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Black wing

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Everything posted by Black wing

  1. the pump is serviceable, there are two seals and a bearing in it that you should be able to pick up from yamaha. you get that timing belt sound from the bearing letting go and the shaft getting pressed into rubber seal. you can inspect it pretty easy. get a new o-ring for the outside cover and pop it off and look for any scoring on the face of the housing behind the wheel, and push on the sides of the impeller to see if it moves more than a couple mm in either direction
  2. well sounds like you ride through about as much as i do, so even though they are a bit low on mileage i have gotten 15K off one the 404's are the best all around tire in my opinion. or if you want to go real wild put perelli scorpions on the front and a bridgestone tw40 on the rear. though i only run those in the winter when im alone and not carrying cargo as they dont have the weight rating
  3. the Michelin commander II is the best highway tire I've run, but was not real great in dirt or cold weather. the highest weight rating i could find for towing a trailer, and hard enough to get good mileage on them
  4. those arent the carbs in the bike, they are just a set i pulled off the shelf at random to set up the tps before i pulled the ones in the bike. i will swap the flywheel and the bikes harness if the 4 coil is better i just want to make sure im setting it up with the best gear for when i do the vmax top end conversion
  5. mine did the same thing a while back, was a bad water pump. the sound will be loudest at the front right side of the engine where the little elbow to the thermostat is.
  6. i got my tps and will post how i got it mounted into the carb rack tomorrow, but will have to test my coil tonight as i think its gone bad since the ignitech is picking it up so far out of position EDIT: so i tested my pick up and it read in 97 - 98 ohms so a bit low. and the tps is now mounted so since it seems i will need a new pick up, which is better the single or four coil pick up?
  7. i only have one in decent shape for your year. not great but better than what you have.
  8. holy crap, its real... and still looks like a bad Photoshop. i think my brain just cant comprehend that the extension is really there
  9. snyper its just a photoshop they dont need to make sense. was just surprised to see our favorite ride on a modern ad
  10. at first i even thought it was a photo shop of tweety!
  11. there are so many of those things laying around repair is just not really worth it but if its required welding and resplining is the only way to go
  12. ive got about 20 of those laying around, pm your adress and pay shipping and i'll send ya one.
  13. results are bad for the moment, but my bike is not liking either map. see this thread for exact trouble shooting ive done so far. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?122487-ignitech-v80-not-firing
  14. now that is a good idea, i guess i'll head to the parts shop tomorrow. any idea which tps works best with this system? EDIT: this one looks like i could mount it directly to the carb rack http://www.highwaystars.net/sensor-throttle-position-acdelco/
  15. yeah its got the map sensor on it but im not getting a read from it when its running EDIT: so while watching the tps i figured out where the reading issue is. the voltage reads back wards to a real tps. so closed throttle is .019v and full is .009, but the v80 software wont let me set a smaller value as the 100% 0% 100%
  16. so im trying to hook my ignitech up to my new bike. i have re configured the plugs to run the 90-93 set up, using the up to date v80 software i can not get it to fire properly using either the old map set up or the new one(i copied it from the v88 software map). i could get it to run really rough for a few seconds but it sounds like its not picking the crank position properly. any one got any ideas? or if someone is in the edmonton area running a v80 on a 90s bike want to meet up and swap computers for a sec so i can verify mine is even working? EDIT: i got the bike to run by moving the channel advance up one position across the board, but it still runs like crap the tps is not recognizing movement at any rpm. it sounds like atleast one cylinder is not firing.
  17. wow the map is way different between the old and new versions
  18. it could be play in the rear suspension bushings. put the bike on the centre stand and use a pry bar to lift the rear tire while looking at the joints. if the rear tire moves up without the shock compressing the bushings are toast.
  19. here are all the files from 2013. looks like it has all the maps and set ups http://www.filedropper.com/download_button.png file upload storage
  20. i have a copy of the disk if you want me to send you the file
  21. ive gotten this but its due to extreme congestion, the pressure in my ears cant equalize and makes me dizzy when its really bad.
  22. found a set of vmax heads, just getting some more info on it to see if they are any good.
  23. did you take the grill off your rad and see if it took a nasty rock somewhere?
  24. put a **** ton of sea foam in the tank and some fresh fuel. take it for a little spin and see how much range you can get through and after the bike is nice and hot let it sit over night. do that two or three times. if it doesn't start to wake up the jets are probably clogged and need to be opened up.
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