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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. Praying for successful surgery.
  2. Yep, I noticed the strange names and addresses this morning. Its hard to imagine the motivation of such jerks.
  3. Where would I get info on VIKIMOTOSHOP? I have carbs off for rebuild and would like to make comparison on cost and performance before continuing. (I googled with no results)
  4. I lost my brother last year. I share your pain, Puc. Your brother has a good brother.
  5. Old gas is a great fire ant killer! Poke a hole in the middle of the mound and pour a small amount of gas down the hole and close the hole. Ants die in minutes.
  6. Thanks for the update on our brother, Puc! I think I speak for the rest of us when I say we hope he rapidly gains the strength to kick your butt back to your side of the bed!
  7. Since he is your brother, that makes him our brother too, right? May the Lord look after our brother.
  8. It appears the fairings were designed for ease of repair!
  9. Two most important tools to carry on any trip, any vehicle: 1. Credit card 2. Cell Phone
  10. You're gonna need a bigger sticker!
  11. The rest of us have done it more than once!!
  12. This is the BEST? REALLY! I would ask the dealer if they had an old reliable first gen out back you could use until they get yours fixed! This is the riding season and you are grounded. Surely they have free of charge loaners for such situations. Go to the top. Yamaha can't afford bad publicity at this point. Was there a problem with the oil change?
  13. WOW!! I'll bet if you can get your little finger down into the crankshaft hole a little ways, you will feel some threads. From looking at the bolt that is supposed to be there, there is a distance from the head to the threads. I would find an oem bolt and torque it to spec before continuing. Good job on the pictures. Probably saved your engine!
  14. I had an exhaust collector on mine that had a baffle break loose. To me, it sounded like a knocking rod. I cut the collector open, removed the loose baffle, and welded it back... no more noise! Probably far-fetched, but worth keeping in mind. Search this forum for comments and solutions on this problem.
  15. This is interesting! Please show us a picture of the "innards".
  16. I'm saving my money, only $171,500 to go!
  17. Just what is this thing called a blizzard? We aint familiar with that term down heah.
  18. I was so ecstatic that the Dr was able to "fix" a 95 per cent blockage that was causing chest pain that I did exactly what he said! I haven't had any problems for over 4 years now and just passed a stress test and was graded "low risk"
  19. Well finally, someone older than me! I'm 73. It's so hot and humid here, I just drink lots of water. It pours out my pores and never gets to the bladder!
  20. If I were a tire dealer and you were a long time customer and filed a legitimate complaint (with pictures), I don't think I would risk losing your confidence by dragging out a refund. Sure looks like a "second" with markings to point it out! My bet is that you have just found a new tire dealer.
  21. I plan to replace everything that even looks suspicious! I have cleaned several sets of carbs before, and learn by trial and error. All 4 idle jets were completely plugged, and 2 of the rubber plugs were shrunk and deteriorating.
  22. @Captaineasy520 Glad you're here to stay. Please excuse us flame-throwers for ruining your post. You will find loads of help here to finish the tribute to your friend. PM me your address, I have an extra multimeter that I will send to you. Thank you for your service. I am also a Vietnam vet, but was only in country (Saigon) for 33 days. :thumbsup2:
  23. I think he had a bottle of windshield polish in that tire too, but I guess it fell out!
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