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Black wing

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Everything posted by Black wing

  1. as a few of you may have noticed ive been buyin and searchin for a pile a parts for my venture so thought you guys might like to see how its going right after i put the carbs in no airbox or choke just bolt and crank [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI5R9FoR1bs]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qI5R9FoR1bs[/ame] this is airbox and choke on [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WVd2Cbxjo0]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5WVd2Cbxjo0[/ame] a shout out to MasterGuns in there
  2. the red one is mine the blue one is my dads
  3. i need a right hand mirror and 4 way flasher switch. any luck with those?
  4. thats the piece thats is suposed to go there but my hose has a different end on it, i wonder if mebey i done need it and im just losing my mind that it was there in the first place
  5. sorry for the wait on the pictures but heres what it looks like
  6. on the big shelf top shelf is jaguar parts, the middle is my 77 Gl1000, and the bottom is tires my air comp and my mig. the venture is under the desk and in the silver trays
  7. aright we all have em so post em up heres some shots of mine and you all get the see my Venture all stripped and naked
  8. so i just took a closer look at my compressor and just noticed my hoses dont match the diagram.. i have a hose with one male and one female end and one hose with two males. does my bike have the wrong assembly for the year? oh and daitan i would find out it the rear shock was leaking or your valves are not closing right, i that issue with mine ecept it was the front loosing pressure and i turned out my dessicant was so saturated i had water in the valves and was mucking up the system. so first get some de-greaser clean the hoses and rear shock till you could eat off them then try spraying it with soap and water like your looking for a tire leak if nothing from any connections or hoses i would try and block off the rear hose output with a bolt and an oring and leave it overnight and see if it reads in the morning. if it still has pressure in the morning i would say bad shock and if its empty i would say you've got a valve not closing right
  9. hmm i'll have to take a run to few shops tomorrow, but we havent got a lowes, wallmart has none, canadian tire has none, so i will try home hardware tomorrow
  10. i stupidly lost a piece of my compressor while cleaning it and of course its the only part discontinued everywhere http://www.partzilla.com/parts/search/Yamaha/Motorcycle/1986/VENTURE%20ROYALE%20-%20XVZ1300DS/LEVELING%20UNIT/parts.html if any one has a broken compressor laying around i need part 12 (its the double male end brass piece that screw into the compressor itself)
  11. gonna guess compressor and valves as well as class module
  12. engineers get all the fun jobs XD
  13. Black wing

    Is there

    were getting a little sun here, though i spend most of the day looking at it through the window at work. though atleast the welder is keeping my arms tanned
  14. ive been a sea-foam guy for years. though i would love to see what that techron can do
  15. those are supposed to have foam liners? and i love that usb idea
  16. if you had a kinked line all your carbs would dry up the lines between carbs cant really get kinked. (though i did once connect the fuel line to a overflow tube and flooded the cylinder ) but most likely cleaning up the end of the wire got it going again. if you get fire when feeding the carb gas and not when its running on its own it may be a stuck float try to just start the bike and tap on the bowl with the end of a screwdriver handle a couple a times. if still no luck on getting fire without feeding then your carbs gotta get rebuilt
  17. ya second on the new wires, did that to mine when i got it and i cleared up alot of issues, all you ned is 9mm or 7mm wire (cant remember im sure someone will correct me in a post lol) and ngk screw on caps. one you pop the sides of the fairings off you can get to the sides of the coils and there is just a cap you unscrew and the old wire pops out.
  18. a dime in the plug cap...? like in the spark plug boot?
  19. well i'm in for two if the price is right
  20. are those switches tough enough to handle the driving lights?
  21. what do you mean hung up? there is a bolt into the exaust behind the foot rest bracket that you remove through a hole in the plate itself, and then the clamp at the colector. after those two are removed it should just fall down and pull off
  22. ok so i'm rebuilding my CLASS and i got to the dessicant can i accidently exploded the dissicant across the shop though even if i hadent the crystals were so saturated most of them have broken down into a powder after years of neglect, but i cant find any of the good quality stuff around town. any of you know a good online retailer to get some?
  23. oh whoops, guess it was put on mine wrong when i first got it my bad
  24. that goes on top of the windshield rubber pointed up, and there is only one screw per (on my rig anyway) the other hole is for orientation
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