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Everything posted by bmxndad

  1. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=23754
  2. Just so you all know, this is what a "Polish Terrier" looks like.
  3. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/YAMAHA-VENTURE-MUFFLERS-EXHAUST-PIPES-LOUD-ROYAL-STAR_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ35596QQihZ015QQitemZ250278525245QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  4. Good work!! That is exactly what I needed to do myself, but was afraid of mucking something up beyond repair. Now that I know what the anatomy of this thing is, I will attempt to get it apart and fix it. I will update as to what I do. Thanks again. Ross
  5. Its the AM/FM antenna. The mount seems to be fine. Problem is where the antenna screws into that black piece. Ross
  6. My antenna is loose where it threads into the black piece with the chrome bezel piece. I can't get it to tighten or loosen because the whole thing turns, meaning the piece that threads onto the mount itself. Any ideas on how to get it off of there so I can get some loctite on it and thread it back on I don't mind it being loose but am afraid of losing it. Can I get an aftermarket antenna that just goes on the mounting bracket? Thanks, Ross
  7. I've had my 99 in an enclosed 5 by 8, had to take the trunk off. Its not convenient, but it can be done. Last couple trips, I've put it in the truck 6.5' bed, much easier.
  8. This is what I had done to my tips. I used the same packing as Gary N did.
  9. 1999 RSV with 33,000 odometer miles or (31,680) actually. I figure my odometer is off by about 4%. If my actual miles travelled is 100 miles, my odometer shows 104. Is this in the normal range? What are the remedies? Ross
  10. I would not buy a Metzeler tire, irregardless of where it was manufactured. If I had some on my bike now, i would take them off ASAP. Its not worth the risk!!
  11. I have loads of respect for this man's guidance. Ross
  12. So Steve. Just what was it that you were thinking?
  13. Did you go with the Barnett or PCW? The feel of the clutch you describe is the same as mine after putting in the PCW Kit. I don't even notice it now, I am used to it. If and when my clutch starts slipping again, I would not replace the fiber discs. After putting a micrometer on them, they were not worn at all. I think most of us could get by, just changing the spring.
  14. I was a little worried about my passenger being to yappy, but she has not been. She sometimes sees potential dangers ahead before I do. It is nice to be miced up with another set of eyes and ears.
  15. I might shoot up there for one of the days. Probably Saturday if I decide to go. Ross
  16. When I first got ours, I thought you had to key the switch to talk, I did not realize you don't have to key anything, they are always on to talk back and forth. If both are plugged in, can you talk in the rear and hear it in the front or is it totally dead? Make sure to check the volume switch on the left rear armrest. There also may be some settings on the radio control that may be affecting this.
  17. What's everyone think of this machine? http://spyder.brp.com/en-US/
  18. My ramps were bought off Craigslist, they are rated for 1000 pounds each. They fold in half and are arched. I can usually find a ditch or incline I can back up to, to get the rear of the truck down closer to the ground. I use one for the bike and set one on my left in case I need to put my left foot down. It can be done with one ramp if you find a good spot to back up to. It's always a good idea to have a spotter when driving on or backing off the truck, but I have done it solo. Some stores to check for ramps might be Northern Tool, Harbor Freight etc... A local bike shop should be able to order some for you as well.
  19. I have had good luck strapping lower than what most people recommend. I Don't use a chock. Just let the air out of shocks and tighten her down. Sarasota to Atlanta and never moved an inch. The seat tie down looks like a good idea, I will add straps there next haul.
  20. The PCW kit is the way to go. Around $160.00 shipped to my door.
  21. If I remember right, none of the people working on Honda Motorcycles will lose their jobs. Be making Honda cars instead.
  22. The powder coat is holding up fairly well. The finish has dulled somewhat from the heat cycles. Still look much better than that crappy finish that was on them.
  23. bmxndad

    Bub's tips

    The powder coat is holding up fairly well. The finish has dulled somewhat from the heat cycles. Still look much better than that crappy finish that was on them.
  24. I've been riding mine to work alot lately. RSV Freeway 75-80 MPH gets about 36 miles per gallon. Dodge Ram 75-80 gets about 17 miles per gallon.
  25. I would also like to add that the Works Shock is great. Its more money, but a better value in my opinion. No more air pressure to worry about and rides like a dream.
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