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Everything posted by af226

  1. Thanks a bunch. I will have to give the air blasts a try. I have had a good mix of seafoam in the tank since I bought the bike but the one carb seems to still be sticking off and on. I hope it works, the last thing I want to do is pull the carbs:fingers-crossed-emo
  2. I have an 85 Venture that has the old overflow leak going for it. I have just recently finished putting it back togeather. I did not take the carbs off though....mostly cosmetic work. I have not yet tried the yammer dan 2/3 seafoam 1/3 gas yet, at the fuel pump, but I think that is next. The only thing to cause over flow is a sticky float right? The bike seems to run OK, but doesn't have the getup and go that it should....it seems to surge under accel and pops/small backfire on decel??? I'm positive its carb/fuel related....ideas...check the oil for gas and all is good, other that the small overflow leak and performance? thanks, af226
  3. Cool I will have to keep an eye on it the overflow. It only happened once and stopped, I think the seafoam will do the trick....as for getting the diaprams back togeather for more than a few minutes any idea on what type of epoxy to use?? Not sure about the JB Weld.....I appreicate the info. Master bond EP41s-1, ideas where to buy in Ontario, Canada?
  4. I agree that the above Master bond EP41s-1 sounds excellent, where would I get it in a convenient size????? They list the product as 1/2 pint as the smallest?? Way to much. Of course the Canadian Tire dudes say JB Weld....would any epoxy do? I believe the float is the issue as the fuel was running out the over flow of a left/clutch side carb....currently soaking with seafoam....we shall see if it gets un-stuck:) otherwise a carb cleaning/rebuild will be required.....not looking forward to that. As for fuel in the crankcase???? Not sure, I guess it must have been a mis read:) Thanks for the help and info....this site has helped me revive my oldie and of course keep the ongoing maintenance up.
  5. Ok, last fall I had an issue. The carb diaphram slide assembly were completel apart on all carbs. I pressed them back togeather as they seem to be a tight fit. Alas one quick ride today, first since presing them back togeather and apart they all came again!! Is there a sealent/glue/epoxy that I can use to bond the aluminum collar to the black plastic sleeve and in turn keep the diaphram locked/pinched between the two plastic collars??? Its gotta work in a gas rich enviroment of course. Also would the diaphrams being all apart make the carbs overflow?? I had a fair bit of gas flood out onto the muffler and the ground when I pulled over along the road during my test ride???? Thanks
  6. Thanks to all you great venturers!! I will have to have a better look at it this weekend. I will post my findings....I think it may be dirt/moisture, I have a small crack located on the lower left corner of the gauge cluster..... Thanks again for the info!! Brad.
  7. I started my 85 and went for a spin around the block. Everything seems fine the RPM is moving and the odometer turns but the speed needle does not move any more?? It was working ok the fall. I checked the connection at the front wheel and its on and tight as it should be if the odo works:confused24: Ideas?? Thanks.
  8. I think it may be mac. There are definately no Jardine stamps on them. Just wondering what they were. Thanks. Brad
  9. Just looking to ID my exhaust. I love this bike and have been riding it for awhile. I ran into a guy with the same bike only an 84 and he had the stock exhaust. Very nice. I of course started to question what I have. I always try and get as much info as I can. The pipes have no markings that I can see, they do however shine up nice and look great, just wondering the advantage of aftermarket over stock, or if it is just a case of the stock were to bad a shape and these were cheaper?? Do they offer any advantages? Thanks, af226/ Brad. [ATTACH]73762[/ATTACH]
  10. I just got my new hand pump from Harley. NICE!! Best $60 ever! I have a 85 Venture, its the standard without the fancy compresser and radio:) What is everybody running the front and rear pressure at? I'm 250lbs and I usually carry 20lbs of "EXTRAS" in my luggaage. Looking for the best ride. I put 12lbs in the front and 12lbs in the rear. Felt soft?? Ideas??
  11. I think i'll do the Kuri offsets....will wait on the handgrips. Tx all.
  12. Would it fit an 85?? I've been looking!!
  13. To start off. What size is the bar on a stock 85 Venture? The grips need changing. I have the stock style rubber ons on right now but was thinking of going to foam. I always ride with gloves. Insight? What works best, and bang for the buck? I was looking at highway pegs on ebay. http://www.ebay.ca/itm/Heavy-Duty-Universal-Yamaha-Chrome-Gold-Inlay-Highway-Pegs-Footpegs-1-1-1-4-/271114329183?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item3f1fac5c5f&vxp=mtr They look really cool. Anyone have experience good or bad? Of course the price is right. Thanks Brad
  14. Well I put it all back togeather as it should be. The rings around the small metal shaft pinching the diaphram with the rear one right way around and it seemed to snap into the black sleave and stay tight. Sprayed everything including the dog with carb cleaner and put it all back togeather. WOW!!! Now I remember why I bought this bike.....pulls hard all the way around. I will run it for a while and then take it apart and see if the slides are coming apart again. If so I will lock it togeather with sealent as mentioned above....It may be ok....not sure you can ride a bike harder than I just did for 30 mins.....good thing there was no OPP around:) Thank you everyone, again this site is a great place to get info!!
  15. That is what i mean. I put it all togeather and it seems to fit tight but with a little back and forth with my fingers and the whole assemble will come apart. Any ideas on how to hold it all togeather? This must have happened to someone before. I was thinking of glue. It would hold everything togeather. Not sure what would standup in a gas rich envroment though?? I'm open to ideas. It would seem reasonalble that the PO did this seeing as the diaphrams look new!!
  16. Thanks for the info. When reassembling, should the 2 outside and inside rings that pinch the diaphragm be locked together with the black sleeve somehow? Currently, all pieces are completely separated. Do they need to be glued? or pressed together? Thanks again.
  17. Ok so I took the side covers off the carbs and wow I should have started there. The back 2 were seperated by and inch and not pinching the diaphram. The front 2 were in peices and completely apart. On a good note all 4 diaphrams look in new condition. My question is can I just re-assemble and put back togeather? Should the slide assemble come apart like that? To me the rings that pinch the inside of the diaphram should be tight and not just gome apart?? Maybe the PO took it apart and changed the diaphrams? No damage or pry marks on the slides at all and the diaphrams look perfect. Ideas? When I reassemble how do I make sure the rings don't seperate again? Thanks, Very Cool, I love fixing things!!
  18. So I thought I had it licked but back to the drawing board I guess. My 85 is kinda new to me. I bought it awhile ago but until the summer I just sat and waited for my attention. PO needed money and it was to good a deal. I have done alot of work thus far, from draining the gas tank to replacing the fuel lines and filter and ran a can of sea foam thru. After the filter was changed it seemed to run better but today I went for a good 200km ride and its not fixed. I have not opened the carbs yet. I was hoping to avoid that, seafoam has worked on other bikes I have owned in the past.....I believe the bike sat for 2 years ish before I got it. On the road it pulls ok up to 4000rpm then dies....like its running on pilot jets. Check the plugs and they are black? To much fuel? New air filter. The bike starts and idles perfect. Just won't pull on the road, I mean these bike were known to pull.....hell its a vmax motor....ideas as to why it would run aok up to 4000rpm and then die's out....hard to stay at 100kms/hr in 5th?? My Buell would go 100 in 1st/2nd!! HELP! Any, even bad imput is ok with me:) Does someone in Ontario excell at carbs? My budget is kinda tight and it seems to be a big job if the carbs need to come out according to my searches on the site. Thanks a bunch!!
  19. Just watched Motoring 2012 on TSN and they were talking about Ethanol fuel in carburated engines. Ethanol causes deterioration of rubber carb parts. Any ideas as to which gas stations sell regular gas with no ethanol in Canada?? Learned something new today!!
  20. I put the washer/spacer on the wrong side. Slide out the axle and move it to the outside of the rear brake brace from the wheel side and all is now aok. Thanks everybody.
  21. whoops! I think I figured it out.
  22. Just replaced the pads on the rear of my 85 and now the rear wheel needs alot of convincing to turn. I had to clamp the caliper to get it back on the wheel. Put it all back togeather easily enough. Will it wear down and let loose after a long ride? Its a little hard/near impossible to push it back into the garage. Thanks for the advice.
  23. Is this battery still the best choice? The connector looks like a side mount. My OEM is a top mount. I can get one locally from East Penn for $165cdn. I need to replace my battery and research on here seems to point to the Deka as the best choice, mind you most of the info is a few years old. Thanks.
  24. I just picked one up at CDN Tire in the power sports section. As long as its the same size connector for size of fuel line and you get the in/out the proper direction all should be good. Made a big difference.
  25. http://www.countlessbargains.com/venture/1985_XVZ12D_N.PDF Page 47. Part #40 or #28 more likely is what I rounded out?? Ideas?
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