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old hippy

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Everything posted by old hippy

  1. Thanks Hummingbird. I can't wait to see them in person. Lewis can I mail you a check like last time? This is Nance56 by the way. His computer was open so his loss.
  2. Prayers from me and Nance. I hope all goes well.
  3. Merry Christmas from me and Nance.
  4. Prayers going up from Nance and I.
  5. Do you have a total?
  6. one size large please. paypal on the way.
  7. Here is a pic of the beautiful belt buckle and shirt.
  8. Done. Not much, but hope it helps.
  9. Put us in the mix too. Sounds good.
  10. Ours are done. If they weren't wife would have a stroke. That's what she does for a living. She's ready for a break. Me too.(lol)
  11. Oberlin Inn for us also. Like being closer to Don's and the bike parking.
  12. Good news. Glad to see you up and about some. Rose, keep him line.
  13. More prayers from Nance and I. We are hoping for the best. Rose if you need anything we are only a couple hours away. Number is in our profile.
  14. Where's a good place to find a sheepskin for the seat?
  15. Wife's cousin came across this. I couldn't resist. 94 goldwing with trailer. Excellent condition with a little over 50k on her. Looks like I'm gonna need a bigger garage.
  16. Just talked to Linda. She said they are fine. The storm hit on the other side of the interstate.
  17. Just seen news clips of the airport and it looks like its pretty well trashed. Hope you rode it out Bill and let us know if you need anything.
  18. Can do Kevin. It'll be good to see you guys again. Hey Dingy. Where's my name and the wifes in your count? We'll be there anyway. See you all then.
  19. Sounds like a good idea to me. Nance and I will be there too.
  20. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Nancy and me. We hope to see you around next year.
  21. Nance56 and I have had two girls, Lucille and Maggie Mae. Lucille was the 88 that I got hit on and Maggie Mae is the 92.
  22. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family. May you be strong in your time of need and lean on this family to help you thru.
  23. You have prayers from me and Nance as well. By the time your well maybe you will have a good ride again. 1st gen style.
  24. We're staying at the Oberlin Inn. So sorry Vinnie that you and Sam can't make it. It won't be the same without you two. Who will be in the mower races now? Is Lina coming?
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