to show off engine and add in LED accent lights. Heat really hurts done here in south Texas.
  14. I was not aware that Yamaha still had and sold the vents for replacements on our beloved Gen 1 VRs. I have not seen them listed. How do you request them?
  15. I too am considering the GT25 but still up in the air over riding looking through and over the windshield. Reason is if caught in rain, need to see over. I contacted Clearview and said they could do a short GT25 for me. Also considering the vent.
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