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About Dusty

  • Birthday 04/11/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ken Gillis


  • Location
    Belleville, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSV
  1. One more question, just because it doesn't make sense to me. I read that I should lube the final drive end of the shaft with Moly 60 and I understand that. But why is there an oil seal on the pumpkin end of the drive shaft if those gears don't sit in the rear pumpkin oil? Is it really a dust seal or does this spline need both lubricants?
  2. Thanks for this post. Once again lots of good information on this forum. I have pulled the wheels several times to change tires, but I always check this site for the reference before I start...just in case my old memory has forgotten something! I am just waiting for my new tire to be put on the rim and to pu the molly 60 paste from the Honda dealer. In the meantime I have pulled the drive shaft from the front coupling and the pumpkin...no problem. Everything has been cleaned ready for assembly. On re-assembly I have a couple of questions; Would it be easier to install the drive shaft in the front and then insert it into the pumpkin last. I have never pulled the shaft out of the pumpkin before, but I remember it being pretty tough to get the shaft into the front coupling. Note: The pumpkin end of the shaft was completely dry! How hard is it to get the shaft seal back into the pumkin? I plan to lube it with a little oil or grease. I am also waiting for leveling links from DR. Any information on lubricating the shock linkage or other parts of that assembly? I know there are some bearings etc that should be lubricated, just not sure of the procedure.
  3. thanks...I'll stay away from the crankcase until I'm due for the next oil change. I just found a local place that sells it, gonna give it a try this afternoon.
  4. I'd buy some off you but I won't be near Brantford for awhile. I do have a couple of questions. I have searced the forum for information on use of Seafoam but couldn't find much... Where in Ontario can you purchase seafoam retail? Where do you put it, crankcase, fuel tank and how much? Anything I can screw up using this product? Thanks
  5. I asked my dealer about warranty when travelling in the US. He explained that all I had to do was supply a US Yamaha dealer with my Canadian dealer info. They would then cover the warranty issues. From what I understand Yamaha US claims the warranty from Yamaha Canada. Haven't had to try it out, thank goodness!
  6. I had an 1979 750 SE that I left parked for a month with stabilizer. Complete tank of fuel drainded into the crankcase. Since then I shut mine off if I won't be riding for a few days. Like anything mechanical keeping it moving once in a while can't be a bad thing. However if I forget to shut it off, I don't worry about it. my two cents.
  7. Were you able to find it in Ontario or did you purchase it online?
  8. Nice guage. How hard was it to hook-up the water temp sender? Did the one they supply work OK?
  9. Last year I couldn't travel 10 minutes without my hand going completely numb, I mean useless to the point I was worried about operating the bike safely. Had my carpal tunnel operation and what a difference. I can ride all day without any numbness. The only trick was getting the operation done in the winter so I didn't miss any riding...
  10. Mine has three wires running out of it, red, black and orange. Not sure how it's wired as it was dealer mounted and installed.
  11. Looks good. I will join the order list. Guess that makes me the first Canadian order!
  12. Not sure if this is the same problem I had a while back on my 07. I kept having intermitent problems setting my cruise. Finally figured out my rear brake linkage/switch was not returning fully and kept turning the cruise off. A little spray lube on the rear brake linkage and no more problems.
  13. I ordered my cleaview lower for the same reason, I don't like to look through the windshield. My wife says the wind is much worse for her. She now wears a full visor.
  14. Same here! I set my speed by the GPS.
  15. I happened to be changing my rear tire this spring and found my rear pads to be in bad shape. I do check them regularily. Not sure if I inadvertenly changed my braking habits or something else changed because the rear inside pad seemed to go pretty quick after it got down to a certain amount of wear? From what others have posted, I guess I did alright for wear on an 07 RSV with 36,000 kms on it and never switched pads around. A lot of those kms are pulling a trailer also.
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