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About Royalstargazer

  • Birthday 11/24/1969

Personal Information

  • Name
    George Balcewicz


  • Location
    Holly, MI, United States


  • City
    Holly, MI


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2005 Royal Star Venture
  1. If I remember correctly, there are two plastic alignment pins molded into the inside of the fairing cover that align with two rubber grommets above the headlight assembly. Maybe when you installed the fairing they were not aligned and being held out?
  2. Ok, here's the low down. I have an 05 Venture. When the bike gets wet, either by rain or by washing, I can't use the cb. If I do, the channel on the cb changes when I push the talk button. I've had the fairing open and cleaned all the connections and applied dielectric grease. Still have the problem. I have checked the ground connections for both the radio and the cb. They all appear (checking with a multimeter) to be good. I've cleaned the talk button with contact cleaner and re applied an electrical grade grease for switches. I'm at a loss on what to check next. The dealer suggested the display unit could be the problem, but over $800 is alot to spend for a guess. Anyone have any suggestions?
  3. I wouldn't say that. When I changed my calipers, I used the existing brake lines. I figured they would work till I could get a stainless steel one made up.
  4. Imagine how you could have been treated without there being a union at the other plant. There are two sides to every story. Both good, and both bad. With the way things are going in this good ole US of A, with the cost of living steadily going up, fuel cost sky rocketing, utilities going up, groceries costing more, and on and on. Just how fair is it that the companies continually looking to reduce expenses, ie labor cost, while paying CEO's millions. I ask you this, what is wrong with someone looking out for the worker?
  5. If your referring to the stainless steel trim around the glass part of the headlight, there are just tabs holding it to the glass, no screws. You will have to carefully remove it so as to be able to re-install it. Just had one apart to change the whole assembly to a different style headlamp.
  6. I think I bought mine from Harbor Freight. It works great. Just be careful on how much you remove from the front or rear when the bike is in the air.
  7. Ok, washed the bike today, and it happened again. The station changed when using the ptt for the driver and passenger. So, it appears to be a water related problem.
  8. Where's the bike?
  9. Joe, I did find one. Even the bonus witch flying into a pole.
  10. Does a witch flying on a pole count? If this counts then the next target will be your bike with a business sign that says "Venture" on it.
  11. Not yet. Have to wait till the next time it does it.
  12. No. Only when ptt button is pushed.
  13. It doesn't happen all the time, but here goes. I have an '05 RSV. When I use the CB talk button on the left handle bar grip, the CB changes channels. As I sit here, it just hit me to try the passenger talk button and see what happens, so next time I will. If I have the display set to view the radio and push the talk button, the radio changes channels going thru the preset channels. It is happening more frequent now but not all the time. I have had all the connectors apart inside the fairing and under the seat to clean and apply dielectric grease and still have the problem. Any ideas??
  14. Just replaced my Metzler M880 front tire at 21000 miles. Started to show uneven wear and a shimmy in the front at low speed. Have only ran the OEM Bridgestones before that and they lasted near 27000 miles each time. Trying a Dunlop D404 this time. I guess we'll see how it lasts.
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