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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. I was definitely pullin for the LIZARD! So many snakes, so few lizards.
  2. Have a speedy recovery, Flyinfool! First chance you get, check that whitewash machine. I think somebody has been messin with it, and redirected the cold air nozzles to the south, cause my weekend CFW plans are cancelled due to overly frigid conditions. (cold as He!!).
  3. Thoughts and prayers with you Puc. Get better and continue with those humorous posts we all look forward to reading!
  4. I agree with Venturous Randy, and I would also "beg" the insurance company not to issue a salvage title. It is not in their interest to try to repair or find an equivalent bike, and you don't need the hassle of trying to get a rebuilt title. After looking at the pictures, and talking with you about other parts bikes you have, you could be riding BR again without a lot of work. Most of the comments on the forum want you to rebuild Big Red, so go get him and park him out of the weather, get well, and go riding. I vote Big Red rides again!
  5. I just noticed a puddle of liquid on the right side of the front wheel. At first thought the calipers were leaking, but it seems to be coming from the anti-dive housing. Has anyone experienced leaks from the o-rings of this housing? I checked the two allen bolts and they are tight. I plan to replace the fork oil and will also replace the two o-rings on the anti-dive, but I am concerned that it started leaking while parked.
  6. And the winner is....... post #5 , Van Avery!
  7. Bummer!!! Prayers your way. Wish you a speedy recovery.
  8. "but 2 houses are flying there mexico flag over the American flag." PM me a picture of the houses and address and flags of those flying Mexican flag (or any flag) above the Stars and Stripes. Thanks!!!
  9. I use my helmet to cover my ears so that I don't have to hear the music coming from $500 cages that have $5000 speaker systems! Their money would be better spent on safety items... like brakes and tires. But that's another story. I agree with the side that says helmets should be a choice, and seat belts should be mandatory. Not wearing a seat belt can cause loss of control that causes injury to the innocent. Not wearing a helmet usually means that you (and possibly your passenger) die. That was your decision. Ride safe, but be constantly aware that somewhere in front of you, in the rear, or on the right or left of you, there is an idiot that will "accidentally" kill you!! It is your responsibility to prevent that if possible.
  10. I had an old Cushman Eagle when I was 14. Two speed gearbox with clutch pedal, but you only needed it to change gears. It had a centrifugal clutch that released when idling. I don't remember the horsepower, but I think it was around 8! It brings back memories, I wish I still had it.
  11. Did you have 2 good days in a row? .... or forget that you had a good day before you had another one?
  12. Not to be argumentative, but loss of second gear doesn't make the bike scrap. It just makes the purchase price more reasonable! I have an '84 that I ride frequently, go where I want, when I want, as fast as I want without second gear. But don't get me wrong, you can have a multitude of very expensive problems with a bike that hasn't been ridden for a long time.
  13. Follow your heart.... but be sure to take your brain with you!!!
  14. :sign yeah that:
  15. I believe that is a home built project car that was featured in either Popular Science or Mechanics magazine way back when. I remember because I really wanted to build one.
  16. OK.. 16 months later and I am back to the '83. Plugs are now firing 1 and 3 only. No spark on 2 & 4. I have opened up TCI and it looks bad (see pic). I checked the diodes with my Harbor Freight multimeter and believe it or not they all seem to be OK! However, as you can see in the pictures, a couple (or more) of the capacitors? are corroded on top. Also I re-soldered the connectors. Coils and pickups check OK. It looks like I will be quadrupling my investment soon! My problem is how to obtain a replacement TCI. I haven't seen any posts from Dingy in the last few months, so I guess he is not selling the Ignitec anymore. Anybody have a known good 83 TCI for sale or loan? (I would pay deposit). I can also use 83-89 and modify vacuum port. Has anyone purchased a Ignitec direct from factory and if so, how much and are you happy with it? What was the delivery time? Thanks!! I couldn't tackle this without help from forum members.
  17. @SilvrT: Where do you get this "live in fear" B..S..? Don't feel sorry for us, we feel sorry for you! It's not an "assumption" that a lot of people use Craigslist to rob people. That doesn't mean EVERYONE on Craigslist does, or that ANYONE in the fabulous Canadian countryside does. Enjoy your paradise. I have sold and bought items on Craigslist and never carried, but I like living in a country where I can if I need to. I think it might be your arrogant tone that sets people off. Come on down to the US anytime. We aren't scared and we won't shoot.. and most of us are humble.
  18. Shouldn't you be able to return them to the shop you purchased them from? I would think they are responsible for products they sell, especially if they are old and rotten. This is a link I found for K&S Fork Boots: http://www.kandstech.com/productreleases/newprod185.pdf Seems that they were introduced in late 2012, so they should not be rotten. The part # they go by must be the 16-3009. Let us know if they don't try to make it right... a lot of Venture Riders might just send them a note!!!
  19. Me too!! Notice that the plane in my profile pic is in a climbing turn to the RIGHT, not a spin to the LEFT!!
  20. How would one access this Blog?
  21. Here are my 3 (finally). Riding the 84, restoring the other 2. 1983 3/83 JYA31M001DA001106 Gold 21,000 mi 1984 10/83 JYA41R006EA001329 Red 44,750 mi 1986 12/85 JYA1NL001GA001908 Black 72,000 Can you give me the original motor # on the 86? It also has a second gear problem and I thought that was corrected in 85. Thanks. email: wayne@norrisdata.com
  22. I am 71 and can remember as a boy living in the country, the phones were not available. I remember distinctly (it was a big deal), when the phone company finally ran lines past our house and we got our first phone. Then we moved to town and our phone # was "1636". That's it, 4 numbers!
  23. Since it will reflect all LEO's, how about just a badge without the "P"? Great idea, by the way! The other day a Policeman stopped in front of the house, in the middle of the road, and turned his lights on, and got out of his patrol car, walked to the front of the car and picked up a baby turtle and gently placed it out of harm's way well into our front yard! (I later put it in our pond behind the house) This is the same Policeman that will rush to your aid and take a bullet for you. My wife was watching and tears came to her eyes!
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