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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Tring to find a room in the Oberlin area for those dates is difficult. I did find one, but the Oberlin Inn was all full up, and the clerk even volunteered that some of these VR guys are shacking up 3 and 4 deep in a single bed room:rotf: I have to believe that on this same weekend there must be High School graduations, and Oberlin College graduations, and other things going on. I finally got a room up in Amherst, so I will be closer to my room after the Friday night dinner in Vermillion.
  2. I was planning on going to the first 2 places...but what is happening at the Nelson Motel...or dare I ask ????
  3. Careful Don, it is a box of Roo poo !
  4. I tried to find the auction page, and it shows no entries at this time. How am I supposed to bid...when the t-shirt is invisible ???? Is this one of those Harry Potter cloaking t-shirts ? If I wear it, can I ride down the road being invisible ???
  5. Brian, oh my gawd...Brian...here we go again. Last time I helped you work on the '89 Venture, you did not have a can of WD-40 in sight, and now you want to use a relative of that on a K&N air filter ??? What is WD10/40 anyway, BRIAN ????????? It is called...WD-40...not WD10/40. Geez, we can't leave you alone for 10 minutes without something weird happening in Buckley. Okay, to answer your question...if you do not have a can of K&N air filter recharger spray handy...which I do have...then you can use Marvel Mystery Oil...and they do make it in a spray, just for YOU. Love ya, brother.
  6. Hey...wake up ! There is only one week left until the first available dinner date with me. It is next Wednesday, May 8th, in Redding , Calif. Any takers ?????????
  7. Bull, that is cool, and sweet. Congrats to her...for finding you:cool10:
  8. It appears that there are many riders on this forum that are either prepared, or willing to get prepared. Maybe we could form a more friendly union ( oh wait...that is from one of our nations douments, isn't it?) Maybe we could form a VR survivalists network, wherein those that "want" to join in can share info, tips, ideas, and...locations...discreetly, so that if that proverbial stuff hits the fan...we can be some of the last people standing, or riding, per se. If you seriously think about it...and I honestly do not dwell on the thoughts...but if roads are blocked and transportation is in short supply, and gas is cut off...it will be the motorcycles that are able to get around...more fuel efficient...smaller in size to dodge the road blocks, etc. If interested, without going crazy on this, we could ask Freebird to set up one more tab somewhere on the VR site, to allows us to link to a VR survivalists page. Personally, I feel secure that the world is not going to come to an end in my lifetime. But...it is better to be prepared, than to suffer through it.
  9. Okay, I will take the couch...if there is one. (a joke here) See the postings for things like this room show up on the East Coast before they hit the West Coast. If MarCarl had not seen this posting hours before me, I would have jumped on this king bed...and probably bounced and hit my head on the ceiling. So, since his cuttie-pie is not coming with him, I will either take tyhe couch, or the hide-a-bed. Darn Easst Coasters always got the postings early. Like...three hours ealier than us on the better Coast.
  10. While I am not really into the survivalist thing, I do believe in being prepared. Lunkily for me, I have a good sized piece of property, up on a hill, surrounded by other peop,le that are survivalists, and I have the worlds greatest private well, that I have bought a hand pump to mount on top of. I have a 500 gallon propane tank above ground, and a 5000 propane tank under ground. Almost every major applicane in my hosie can be run on propane. I have a 13k watt permanent stand-by generator, lots of animals I can kill and eat if I need to, and...a large arsenal to fend off strangers. There has even been talk by some folsk on this hill that if it ever came to that, they would fall a couple large tress at the bottom of the hill, blocking access for any cars to come up...or down, and we would keep anyone that does not live up here away from all of us. My wife and I figured we could live off what we have for at least 2 years, before needing to go rob our neighbors.
  11. Okay, Brian, you asked for it............ Your neighbor may possibly belong to the same cult that has many members in our area...the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. It is based in Yelm, WA., and they have a large membership base. One of the teaschings of this cult is to build an underground bunker on your property, and to fill it will survival provisions, so that "when" the proverbial stuff hits the fan, these people will be some of the only ones left standing. Another one of their teachings is to have a property that is at 500 foot elevation, or higher. For that reason, 50 % of the farms and ranches that are on the hill I live on...are owned by people from this cult. My immediate next door neighbor is THEE architect for Intel corp, and he designs their buildings all around the world. Since he moved in, in late 2008, he has spent over 400,000 dollars on the brand new underground bunker in his back property. The large unit has 2 foot thick concrete walls, 2 foot thick concrete floor, and 2 foot thick concrete ceiling. It has over $ 60,000 of customized cabinets inside. The day they poured the concrete for this bunker, there were 18 concrete trucks that made deliveries that day...I counted them, as we live on a private road. Also...Linda Evans...from Dynasty tv show, was there to help pay for all the concrete, as she is a member of this cult. And Clint Eastwood was there with her, but he is not a member of the cult. He was just visiting Linda Evans. It was a fun day to watch your neighbors. Miles:backinmyday:
  12. Pervert
  13. Let's see, this would be my second day on the road for this trip...having ridden 1000 miles the first day, and a 1000 miles the second day...and you are asking me WHY I don't want to ride an additional 228.79 miles to get a free meal from you ? Really ? First, I thank you for the offer of a free meal, but the deal was that I am buying the meal. Second...when was the last time that you rode back to back 1000 mile days ? Eh ? Third, if I ride that extra 228.79 miles and land in Kentucky, then my mileage on Friday will be cut too short, and I will have far too much time by the poolside in Martin, TN, waiting for the Frog Legs to be cooked:rotf:
  14. Contact David Hall, he is on this forum, and ask him. I just gave him a second set of the OEM lowers that you want...when I delivered the bike to him yesterday.
  15. Okay, for those interested in participating in the "My Dinner with Miles" program, or...in the case of Rick (SilvrT) that just wants a free meal...anyway he can get it...here is the itinerary for my first two rides. Ride # 1...ride down to Nor Cal to have my bike seat done by Rick Mayer. *Arrive in Redding, CA. on the evening of May 8th, and available to have Dinner anytime after 6:00 pm. Ride # 2...ride to B2Dad/B2Mom barbeque on Dresden, TN. *Arrive in Rock Springs, WY. on May 15th, available for Dinner after 8:00 pm *Arrive in Columbia, MO. on May 16th, available for Dinner after 8:00 pm. Arrive in Martin, TN. on May 17th, dinner with the gang of frog leggers Arrive in Dresden, TN. on May 18th...eat a bunch of Crappies *Arrive in Ogallala, NE. on May 19th, available for Dinner after 8:00 pm *Arrive in Ontario, OR. on May 20th, available for Dinner after 8:00 pm. If the arrival has an asterick * in front of it, I am available to have Dinner that evening. I will know my specific motel/hotel within a week, as I make reservations, so let me know if any of these locations work for you. If no one shows up, then I am stuck with day-old pizza, in a squished box. Miles:backinmyday:
  16. Brian, oh Dear Brian...I am more than happy to ride up to have a meal with you. You live so close to me, that it could be breakfast, or lunch,. or dinner. Gee...an hour away, won't even get the engine up to temp.
  17. Lubbock is also a little south of where my ride takes me in May. If you want to ride a couple hundred miles north, out-o-texas...then we can make that work.
  18. Bob, oh Bob...first, I still have that R/R waiting to hand to you. I will give it to you in Oberlin, Ohio. Second, of course you, of all people would choose the dates that WE are all getting together anyway for dinner, which is a group dinner gathering on May 17th in Tennessee, and a group dinner gathering on June 7th, in Ohio. Now, you know that these pre-arranged group dinners that are part and parcel of the larger VR events do not count as part of the Dinner with Miles program. You just want to stick me with the bill for 50 people eating together ...nice try Bob. I will be at both of those dinner gatherings, but YOU need to find a time and place away from the maddening crowd to have dinner with me, to qualify for the free dinner.
  19. Steve, that is a very nice offer, but...you live at the wrong end of Tennessee for my trip in May. Why not come out to western Tennessee, and join in on the barbeque ?
  20. Kevin, I am going to make an intentional ride up to see you, and we may be forced into including that yaahoo that lives east of you...Rick. But I will get up there and have a meal with you, and Rick, or...you...then Rick. That would just be a day ride for me. Half day up...half day abck home.
  21. Bill, Ropesville is too far south for my teip to and from Tennessee this next month. I will be riding north of you, both directions.
  22. AngryAmish, it has been a very long time since I have been lost, when riding. Sometimes I have to ask for directions inside my local Home Depot, but the employees all tell me that I know where more things are than they do, so I am on my own. I rarely get out to the Gulf Coast of Florida anymore...but I will keep that in mind. I am more of a cold weather rider, and try to avoid the heat and humidity. Thanks though,
  23. Go back and look at the video again. You will see that he has raised his handlebars as far up as he can, tilted them up, so they are not in the regular riding position, but in more of an off-road moto-cross position, for beter handling in tight corners. I have also seen guys on GL-1800's do it on the same course.
  24. Yes, it does look well equipped. But as Dooder already stated, it was well equipped with all Vetter add-ons, and that 8 track tape player. I loved those old 8 track players. That was the cool thing to have back then. Nice looking bike, and the Vetter fairing and bags were top 0' the line back in those days. I know Craig Vetter quite well, and visit him every year down in SLO (San Luis Obisbo, CA) for his annual high mileage contest. Not the kind of high mileage you are thinking about. Craig Vetter has really gotten into high MPG. He sponsors and hosts a riding contest to see who can get the most MPG out of their bike. Currently over 200 mpg.
  25. Patti, I do like Frog Legs, and...have a very funny t-shirt to wear for that night...if it still fits me. So I will indulge in a plate o' frog legs. But I no longer eat the...all you can eat...meals, as I am doing quite well at losing weight. Need more riding, less eating.
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