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Cheesehead in flatland

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Everything posted by Cheesehead in flatland

  1. LOL Trying to measure by myself I found it to be about 54 inches across.
  2. I've got a trailer by Reese called the Backpacker (see picture). I'm looking for everyone's opinion about the size. Is it too big to tow with my RSV? I understand the need to control tongue weight (spare tire has been removed from tongue) and not to overload the trailer. I ask because I picked up an almost new car top carrier that I could mount on the trailer frame if I need to reduce the size. Just want to hear from the experts before I go through all the work. Thanks!
  3. Not sure if it's a replacement but I picked up a new (new to me) 2003 BMW R1150RT today. Only 10,500 miles and other than a few paint scratches, it's in great shape.
  4. Thanks for the advice. I'll definitely do some research!
  5. I think I may have found a replacement. Test rode a 2003 BMW R1150RT the other night. What a difference!!! So easy to ride, handles superbly, plenty of power. Only need to see if I can make the pillon as comfortable as possible for the Mrs. Anyone have experience with this model?
  6. While I like the comfort of the RSV on long trips, it's just really big and heavy for around town and I seem to do more around town riding than anything else. Has anyone changed from a RSV 2nd gen to another bike that is still good for 2 up riding, especially the passenger, and can give any suggestions about which bikes to look at? So far, others have pointed me towards the BMW R1200RT, Yamaha FJR1300 and Kawasaki Versys 1000LT. All drastically different from each other but they have their merits. I still want something with an upright seating position. I'm about 6' tall and 235 lbs so it can't be too small. Not sure what I'm going to do. Just looking for ideas. Thanks in advance, Ken
  7. You can click on a small X in the top right corner to close the "sign in" pop up.
  8. I had the same color Volusia, ended up trading it in on the RSV. I really liked the bike for around town but too much vibration on the highway. Not near as comfortable for the Mrs. I wish I kept it for short runs.
  9. Hopefully it's not too late. Have you looked at ebay for a rack? Here is a good deal on an OEM rack. http://www.ebay.com/itm/09-Yamaha-Venture-Royal-Star-XVZ1300-1300-TRUNK-RACK-CHROME-LUGGAGE-/311343165660?hash=item487d7fb0dc&vxp=mtr. Good luck!
  10. Just saw an article that mentioned Bondic, a new liquid plastic that only hardens after being exposed to UV light for a few seconds. Anyone ever use it? Do you think it might work on a RSV fairing? Here is the link to the article. http://gizmodo.com/super-glues-got-nothing-on-this-liquid-plastic-you-hard-1666641845 Here is the link to the product site. http://notaglue.com/
  11. Replaced the OEM shock with a Hagon and swapped in some leveling links this weekend. What a difference!!! It's like an entirely different bike. Handles much better and is actually easier to ride. Best change made to the RSV so far. :cool10:
  12. Watch this dash cam footage of a rider that rear ends a car and lands on his feet on the roof of the car! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vd_OuqUAaI
  13. I have this cruiser stand and use it on my RSV along with a lift adapter like the one made by Carbon One. http://www.venturerider.org/classifieds/showproduct.php?product=3728&title=carbon-one-standard-lift-adapter&cat=24 It works fine as a center stand when doing simple maintenance.
  14. Woot has a good deal on a Magellan GPS with free traffic and map updates for life. Not a motorcycle model but not bad either. http://electronics.woot.com/?ref=gh_el_2
  15. Ever see someone carry a motorcycle on their head and climb a ladder? Me either!!! http://jalopnik.com/this-man-is-using-his-damn-head-to-lift-a-motorcycle-on-1605019069
  16. I just replaced the original windshield from my 2003 RSV with a F4. If you want to cover the cost of shipping, it's yours. This way you can experiment with cutting a windshield and not risk too much. I won't be able to do anything until sometime after July 7. Let me know if you're interested.
  17. Good to know about the insurance paperwork. I wouldn't have thought of that. The insurance card I typically carry isn't enough?
  18. Thanks for the information but we'll only have about 9 days total so we weren't planning on too much time in Michigan. It certainly sounds like a great way to spend a weekend though. I'll keep that in mind for future rides.
  19. Thanks to everyone for all the information. Keep it coming!! Just another reason why this site is well worth the investment!! :cool10:
  20. Cool, thanks for the offer. We don't have a definite schedule but have reservations in Niagara Falls, ON for Monday night. Let's PM if something on Monday through Wednesday fits your schedule.
  21. Thanks! How was the ride on this route?
  22. Thanks for the info Mike. Planning on leaving at the end of the month.
  23. We're planning a trip leaving the Chicago area, going through southern Michigan and heading into Canada to spend a couple nights in the Niagara Falls area before heading back. The return trip will be a more southern route through New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. We're planning on staying off the Interstates as much as possible. Any tips on sites to see, things to do, etc? Any related motorcycle laws that I should know about for Canada or any of the mentioned states? Thanks!
  24. I passed an westbound 2003 RSV on IL 176 outside of Wauconda, IL today at around 6:00 PM. Someone on the site?
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