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Everything posted by dbikers

  1. no problemo...just more than 1 way to skin a cat. the original wiring diagram i used to make the one i attached the power to the coil came from the ignition switch instead of the low beam wire...would do it the way you are talking..and is too a good way to do it or you could get the power to the coil from the HI-beam wire
  2. agreed...but the OP said "I wish to run the lights when the bike starts and turn them off when I hit the high beam." so the oem uses a fuse only? no relay from the factory? what a bunch of hacks!!! i learned the lesson of using relays 25 years ago with fog lights on my first truck..damn near burnt it to the ground
  3. This is the one i used so that any time the key is on and the brights are off the passing lamps are ON. When the high beams are selected or when the bike is off the passing lamps are OFF. I took one i found on this side and changed it a bit for what you are looking for. this is how i wired mine and i think the illustration and description below is about as easy to understand as you will find. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/mywiring_zps7be0e03f.png one side of the relay coil (85) goes to the low-beam headlamp wire. the other side of the relay coil (86) goes to ground. when your low-beams are on there is 12v (low current draw) to trigger the coil of the relay the heavy wire goes from the "+" side of the battery (through a fuse/link) and then to one side of the relay contacts (30). the other side of the relay contacts (87) goes out to the passing lamps which are typically grounded in the light buckets. when the coil (in above paragraph) is triggered the contacts of the relay close allowing the heavy wire (high current draw) to pass the volts/amps to your passing lamps. when the bike is off or when the hi-beam is selected there is no 12v on the "trigger" wire to the coil. i hope this is helpful
  4. Semi retired...i couldn't agree with you more on all counts....my budget is the only thing holding me back right now...i want to make a bit of a "bagger" out it with some hard bags (which will need to be painted depleting my wallet of more $$$) I've already taken the rear seat off and rode approx 250 miles over the weekend and i honestly think it the bike did fine. thanks again.
  5. i agree it looks naked......looks a little less naked with the maxi pad. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/IMG_20130505_193649_164_zps27cabf30.jpg i dont know...i just think the rear makes it look too "fat"
  6. just trying to get some ideas from the gang here... i don't ride with a passenger (or if i do, very rarely). what do you think does the bike look better with or without? http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/without_zpsaf20b658.png http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/with_zpsf93b88f1.png thanks in advance...
  7. hey ugly, did you ever find it? i have had problems with the "O"-rings circled in the attached, key # 38 most recently. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/hoses_zpsa16ebd68.png
  8. my local bike shop offers the local HIFLO HF303 (not chrome) for about $8.50 and comes with the o-ring. http://www.hiflofiltro.com/fileadmin/code/images/large/HF303+C.jpg i may try some others from NAPA and Autozone for my next change to save a buck or 2
  9. so..... i took the gas tank and seat off of my bike to run a hot wire to my passing lamps and decided "what the heck, let's look at the air filter." after i removed 9 screws (4 holes had been stripped out and screws were missing) from the lid i pulled it and found this piece laying just sitting on the front of the air box on a i noticed that there is no rubber seal between the lid and the body of the air box. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/IMG_20130430_065306_158_zps6f8ffa66.jpg i have no idea what it is or what it does and it just sits loosely on the front tit/post of the air box lid. anyone have any ideas what it is/what it does? do i need it? i can't see what purpose it serves. http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/airbox_zpsafa72d53.png i also noticed that there is no rubber seal between the lid and the body of the air box. will this create much grief? should i get one on-line? please let me know your thoughts....thanks in advance!
  10. BS and SBB was probably my favorite band when i was in school...loved him (and still do) my wife and i had the chance to see him about 15 years ago in pittsburgh and it was a great show (although his hair is t too short and now he wears old-man tennis shoes on stage). i'm sure he can still rock it and bet the show was awesome
  11. yah, that's kinda what i have been thinking. i'll have to figure it out. i am even thinking that perhaps to grind/buff down to nice shiny bare metal then polyurethane it... worst case no matter what will be to pull 'em and re-do them. thanks for the input fuzzy
  12. hey, thanks Freebird....i hate to be a tight-a$$ stickler (not) but i just couldn't see spending big bucks on something ($250+ ) for a lightbar. my concern is that they are rigid enough so that they don't bounce all over the place. after the 15 mile ride home last night (on a relatively bumpy road) i checked 'em out this morning and they are as tight as when i mounted them. i really like them and may try to get the brackets chromed so that it looks like it was meant to be on the bike.
  13. a friend at work gave me some old passing lights he had on his long-gone 750 virago. i have been wanting passing lights on my bike for a year or so but i refuse to purchase the light bar and i don't like the lights too close to the headlight. a friend of mine has a small fab shop and we fabbed up some mounts to that attach to the factory mount for my lowers...i think they turned out nice for very little $$ http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/IMG_20130420_220913_985_zps3454d504.jpg
  14. one of my co-workers has an '05 Vstar classic. He goes maybe 180# and his lady friend maybe 120#. They ride 2-up on day-trips all summer long. He had to buy a mustang seat and made some floor board extensions to make it a bit more comfortable. It's got the power for them to 2-up but probably not the best for cross-country
  15. oh brother, i don't envy you. death is the final act of living, we are all going to be there and although it doesn't make it any easier it sounds like you are trying to make the most of a bad situation. hold and relish the warmth of his hand....talk to him even if he doesn't hear. it will bring comfort to him and you. god bless you and your family as you are in our thoughts and prayers
  16. i'm in....
  17. at one time she was fairy-tail beautiful...not sure what happened but yeah, she's hideous http://cdn.motinetwork.net/motifake.com/image/demotivational-poster/0910/jenna-jameson-ugly-jenna-jameson-demotivational-poster-1256032057.jpg yes, yes we were
  18. i didn't read the article, but i'm pretty sure anything she uses has a kick-starter (with battery backup)
  19. heck, now it's only $2800....isn't the trailer worth a chunk of the $2800 ? Could off the trailer and keep the venture....win win http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/data/3/large/Yamaha_Update.JPG http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/data/3/large/Trailerupdate.JPG http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/data/3/large/YamRight.JPG heck, now it's only $2800....isn't the trailer worth a chunk of the $2800 ? Could off the trailer and keep the venture....win win
  20. I think this is bad-ass http://images.mautofied.com/adphotos/10152511_2012617111645.jpg i wonder if the op is ready to get back in the saddle.....brant1?
  21. i do because that's all i have...i spent a $100 on the motion pro and it was garbage. i spent $15 and it seems to work "ok". i want to sync w the vac gages and then check it with a real tool and see how close it is
  22. snag.... not sure how much the seat does but man, those tubes really open it up! i don't know whether or not i'll have to re-jet but i do like how she runs with these pipes http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/61527041-50b3-433a-b1cb-2ae0a3f9e581_zps68efd761.jpg
  23. thanks all for the responses. here is what it looks like on the bike (with my "new" jardines). seems nice enough but not sure how comfy it'll be as i have only put about 20 miles on it.... http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2013-03-10_18-18-51_64_zps58bc9f28.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2013-03-10_18-19-03_475_zps86a2d6ce.jpg
  24. nobody runs the mustang seat or is this in the wrong forum ( am not sure what gen this bike is) ...just looking to get any type of feedback on comfort level on this vs stock...they look very similar.. picking it up next weekend. thanks in advance
  25. i have a '96 rs boulevard. i like the look of of the bike but the original seat is horribly uncomfortable....horrible for rides much further 75 miles long story short i came across this seat. it has never been out of the bag and i can't wait to see how much of a difference this will make and how much more comfortable this will be. my question really is this...anyone out there have this seat on your ride? is it better than stock? thanks in advance http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2013-02-20160334_zpsd1c70039.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2013-02-20160442_zps1e886d91.jpg http://i124.photobucket.com/albums/p14/dbikers/2013-02-20160545_zps77a57516.jpg
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