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lazy biker

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Everything posted by lazy biker

  1. you bet. i put in the other three no problem. but the left front one refuses to go.
  2. Hi Guys The wife tried no luck, looks like i might have to load it up and take it to the bike shop. Thanx for all your advise.
  3. Thanx all, still trying to get that darn plug in tried the gas line bit, but there is just not enough room for my fat fingers to fit. But I'll keep trying.
  4. thanx all, I still haven't got the plug in.tried the finger thing,can't get my fat fingers in there. i need to use needle nose pliers just to get the plug into the starting position.
  5. I Tried surgical tubing that didn't work, lower faring is off. I will hate to have to take of the rest of the faring just to get at that plug
  6. Alright i know spark plug replacement should be straight forward. But I've used every swear word i know, and I've even made up a few. I'm trying to get the new plug into the front cylinder on mt 85 venture royale. the other three went right in. do i have to take off the whole front to gain easy access to that spark plug. Pl;ease help, I'm at my wits end. thanx Lazy
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