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Black wing

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Everything posted by Black wing

  1. so just bend the little tab on the float up some?
  2. i recently rebuilt the carbs in the bike and now they overflow for no reason. if i put the bike up on the centerstand and shut of the fuel the bike become more responsive untill it begins to starve, i turn on the fuel and the leak stops for however long i feel like letting it run. i get on drop it off the kick stand and begin driving it begins pouring it out the overflow as fast as the pump can trow it. ive taken them appart again and hooked each carb to the fuel line manually and turned on the bike while pressing up on the float. the fuel flow stops as soon as the float presses on the valve. so the valves appear to be working. ive taken all the floats out and submerged them in fuel and will check on them in a few hours to see it they are sinking but they dont apear to be. any ideas on why this leak is being so intermittent and limited to the right bank only but all 4 carbs are running super rich.
  3. ya a full carb rebuild and the sea foam is in now, dont know why it keeps leaking on and off the way it is though the ride was a real blast, i just love riding but i was of course very nervous every time a car came out of a side road
  4. well today i got the bike all put together and running and took her out for a little rip, got in 50 km before the plugs fowled and i had to returen home, will pul the carbs tomorrow and test all my floats and valves
  5. what store sells them? there are no canadian listings i can see are champion plugs worth anything?
  6. so what do you recommend? what brand is the most reliable?
  7. i only plan on having these in for a month at most to get everything tuned so ngk should do
  8. i am trying to get a set of non resistor spark plugs, i can get them but without the projected tip. does it make a big difference on our bikes?
  9. oh the bike was missing it when i got it, i picked up the whole bike for $350 and rebuilt it now im just picking up the missing bits
  10. i need a right hand saddle bag cover missing on my venture, its a the brown cover with the chrome rack on it, any of you have one your willing to sell?
  11. it was a legitimate race the road should have been closed
  12. ok so i heard something kind of interesting today if i want a good spark get plugs without resistors. this give some noise feedback in the system but does this hurt our bikes? or are ours able to handle a little feedback?
  13. ya the left bank if bad is always really bad due to the lean on the kick stand, it looks like a full clean ahead of you. its fairly easy do do but you are looking at about 100 in gaskets to do the four of them.
  14. ok just to update i have finally finished the throttle assembly on rebuild, the crunchy noise was found to be the return cable had come out of the grove and was jamming up the works. now realigned and cleaned my throttle now snaps shut with authority:cool10:
  15. ya i will subscribe soon just with cash tight these days $ 12 means new plugs for the VR or a subscription here
  16. ya i will have to replace them all the PO has different kinds in the front and back and now are cracking too
  17. last night i was having issues with not all cylinders running at the same time, i had no to low fire on a rear cylinder so i popped of the cap while running to see if the was any change in idle. and as soon as the cap cleared the plug i got some good zaps so it would seem my caps and wires are no good. where can i get the best replacement?
  18. put in the new fuel line and got the wiring routed properly now, tomorrow need a couple more parts for my sync tool, video of first run soon to come
  19. well i took a week but i got the carbs rebuilt and everything together for a test run and this is the first fire up about 20 seconds after it started running http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k04fsurJAWc&feature=youtu.be
  20. can i take just the left side of the fairing off?
  21. my throttle is very sticky for some reason and i get a clicky-crunchy noise from the cruise control box just before its returns to no throttle. Is there any way to get into the cruse control box to see it its working properly?
  22. hey i have just one valve needle that isnt working anyone know where i can get just the one needle valve? edit: scratch that i fixed the old one
  23. well i learned you should avoid bady shops like the plague because if you are pulling into one you probably cant drive in the first place. well 2 and a half months ago i was driving by one near my home when i noticed a truck stop in the oncoming lane with his blinker on i figured since he stopped he saw me. then as i was about to pass he decided to turn i locked up my R1 and managed to slow just enough to slam into the rear of his truck shattering the front of my bike and breaking my wrist
  24. i ride a 1977 GL1000 naked class wing http://www.ngwclub.com/gallery/d/136539-2/Photo0216.jpg
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