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Everything posted by cliffno350

  1. almost believable:mo money::mo money:
  2. Kurt827 has had a very bad run of luck. After laying down his bike down earlier this year, he has been very sick recently. We just got word that Kurt has been in the hospital for about a month. He had the flu. Then was still complaining. Put him in the hospital find his galbladder needed to be removed. Then still problems and more testing showed problem with his pancreas problems. He has been a very sick man. I managed to get him on the phone today. He is home as of yesterday and hopefully on the mend. He is weak being down so long. Thought everyone would be interested in his wellbeing. If anyone is interested in sending get well card, let me know and can get you address.
  3. :crackup:
  4. I have been following this thread to see what you come up with because my 88VR has been getting around 28 or 30 mpg US solo 70 mph freeway, the 83 Venture standard I had got 40 to 45 (riding style changes, changed mileage) had considered getting a colortune but with your experience I will wait, I did however check my air jets yesterday and found an emulsion tube was loose, completely loose so off they came fixed that and checked sync which was way off, guess that tube had been loose for a while, if wind ain't up today will check mileage again. with your gas prices you need my sons nighthawk 250 which get 77 to 80 mpg (with him on it, 100 pounds) lol. will let you know what I find.
  5. our prayers go out to the family... Cliff, Jess and Kenneth
  6. thats what:beer:
  7. Congrats imho that is very much what is called for great job, whats next???? :beer::beer:
  8. very nice bike I didnt see it but just as well couldnt afford anyway but very nice looking bike congrats..
  9. here are a few pictures if I can get them sized the resize utility didnt work with "vista" so see what I can do. btw pic five is part of reason we were laaaaate lol Kenneth is a late sleeper rock not to far from chip hahaha
  10. Sorry we were soooo late the time change and snow and rain and ....... anyhow we rreally enjoyed meeting those we did and will try to get there earlier next time, however we dont feel you have any thing to be sorry about they said they would take care of us and didnt so not you fault enjoyed the ride none the less. 834 mile round trip.
  11. I think/vote to let akrefugee have this one his was very close..?? and he can pic next target????
  12. what he said and check sync on carbs
  13. Id offer assistance, as been has given to me and by me in the past, to and from anyone nomatter what they ride or even if they ride, no reason not too, been robbed at gun point once but wasnt by a motorcyclist or even by someone needing help, helped out a gal once that was probly a scam but just gave her gas and a burrito maybe she got thorugh a rough spot?? If I can help I will.
  14. I personally havent seen any free roaming giraffe's nor have I seen any motorcycles in a zoo.....:rotf::rotf: But I may try it ....
  15. Not sure how to get my bike across that pond between here and Africa.....
  16. I just wonder whats next I think there is an inquiring mind around here somewhere.... Im just not sure where I put my mind last :beer:
  17. found it in 05 when bought a 83 basket and trying to figure out how to put back together did a search on msn for "venture" found here got it together and then asked "what up with 2nd gear, then tried to log on after a hiatus and found out about the crash and here I am everyone here deserves a pat on the back thanks Don...
  18. Have you checked to see if all wires have spark? I would check that for sure winter gremlins and all .....
  19. Didnt put a coaster under the kickstand is the problem
  20. the book say apply 12 volts and should have 2.5 volt out dont remember which pins are which but can look if ya need me to.
  21. very nice bike, I would be happy with that lift tough
  22. cool going animal :beer: thats a cactus
  23. hook line and sinker, but I will look for dvd or pirated version on the net.. :rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf::bang head:
  24. I have put stock sportster mufflers on a few different bikes 750s and a 500 honda they are usually super chep on ebay and easy to build (if you have to) mounts for, should probably fit the 850 as well. and sound nice too not loud. heres a cheap set if your quick http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Sportster-Mufflers-Excellent-Condition-NO-RESERVE_W0QQitemZ160222688317QQihZ006QQcategoryZ35573QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem if not here another http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/80-83-Harley-Davidson-Sportster-Tapered-Mufflers_W0QQitemZ130209437087QQihZ003QQcategoryZ35573QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  25. want too but not for sure but maybe and maybe 4
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