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dfitzbiz last won the day on May 25 2021

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177 Excellent

About dfitzbiz

  • Birthday 12/18/1952

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    Chambersburg, PA, PA, United States


  • City
    Chambersburg, PA


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Hunt, Fish, RIDE
  • Bike Year and Model
    2003 RSV & 2003 RSV Trike

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  1. I have leaking rear shock on a 1999 RSV, hoping to get on your list to have the rear shock rebuilt,  if you are still rebuilding them.




  2. Hi dfitzbiz,

    You would be so kind as to send the process from this old post please?

    Used 5w shock oil. May experiment with 10w and 15w oil to slow the rebound. Total cost of repair---oring $1.64 + shock oil $2.00= $3.64 plus my time (about an hour). If anyone would like to me to take a shot at repairing their leaker send me a PM.



  3. Hi,  Hoping to get on your list to have the rear shock rebuilt on my 2000 Venture. Please contact me with an address or phone # and I will send my shock your way.  Sure appreciate this.    Scott Wical

    sswical2@hotmail.com.    (509) 951-9486

  4. I need the shock for my 99 RSV rebuilt if you are still rebuilding them
    Please contact me at olefrog@charter.net
    Thank you


    1. Ole Frog

      Ole Frog

      I still need a shock rebuilt
      I bought one but its bouncing just as bad
      Are you still rebuilding them?

    2. dfitzbiz


      The repair I do is to replace the O ring above the lower clevis and replace the suspension fluid. The repair doesn’t address any other issues. This repair cost $100, via PayPal, in advance, as friend/family to dfitzbiz@yahoo.com, and that includes return freight to you.

      My address is:

      David Fitzgerald

      102 Pheasant Circle

      Chambersburg, PA  17202

       Let me know how you would like to proceed.  Thanks

      Dave Fitzgerald cell 717-873-7992

  5. David

    I needing your services. I have a RSV 2008 need the rear shock rebuilt it's leaking oil. You can reach me at my email: ussaezcar@gmail.com or call me at 407.412.3774



  6. Hi.  Trying to contact Dave (dfitzbiz). I would like to get on your list for a rear shock re-build for a 2000 Royal Star Venture.  I am in the Spokane Wa area, and will send my unit to you. Please advise as to cost, and address to ship my shock to and I will get mine on the way shortly. Thanks much.  Scott Wical.  (509) 951-9486.    Sswical2@hotmail.com

  7. I am in need of rear shock rebuild on 2006 Yahama Venture. could you do this or do you know someone who does

  8. I have a 05 venture with a slow air leak in the rear shock.Is that something you could rebuild?


  9. Rose Mary and I are in for the rally. We will be arriving Thursday and staying in cabin K15. We are looking forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
  10. I'm looking to get a rear shock rebuild or buy a rebuilt one could you help me out?

  11. Mr Bill needs a rear shock rebuilt for a 2007 royal star venture midnight can you help me 

  12. Sorry, just back from traveling. Catching up. I'll be in touch.
  13. UncleDJ, I just bought a 2006 5th wheel camper. The battery was dead. Checked it out and found it was boiled dry. The converter (120VAC to 12VDC) was bad putting out nearly 18 volts. I guess the PO was pretty lucky he didn't burn it down. You might want to check your d/c output if you plug into an a/c electric box.
  14. No funnin Carl, looking forward to next year and hoping for better times.
  15. When I saw the title of this post I thought it was about @Marcarl. But it was only about the steering head nut. We miss you brother Carl.🤕
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