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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. I know, you were my inspiration to try it again. THANKS!
  2. Just had the same problem! Soldered all connector pins on CM and re-installed with no results. After a lot of frustration, decided to solder again, but more aggressively. I felt that I had nothing to lose, so I re-soldered with more heat and more solder, but careful not to short circuits on board. It now works fine.
  3. Anyone have a computer monitor (working) for a 1983 VR for sale?
  4. I had a herniated disc in 1985 at the age of 40, with subsequent surgery. I was bedridden for 2 weeks with severe pain and since I was an active pilot, was very worried that I would not be able to fly again. The surgery totally alleviated the pain and I flew for another 20 years, and would still be flying if I could afford it! A lot has been done regarding procedures and recovery time, so your outcome is positive. We are all a family here and wish you a speedy recovery. Keep us posted.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions. Next step is to pull the TCI out so I can see it and then clean and test all connections per Jeff. I had an old experienced aircraft mechanic tell me once that weird electrical problems were usually bad ground. I will post results.
  6. I just bought a 1983 VR ($100), so I am surprised that it runs at all! It runs good at higher RPMs, but does not fire #2 and #4 plugs at idle. Also tach shows zero at idle, but comes alive at higher RPM's. I have ridden the bike "down the road" and the gears seem to be in good shape, so I am considering restoring it if I can get the kinks worked out. Anyone else had this problem?
  7. I ride a '79 GW, but the '86 VR is almost ready.
  8. Odometer shows 72000, accuracy unknown, but appears to be a well-ridden bike. I bought it as a not running project.
  9. Goes into second with a clunk, then with any throttle slips out into neutral. I also tried going thru the gears on the work stand and it will stay in second with light throttle, but rev it up and it pops into neutral. I think "slips" is a better word, because it doesn't make any noise. 1st, 3rd, 4th, and 5th seem OK. I am going to check the pins on the shift shaft next week. I hope this doesn't require an engine tear-down. I don't need a boat anchor!
  10. Hate to start a new post on 2nd gear problems, but I just got my '86 Venture Royale project running and was testing it "around the shop", and it immediately jumps out of 2nd when shifting thru gears. I can skip 2nd and all other gears seem OK. I have read all the posts on the 83-85 model problems, but thought the '86 on was fixed. Anyone else have this problem with a newer model? I'm fairly new to the forum and use the tech info almost daily. Hope I can gain enough knowledge someday to contribute. Thanks, Guys!
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