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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. thou doth protest too much Overly insistent about something, to the point where the opposite is most likely true. Lighten up Bluesky... A good sense of humor helps
  2. Can someone explain to me how an impact driver works? I'm getting confused. I thought you had to hit it pretty hard just to get it to turn.
  3. I have a spare set of carbs that have pilot screws with damaged heads. Is there a good way to remove them without damaging the carb body?
  4. My wife would be upset because all of the peeled halves are not facing in the same direction. Maybe that's it!
  5. I paid $1150 for a 1962 'vette when I was in the Air Force and stationed in Florida in 1968. It was worn out (the pistons swapped places just about every stroke!). But it was a vette and I loved it. Sadly I was transferred to Colorado and knew the vette probably wouldn't make it, so I traded even for....... you ready? A 1962 Corvair Coupe! The Corvair was in really good condition, but I long for that worn out Corvette. Bet I could get a better deal today.
  6. Another method to remove phillips (or other security type) screws that have been wallowed out is to use a dremel tool with thin cut-off blade to cut a groove across top of screw that fits a flat blade screwdriver. This usually allows enough torque to break it loose. Be sure to replace screws!
  7. How 'bout a shoooooort DEATH sentence?
  8. I have taken ignition switch to Yamaha dealer on two occasions and had keys made. It's best to take ignition switch with you, but all they need is code stamped on switch.
  9. The Wright brothers flew a non-certified aircraft. I'm glad they gave it a try! :whistling:
  10. Would it be a bigger lathe? Or maybe a Smithy Granite?
  11. I was going to get some ice cream and bring it home to eat, but it is so hot outside, I was afraid it would melt before I got it home! :rotf:
  12. I paid $100 for this '83 Venture Royale. I wasn't expecting much, maybe a few parts, but after installing a starter and battery, it ran! I even rode it around the block a couple times to be sure 2nd gear was OK. I now have the carbs off for cleaning, and have already serviced brakes. I estimate $1500 to restore to safe riding condition (including paint).
  13. Prayers said. Let us know how you are doing. Think ICE CREAM!
  14. Thanks!! I will be trying that.
  15. Have you been missing any doses of ice cream lately?
  16. From the tone of the posts, most members realize how important and how time-consuming the volunteer job of ADMIN is. It also requires dedication. Most of us would have gone to bed and worried about it tomorrow! Us 'ole dogs can learn new tricks! Go for it.
  17. Puts the wind in my face....Blows all my cares away!!
  18. I am assuming Yamaha didn't always include a packet of the rubber grease with their seal kits. Anybody know why they started including it? Manufacturers don't usually make changes unless there is an economic or safety advantage.
  19. Thanks for the tutorial. I am disassembling the caliper tomorrow and doing it right.
  20. Thanks! You are very generous. That is a critical bolt. I just happened to notice it was missing when I was rebuilding the "locked up" brakes. So much for buying a project that someone worked on for a bit, and then left it in a corner of their garage. It is fun getting it going, though. Postage and handling sent by return mail.
  21. It's very confusing to me. My thoughts are that since this "red stuff" is supplied with the seals only, it must go on them. I would think that the anti-squeal would be supplied with the pads, not the seals. But we all know that common sense doesn't always prevail these days. I'm going to leave a glob of it out tonight and see how it reacts. Has anyone put oem seals in their 83 lately and how did you use the packet of red "stuff"?
  22. I was installing the rear caliper on my 83 VR project after replacing the piston seals and noticed that the caliper support bolt is missing. This is the bolt that goes thru the swingarm and into the support bracket for the caliper. (#12 on the rear brake caliper parts list, part #90109-18719-00). Yamaha shows it as obsolete. Anybody have one for sale or know where I can get one?
  23. Thanks, that's good info to know. Since it is not noted in the service manual, you would think Yamaha would include instructions! I called the parts people at Ron Ayers, (where I bought the parts), and they didn't know either.
  24. Included with the o-ring seal kit for the rear caliper was a packet of red "grease". Anybody know what this is? There were no instructions. The only reference that I saw in the manual was Loctite for the bolts. I don't think this is Loctite.
  25. I had a similar problem when the connector to the pickup coils came loose. It is located below the seat near the front (left side).
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