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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. bus
  2. I relocated the YICS on mine... to a shelf in the shop! I can't tell the difference.
  3. This is what I did to get rid of a spare swing arm, some worn out mower blades, rusty shovels, etc!
  4. The manual that I downloaded from trunkful (a few years ago) is a little confusing. There are two supplemental manuals followed by the original XVZ1200 manual. You should have 443 pages total. Go to page 119 and you should see the original manual. Let me know if this works for you. This is the link: http://labs.trunkful.com/vrmanuals/index.cfm Choose "83-85 Service Manual", NOT "First Gen Manual"
  5. The reason the clutch works ok when cold and then starts slipping is that when the port is blocked, and brake fluid gets warmer and expands, it has nowhere to go except to the clutch master cylinder. You probably noticed when you first started riding, the clutch lever had some play in it, then as you rode the play got less and less and then none. I agree with @videoarizona, time to completely replace the fluid. I removed all the fluid from the reservoir of the Goldwing and with a small glue brush cleaned the inside completely with fluid and then wiped it out with a clean rag, then flushed the line with new fluid and topped it off and bled the system. I will bet there are many bikes out there that went to the dealer and got new clutch plates, and the mechanic also cleared the port!!
  6. I just had the same problem with a '84 Goldwing. It had been stored for several years and I rebuilt the carbs and took it for a ride. Started up great, no clutch slip, but there was NO play in the clutch lever. I rode it for about 30 minutes and near the house the clutch was slipping badly. Just as you did, I cleaned the "return hole" in the reservoir with the smallest welding tip cleaner. It was totally stopped up. After bleeding the clutch, I had some play in the lever and no more problems! I ride it almost daily. I was sweating bullets thinking that I needed clutch plates.
  7. That was a refreshing series of posts! Not too many places you can find that kind of honesty and integrity! :usa: Thanks @yamagrl, @Venture n Dixie, @VanRiver.
  8. This is becoming un bear able.
  9. Pretty sure the bear is not a Catholic, but brings up the question: Would the Pope do that in the woods?
  10. Difficult to look at such a beaming face and know that she is sick. Prayers for her permanent recovery.
  11. What is that bear doing in the woods?
  12. A perfect, beautiful, complete bike. All it needs now is a few scratches, run it through a few mud puddles, and ride, ride, ride!! (Just kidding, probably the best example of what can be done to personalize a Venture... I'm jealous!)
  13. I'm really getting bored checking these boring posts. If it gets any more boring, I will be too bored to check and see if they are still boring.
  14. You will REALLY be bored waiting for that to happen!
  15. Your sense of humor will get you through! Thank you for sharing this tragedy with us. It makes us all stronger. You have our prayers, much better times ahead.
  16. WHAT?? You ride that beaut in places where a BUG might actually hit it.
  17. It seems to have lots of good "stuff" on it. Since it is an '83, and if he is not certain that second gear has been fixed, I would offer much, much less, and if he looks mad or laughs, walk away. Don't pay more for it than you can part it out for. Many members here have "4 speeds" (skip second gear). I ride my '84 and just skip second gear. Tell him about the second gear issue and offer maybe $450? (Be sure it starts, runs, and rides)
  18. I nominate Yama Mama to be Chairman of the Bored.... er ..ahhh I mean Chairperson.
  19. Grandkids are here, and I wanted a boring, quiet day, so I threw 49 pennies out in the yard and told them not to come back in until they found all 50!
  20. Venture: an undertaking involving uncertainty as to the outcome. I also ride a Venture, so it has a double meaning when I "venture some"!
  21. Very sad.. Mr. Byrd will never have another meal and those B$#$@%ds will have 3 free meals a day for a minimum of 20 years!
  22. Another example of why more law-abiding citizens need to carry. (and be willing to use them, and more important, know how to use them).
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