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Black wing

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Everything posted by Black wing

  1. i rewired it for the single pickup, and loaded the proper program. the only way i could make it fire was to move the firing order all down a position. ide love to try using one that is working proper, but there is no one out here with one
  2. well ive repaired the stock computer but still no luck with the ignitech
  3. nope its all proper, i tried setting it up last summer. stock computer worked perfect, ignitech would only fire on 3 and even then i had to move the firing order ahead by one just to get that. i think the pickup coil may be to far out of spec and is screwing it up but i just dont know for sure
  4. oh i did, set everything right. but for some reason i can only get 3 out of 4 cylinders to fire with it
  5. so my tci in my 1991 VR just gave up the ghost and is totally fried, the one i pulled out is marked as 3JJ-11, the only ones i can find are marked as 3JJ-00. i've got an ignitech V80 but it refuses to work on this bike even though the plugs have been configured for the single pick up. any one know if the 3JJ-00 will work? or if there is a way to get the v80 working properly?
  6. i would be pulling all the lines and replacing the o-rings in the fittings, if they crack you will lose air that way. if you find your solenoids are shot let me know ive got a pile of them here.
  7. yeah pretty sure its just rotating an orifice plate.
  8. if you think its actually ignition in the case have you run a pressure test on the cylinders? the only think that could cause that is a blown piston or ring.
  9. yup sounds sounds like your crank case vent is plugged up.
  10. radiators really aren't a big concern as long as its well protected. my number one for a bug out would be the ural patrol. followed by a triumph tiger or honda africa twin though even the first gen venture is still a great option, ive run mine into the woods to go camping, through torrential rain, snow storms, ive even crashed one real good and its always gotten me home and run like a champ the whole way. good on gas and still fast enough to out pace most others who may want to chase.
  11. neat design but looks like a chore to ride
  12. sounds like you may have over filled it a bit. ive found if these bikes are filled over the half way line they get super cranky
  13. good on them, but im stoked to hear the 491 are back i missed then dearly lol
  14. i am in the planning phase of building the vmax mod for my first gen and am trying to get to designing the exhaust system, but i cant really begin until i can figure out the real flow i am going to be dealing with. any one here know the numbers for the stock venture 1300 motor and the vmax? or able to teach me how to properly calculate it so i can get some accurate numbers for the expected outcome of the mods.
  15. soak the joint in MEK to get the tube out and cleaned and if you have a freind that works around airplanes the best sealer for that is pc-1750. otherwise use a fuel resistant sealer and hope for the best.
  16. if that is the rear right cylinder its coming from the hose at the top of the head and running down into the spark plug relief.
  17. the hole the arrow is pointing to is the water drain for around the spark plug. it lets water escape so it doesn't pool around the plug. all the oils and dirt that fall in there get flushed out with the rain water.
  18. make sure you shine a light in and make sure the other two arent just hard as a rock and hiding at the bottom or got broken and pushed into the jet at the bottom i have seen both happen. both will screw up your mixture when you put them back in.
  19. the tach will probably just take a while to wake up, ive always found them to be slow to respond after they sit for more than a few months.
  20. to get the air screw out if you haven't stripped the end, place the carb on its side and fill the hole with some good penetrating oil for a day or two. after its had some good soak time get a hair drier or preferable a heat gun and heat up the carb body around air screw. it should come out fairly easy then.
  21. do you need both brackets?
  22. those parts are still available through Yamaha and i would change the orings as well since they are cheap
  23. bought some wire ends so i can do my fuse box upgrade tomorrow
  24. i dunno i think you made up this whole story those things are held on with hatred and loathing
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