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Everything posted by venturesome

  1. Just when you think you are..... You aint!
  2. My heart and prayers go out to the families and many friends of these patriots. Too much of this crap is happening these days. I usually wait for more details before making assumptions, but I will bet that the alleged "slug" that crossed the line and just happened to wipe out that many motorcycles was more than intoxicated.
  3. I have both the "open bucket" model (not HF) and the pneumatic 40# model by HF. I live in Alabama and humidity here is HORRID! I used them several years ago when restoring a couple of air planes. I found that when the humidity was above 50% (most of the time around here), and/or the sand somehow absorbed any moisture at all, they were nothing but trouble. This was with using a 6HP, 130#, 80 gal air compressor. I also had a good moisture trap. If you lived closer, you could have both of them. I'm too old for the frustration!
  4. When I first thought about joining VR, I thought it not wise to join an organization that would have ME as a member. So I joined anyway! I have never been able to buy so many friends for $12 a year! (The forum is my home page. I read it daily, and enjoy the humour almost as much as the tech articles, which have saved me a lot of time and money.) Thanks!!!
  5. Glad you escaped without major injuries. I have to agree with saddlebum on this one. I wouldn't ride anywhere without that "lucky" wrench!
  6. Try contact cement. Works for me.
  7. It's all in fun, Patch! I enjoy reading the practical vs the perfect.
  8. I just spent more time than it takes to perform a carb sync trying to find an adequate French word for condescending. Can anyone help me?
  9. If that pneumonia knows what's good good for it, it will give up and go somewhere else. I understand you can kick pretty hard. Get well soon!!
  10. These comparisons confuse me. A better comparison might be: If someone runs from the LEO, and the LEO trips the guy while chasing him, and the guy hits his head on a rock and dies, should the LEO be charged with "killing" him? In this case, should the LEO have yelled "have a nice day!", and had another donut?
  11. That was a disturbing video. I can only say that in this circumstance, when someone had to die, given all the choices of those that might have been killed, the biker was the best choice. May he rest in peace. I like riding. I like riding fast. Sometimes I speed. Whether right or wrong, I pull over when blue lighted by Police. If the Police are wrong, I take it up at the Police Station. I'm 75 years old. So far the Police have been right, I was wrong! Ride Safe and Enjoy. Don't be stupid.
  12. Give Linux Mint 19.x a try. I've used it exclusively for several years with no problems. I use Firefox browser, and the office programs provided free (word processor, spread sheet, etc) are completely compatible with Microsoft products. It is very easy to install and you can run it along with Windows until you feel comfortable enough to switch. Just google Linux Mint, and find the files to download, follow the directions carefully and you are on your way! I like it because it's FREE and doesn't have all the baggage that Windows has. Just be sure to backup your computer before loading another operating system. (You should do this often anyway!)
  13. Thanks a lot Puc. From now on, I will always think of a cap as a moon cover! All kidding aside, I enjoy being a part of this group, and hope someday to meet a lot of you "varmints"?
  14. Congratulations! Its great to see these bikes restored for many more years of enjoyable CTFW. :happy65:
  15. Puc, Thank you for the generous comments about Willie and the congrats on the WIN! Now about that beautiful, OLD song about a harvest moon. I'm at a loss as to why you would include that particular song in this congratulatory post, and why Tippy thinks you are being mean to me. What am I missing? By the way, I've been reading the Cambridge dictionary when not admiring my new cap. Jealosy: a feeling of unhappiness and anger because someone has something that you want.
  16. Cap's off to all you losers! I just received my winner's cap from Don. If you notice in the picture, I definitely need a cap to protect my delicate noggin from the elements! I keep my friend Willie the gentle giant close by to keep those jealous varmints at bay who might want to confiscate it. Seriously, this forum is part of my daily ritual and it was good to hear what the fellow members are up to. Thank you, Don (freebird) for corralling this restless bunch of vagabonds (or should I say venturers?) together for meaningful dialogue.
  17. Back trouble has kept me off the '84 for over a year. Hope to ride some this year. Check this site almost daily and miss the wind in my face. Thanks for askin', Don!
  18. Great job!! Anxiously awaiting the video!
  19. Kid could ride, but deserved to crash. Cop could ride, but did not deserve to be put in that danger. Amazing that no one was injured in such a ridiculous chase.
  20. Have you read the post concerning blocking plates? It seems that the blocking plates need to have a way for fork oil to flow between o-ring passages. I found it by doing a search for "blown fork seals" or: https://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?138618-Really-odd-blown-fork-seal-issue&highlight=blown+fork+seals
  21. I share your grief, but cannot imagine the strength it takes to come to terms with such a tragedy. Don't leave us, we are a caring bunch and will help any way we can. My prayers are with you. When you are riding again, the passenger seat will be occupied by an angel.
  22. Worked my way through tech school delivering messages for Western Union on one of these in '63 & '64! Wish I still had it.
  23. I just went with the brown seat... Saves time!
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