I tried SeaFoam in my ’99 RSV this week. After seeing the rave revues of the product here in the forum I said “Why not?” Within 15 miles I felt a noticeable increase in power. My records indicate that I had been averaging just over 37 mpg. On the first tank with SeaFoam I got 40 mpg and on the next tank without SeaFoam I got just over 40 mpg. I talked with my friend Scott Bartley of Knuckleheads Motorcycle Center, an independent sales, repair and self-service shop, here in Chambersburg, PA. He deals mainly in used motorcycles and aftermarket parts. He tells me that one of the first steps in preparing a used cycle for sale it adding SeaFoam to the fuel, especially one that has been setting for a while. What a great product, thanks to all the forum members for relating their stories about it.
When I talked to Scott yesterday he recommended another product that the forum members should be aware of. Has anyone tried Bike Brite? Just spray it on and hose it off with a strong stream. I was amazed by how it made the chrome, paint and vinyl shine. The windscreen needed a quick wipe with a soft towel to remove the last of a weeks worth of bugs and I just towel dried the rest. I am as impressed with it as I am Sea Form. You can contact Scott for more info about Bike Brite at “bikeknuckleheads@aim.com”