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Everything posted by bmxndad

  1. We are going to take a ride up to Biloxi from the West Coast of Florida. We want to spend a few days checking out the beaches and sights in the Florida Panhandle. Any opinions on which are the nicest beaches to see, the best roads to ride and some decent places to stay. Thanks, Ross
  2. I find myself looking away from the source, or beyond the source. If I am doing that, then I am not looking at the bike they are on. My wife has said the same thing.
  3. Try Rocky Mountain website. Ross
  4. Besides all that, they hold their air pressure very well. I was always having to air up the Metzlers. The Commanders not nearly as often.
  5. http://www.hokaheychallenge.com/index.html http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hot-Springs-SD/Hoka-Hey-Motorcycle-Challenge/169060858080?v=wall&ref=pymk
  6. Try it you will like it. The Heel/Toe that is.
  7. Does any body have any idea how many 2nd Generation RSV's were actually produced for sale in North America? World Wide? How many are still in service? For being such a dependaple good looking motorcycle I sure don't see many around. Any guesses, facts, opinions? Ross
  8. What size are the vacuum caps for the carbs on the 2nd Gen RSV? Its a '99 if that matters. Thanks, Ross
  9. Make sure you actually clean the resovoir. I kept bleeding and bleeding mine, but still dark. I finally took a good look in the resovoir and found I had a couple small clumps of dark crap. Got those out and finally got a nice amber color. Ross
  10. Please let us know what kind of date stamp you get on these.
  11. Anybody have pictures of these installed? Ross
  12. I am wanting and needing to get my carbs rebuilt. This guy quoted me with new parts for about $300. This price includes taking them off the bike and putting them back on. Goes by the name of Carb Doctor or Johnny D, he is based in St Pete. Anybody in this area heard of any his work? Thanks, Ross
  13. Does anybody know what size JIS this would require? After a short Google search the JIS drivers seem to be kind of hard to come by. Would like to know the needed size if I have to order one. Thanks, Ross
  14. Is the screw that holds the blinker lens in something different than a regular phillips head? I was trying to use a standard phillips screwdriver and did not have any success. I am trying to figure if mine are wallowed out phillips head or something different as far as the head goes.
  15. HUSKY
  16. Good Fun!!
  17. My feedback: Don't even consider Metzlers for an RSV. Lotsa threads on here on known problems with Metzlers on the RSV.
  18. How do you get a loan on a 1992 vehicle?
  19. www.starmotorcycles.com/calendaroffer
  20. Have you been talking about that new GoldWing in front of the RSV? Might be a reaction to that. Seriously probably just the clutch spring.
  21. Recovered?? No Recovering?? Yes
  22. Some of the worst riders on the road are riding the Milwaukees. It is kind of counter to what most people would think. He or she has a Milwaukee, must know how to ride safely and respectfully. This is not the case at all in many instances. I was getting tailgated bad by a pickup last week. When I fianally had a chance to pull over to the shoulder to let this ****head by, I notice he's got a "I Ride a Harely" sticker in his back window.....real nice.
  23. How difficult is it to hook up the wires on the gauges to where they get hooked up to? I would be interested in the entire package in aluminum. Would this include all needed instructions? Thanks, Ross
  24. Has anyone ever straightened out the toe side of the shifter? Move it in towards the engine. It seems like it would clear up some room on the floorboard for setting the foot. Doing this might make it hard to get your toe on it. By the way, I always use both the heel and the toe.
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