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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. Soon after we were married, I checked the oil in my wife's car, and told her it was a quart low, and that I would put a quart in when I got time. Well, I guess I was too slow. When I went outside, she was showing her independence, and putting the oil in by herself......... into the dipstick hole with a very small funnel!!
  2. What better name than Freebird for your bike? It fits your philosophy, it hints of why you ride. It's what we all want to be: "free as a bird"!
  3. Glad you are OK. Your post is probably saving some injuries and possibly lives. I know several members (me included), will be carefully checking their steering and fenders before riding again!!
  4. Heck, I aint skeered, just don't like em. When I dream of motorcycles, I see black and chrome, no white needed! Maybe when Freebird wears them out and buys blackwalls, he can take a picture and let us compare them side by side.
  5. They throw the beer and whiskey bottles out so when they get caught speeding, they won't also get a open container violation!
  6. Don't get me started on littering! I suppose an apple core thrown out side of the road will degrade eventually, but anything else is unacceptable, especially beer cans and bottles. I walk the road side of my house almost daily and pick up sacks of litter thrown out by uncaring, unpatriotic, a$$holes. I would be really disappointed if any current members of this forum would even think of littering. Excuse my rant, but I'm sure most of us like to ride the countryside and see grass and trees and celebrate the freedom and beauty of our country, and not see beer bottles, Walmart sacks, fast food bags, candy wrappers, cans full of tobacco spit, water bottles full of urine, cigar and cigarette butts, baby diapers full of poop, etc. THANKS, I feel much better now!
  7. I have used the vinyl repair kits found at auto parts stores. They seal the tear and prevent further damage, but the repair doesn't "disappear" as advertised.
  8. And on the other hand, a couple thousand spent on Tweeks at the beauty parlor, ride another few hundred thousand miles, build even more memories with the inimitable FIRST GEN, get a few more stickers....... Oh heck, buy the Harley, but keep Tweeks ready to go because you know how those Harleys are!!
  9. How about shipping that stuff to someone down the street from @Flyinfool. It might be interesting to see if he has programmed backfire protection in that GPS device!
  10. I have used vbelts4less several times. Never had any problems. Good products, and like they say "4less". However @Flyinfool never sent me no fancy smancy nozzle tracking device.
  11. What y'all got in that bag? You look just a little too happy!!
  12. Yeah right, and then he eats bacon, body filler, and tomato sandwich for lunch.
  13. I wonder if pure peanut oil would be better (and cheaper)? Also the PBJ sandwiches would taste better if you quit dipping that dirty rag in the peanut butter.
  14. My wife would NEVER guess my password.
  15. I could never remember that password, so I changed mine to perfect.
  16. OK, I'm convinced. I'll ride this one and continue to work on the others. It has faded paint and aint too purty, but runs good. Maybe I could find a few dozen stickers.... or has somebody already done that?
  17. If you are ever riding near Dadeville, AL and Lake Martin, you should ride down "This Aint It" road. I did and it aint!
  18. This is one of those circumstances where no matter which side you take, you will p!$s off about 50% of the readers! My only comment is that I personally don't try to win a fight with a cager. As close as the cop was, he could have taken care of the situation without the seemingly aggressive blocking of the cager. I agree with Jeff, we need to see more before and after.
  19. I'm interested to know who is skipping 2nd gear, what year is your Venture, for how long, and do you plan to fix it? I have an 84 Venture that seems to run fine without 2nd gear, and I don't know if it is worth the time and money to fix. (I'll bet Puc will jump in on this one!)
  20. Waylan!
  21. This your truck?
  22. Touche! Anybody know a good Canadian joke?
  23. Just kiddin', all good fun! Thank you for your service. Actually, most any smart Alabamian would hold the beer can against the other ear with the other hand and finish counting to 10. This would not have the desired result, which would be the fault of the doctor/veterinarian, which you failed to mention was from Texas!
  24. I saw that joke on a bicycle forum, but it was about a Texan!!
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