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Everything posted by bmxndad

  1. Has anyone ever straightened out the toe side of the shifter? Move it in towards the engine. It seems like it would clear up some room on the floorboard for setting the foot. Doing this might make it hard to get your toe on it. By the way, I always use both the heel and the toe.
  2. Any suggestions on places to stay nearby? Ross
  3. Good looking dog!
  4. Ross, Thank you for your inquiry. Our V4 engine design is complete and we are now making prototypes. We will be glad to send you updates as we progress. Our philosophy is to under-promise, over-deliver, so we won't be able to show too much until we're closer to production. If you're up for it, please tell me what type a bikes you've owned/riden, and what you like/dislike about them. Kind regards, Brian Case brian@motusmotorcycles.com Vice President, Design Director MOTUS Motorcycles 1500 1st Ave N, Suite R115 Birmingham, AL 35203 office (205) 314-3410 fax (205) 314-3414
  5. We loved ridin' in Arkansas.
  6. 95.7% of the time I wear my helmet.
  7. That is a fun ride.
  8. Is this sarcasm?
  9. bmxndad

    knob bolts

    Is it a M6 for the seat bolts?
  10. If you did not repack the pipes, you may want to consider doing so. I repacked mine and I liked the sound much better. Repacking material can easily be found on ebay.
  11. Get a copy of the Lake Superior Travel guide. It has a great 16"X 22" pull out map and a ton of detailed info for anybody doing the circle tour. Go to: www.lakesuperior.com to order the guide. There may be a charge, but it is well worth it.
  12. Was underneath the bike today and noticed my bell is gone. Key ring it was mounted with is still there though. Looks like the bell rubbed off a lot on the key ring. Does the pewter ring wear through? I like to have my bell swinging free. I am wondering if it needs to be installed so that it doesn't swing? Ross
  13. So whats the deal here? You load the MP3 files onto this thing and then it plays through the cassette player?
  14. http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20090308/ARTICLE/903080339/2055/NEWS?Title=A-ride-to-relive-her-youth-and-build-new-memories
  15. If this is your biggest worry the Venture might not be the best fit for you. These bikes can be a handful especially at low speeds.
  16. Google search this phrase: The bulletin number is M2000-008 and the part number of the kit is 4XY-TRUNK-CM-KT. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=25025&highlight=4XY-2847N-00-00 http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?threadid=13498
  17. I agree the permatex is good stuff. Repaired trunk cracks '99 RSV with it yesterday.
  18. I used the putty type (Permatex) on my trunk repair yesterday. Easily found it at Wal Mart. I am pleased with the results, it stays where you put it and no messy mixing. Very hard when dries. I have a '99 RSV and apparently the trunk mod was not done. I was getting a bunch of cracking working out from the rear mounting holes. I put thick rubber washers on both sides and used longer bolts. Should be good for a while.
  19. Lynyrd Skynyrd Confederate Railroad Kentucky Headhunters
  20. Being that you have to ask...... I would never be able to explain it to you.
  21. Yeah we are going. Probably Sunday.
  22. Lots of nice roads in Arkansas. In Northern part, hard to pick a bad road. If you see signs like this you are on the right road. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2292/2279651479_c557dbee4a.jpg?v=0
  23. Glock couldn't run at speed on the dry tires. I respect him more for slowing down and staying in one piece. Better than wrecking in front of guys running for a championship.
  24. Why didn't you tell your friend to get a job with Amsoil.
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