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Black wing

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Everything posted by Black wing

  1. as silly as it may seem possibly the fly wheel is bad. if the magnets overheated, cracked or just plain weak from the factory they might not be strong enough to induce the magnetic field required. but before popping that off i would unhook every link in the harness and test each length and plugs for abnormal resistance.
  2. yes typically the first key turn after the bike has been off for a while you will hear it kick in and load up, but if it is still running the second or third time the pump is not getting up to pressure.
  3. if you can hear the pump that to me is an indication its not priming, or not getting fuel. because the petcock is on the opposite side as the kick stand it will fuel starve on the kick stand with fuel still indicated even with it on reserve. you should toss a gallon or two in and see where you get. if you don't hear the pump load up and stop after turning the key two or three times fuel is not making it to the pump and is either a clogged fuel filter (located under the tank between above the swing arm pivot) or the petcock itself is clogged up. its pretty rare for the lines themselves to be the issue.
  4. the diff is actually blue, its just moving really fast.
  5. i have a 91' vr with the ignitech. but this winter i am doing a huge engine build with full vmax kit and im looking for the best kit even if its a bit more expensive and the kit from the first post looks to be the most sure fire kit to work
  6. i wouldn't worry about that too much, the .5mm limit is the same on the MKI and they had vented rotors, the solid rotors on the MKII are pretty well safe until the pads start wearing excessively
  7. do you know if the guy who made the kit in the first post is still making these kits? ide love to get a set or two
  8. between the antique motorcycles and antique cars, when i die they will just turn my house into a museum
  9. with our favorite machines getting old and parts getting sparse i'm sure lots of us are squirreling away parts for a rainy day. time to show off your pack rat prowess and possibly even gen a little first get swap meet going here. there is also about 10 milk crates full of the oily and greasy parts in my garage i have 5-6 left hand saddle bag lids but no right hand lids, let me know if any of you have a right hand they want to trade for a left!
  10. i love finding stuff like this, a while back i bought a shed full of venture parts and two of the things that almost made me dance was a new clutch basket still in the box and a new never installed rear shock. finding these new parts is like winning a lottery only we give a damn about!
  11. oh for sure,though the only real difference i can find between looking at photos and from what limited specs i can find is that the stock rsv has a compression ratio of 10/1 (10.5/1 in the aftermarket kit) which could just be a slightly shallower piston face, and 10.5/1 in the venture. im hoping someone has a few stock pistons laying around to get real measurements off of, or someone who has run them in either or. also what i have dug up is that the wrist pin and all the piston rings are matching part numbers between the two
  12. will the pistons out of a gen 2 fit on a MK II or are there to many differences? the bore and stroke are identical, compression ratio between the stock mk II and the kit i want are the same. http://www.powersportparts.net/Wiseco_Forged_Piston_Kit_3_00mm_Oversize_to_82_0_p/4129113.htm and if there are any major differences what would be needed to make them work.
  13. well for sure you need to find where and how the head light circuit was patched and get a fuse in there. the corrosion in the join may be causeing the flicker and if you can smell burning the fuse should have popped and likely is the cause of the rlu failure. before you replace the rlu fix the fuse or you may cause another unit to break
  14. that almost says it is for certain the rlu, the two things i would do to rule out any other fault would be to replace the head light bulb and the fuse as well as check the fuse holder for corrosion. if the problem persists after doing that your RLU is on its way out for sure.
  15. my old venture used to burn the plug on the low beam, its usually a bad ground that causes the heat. check the head light harness and see if there are any bad connections to the frame.
  16. where is the coolant coming from? middle of the bike or under the rad
  17. so i am getting ready to do a vmax build for my 91 and am trying to decide whether or not to get a set of vmax heads or just have the venture heads ported and polished up to spec. are the vmax heads about as good as they get or would i still be porting those up to get the best flow?
  18. ya i would have gone with better shipping options but they wanted so much it would have nearly cost more than the cost of the parts and was way more than what it costs me to ship a much larger package from northern Canada all the way to Texas. had no idea they even offered a 33% completion option.
  19. so i ordered the water jacket joints i need to put my bike back on the road. they sent it ups, and now ups tells me they have lost it. so i called up boats.net's support center and was told that they will open a claim ticket but will not send replacement parts until the investigation comes back ( 8 business days minimum) and then they will send out new parts which will go through the same system again and another two weeks wait for it to show up minimum. so i definitely wont have the bike back for my wife's birthday weekend trip. and the real insulting part was them telling me i could re order the parts so i can get them on time and they will give me around 10% discount. probably some of the worst customer service ive gotten in a long time.
  20. http://canadiancruisercustomizing.ca/products/afterburner-led-headlight-direct-replacment-lamps this is the headlight i run and its the best setup ive run so far. crazy bright but still crisp enough that you can tune the beam and not blind oncoming traffic. and ive found led to be hugely more reliable than hid set ups
  21. thanks prairie, i always forget about boats.net they have such a crazy supply
  22. so now that i have my heads off it seems that the coolant plug that joins the water jackets through the head Part Number 22 on the parts listing is no longer available or atleast that i can find around here or on sites in canada, or the states. does anyone have a pair they are willing to sell? i really dont want to have to write off this engine over $50 worth of parts. http://cdn1.bikebandit-images.com/schematics/schematics/yamaha/yam002/4647_002.gif
  23. if only you weren't on the other side of the country i would probably come get it haha.
  24. yup im just ordered my gaskets today, going to rebuild. looked around for a spare engine and the only on in the area was going for $900, and even then its still a used engine so i dont want to risk it having any issues this one has.
  25. yup as i mentioned in the first post, no smoke, plugs are normal, oil is normal. only thing ive got to work with is losing coolant and exaust gasses bubbling out the top of the rad
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