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    crab orchard wv, United States


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    crab orchard wv


  • Home Country
    United States
  1. some people may not like them,but for $50 i think thay look good,,also have yellow ones on the front
  2. i like the looks of the 3 or 4 rails..the 2 rails just dont look that good to me
  3. ok...
  4. no one has put any on there bikes???just need to know what ones will work
  5. i dont want the factory Yamaha 2 rails,,looking for 3 or 4 rail
  6. has anyone tryed the ones for the Kawasaki Vulcan ????
  7. i seen where some people talked about using the Valkirie Saddle bag top racks,,has anyone tryed to see if thay will fit,,or if anyone has tryed the JM top racks sold by Mutazu Motorcycle Accessories,,thanks
  8. it you have the right ones,,,lol,,,thanks
  9. the ones on the fork just below the light bar
  10. im looking for the ones that go on the fork,,below the light bar
  11. anyone have aset,,thanks
  12. the newer goldwing stuff dont work,i was told it would,sorry guys,,and thinks for all the input
  13. my 09 didnt have them when i got it,,can someone tell me or show me a pic where thay mount,,,some pic show mounting holes and some dont
  14. it's not a powered mike and it's just the standard 5 pin plug DIN connector
  15. yes i see that..i just dont know why it well not work with the cb..im lost,,,i knoe this sounds nutty i dont know anyone around that has a Venture...im in Beckley wv
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