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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Yes on that !!! I will definetly be at the VR International Rally, and I have promised that at least 6 riders from Washington State will be there. I also want to be at the VW Ride-In, so hopefully we do not schedule the VW IV (4th) at the same time as the VR IR. What's a little riding, between friends?
  2. Too bad about the wasted Chicken Soup:whistling:
  3. Sailor, whether the gathering is in South Lake Tahoe, or in Susanville...you do not need to ride down the coast to get to either one of them, if you do not want to. Susanville is located about 100 miles due north of Lake Tahoe. You could ride down into Washington, go east until you hit Hwy 395, and cruise down Hwy 395 right into Susanville. I do understand the attraction to a remote twon like Susanville. It is on my radar, so I am interested. The big attraction at this ride-in is the people from this forum. Whether that be in Susanville or South Lake Tahoe, we all really came to see how much ice cream Big Tom can eat. Eh?
  4. I use either 85 or 87, whichever is the lowest at the pumps. Rarely will I use a higher octane, as the bikes runs just fine on 85 or 87. I am more careful about which stations I stop at, than the level of octane.
  5. Well, that is what I suggested to you a month ago. I know you said you needed to sell the bike now, for the needed revenue, and you were going to buy another bike after you moved to AZ. But if you are possibly going to take a loss on this bike...a bike you have put a lot of love and work into to make it just right for you...you may want to rethink the sale, and keep it. From what I understand...the people in AZ. do allow blue bikes.
  6. What, you can't please all the people all the time? Really? Okay, I accept that. I used to live right at South Lake Tahoe, had a house right on the lake, and I remember that while 75 % of the Summertime weekends were already spken for, and quite busy, there were weekends when the small town got to take a breath, and relax for a couple days. I was attempting to see if the town's CofC could tell me if there was an open weekend still available, or...one when a smaller event is taking place. I mean...we really don't need the entire town to ourselves. As for Susanville, I am familiar with there too. It is smaller, not much going on there, other than...(wait for it)...five (5) separate law enforcement agencies working that area. You have the Lassen County Sheriff's office, the Susanville P.D., the Cal State Patrol, the Park Rangers, and...the Cal Dept. of Corrections, due to the prison next door. That means, everyone needs to cruise through town real slow. (that is a bummer for me)
  7. WHEN ????? That is the first question. I have already sent a contact post to the Rodeway Inn, in SLT, and am wanting to talk to them about getting a block of rooms held for us. BUT...I need to heart from all of you as to WHEN we think this would be plausible. We know the VR International Rally is July 28th - August 1st. So that timing is out, and any weekend close to that is out. I am thinking maybe a weekend...or do you want to do week days??? in June??? Talk to me.
  8. Kent, I have some experience on this. I have a two post automotive lift in my own personal shop, at home on the ranch, and I installed it 100 % on my own. I have installed several of these lifts for friends over the years. Wait...I have to run out to my shop to see what brand it is... Okay, I am back. I reaslly did run out to my shop. I did not find the name brand on my lift, but I did find the model #. It is a TP9A-F. Here is the website for it: http://www.americanautomotiveequipment.com/UnitedProducts-2-Post-Lift-Model-TP9A-p/tp9a.htm The price has gone up since I bought mine, but still a good deal. I know that it is a 9000 lb. asymetrical arm lift. I had to go with the low-profile lift, due to height restrictions in my shop. My overhead ceiling joists are just under 12 feet from the floor, so I could not use a conventional lift. Ceiling joist or rafter height is an important fator in choosing a lift. If you have the vertical clearance, then by all means get a lift that has the connecting beam or rods from one post to the other...as overhead. In my case, with a lower ceiling height, I had to go with the floor connector beam. Not a problem if you are used to it. The smal ramp that I have to drive over that connects the left post to the right post is rarely noticeable, unless you were doing a lot of transmission work. You already know to go with a 9,000 lb lift or more. You stated you wanted a 10,000 lb. lift. For most cars, any lift rated at 7,500 lbs or more is good. For a pick=up or truck, it is best to use a 9,000 lb or more rated lift. And...try to get one with asymetrical arms, that also have pads that are height adjustable. You can do a lot of searching online, and find a lot of lifts there. You do not have to buy one...made in America...as most of the iron used in making these in China was iron that was sent to China from the USA. Buy what you are comfortable with. Having had auto lifts for many years, at different homes, I had no problem ordering one online. I paid a total price of $ 1,600.00...delivered to my shop doors. That was it...a total of $ 1,600.00. It then cost me an additional $ 200.00 at the most to do the entire install myself, including all wiring, and hydraulics. Believe me, it was not easy lifting and hoisting those vertical posts into an upright position, all by myself. I drilled the holes into my shop concrete floor, installed the floor bolts, washers and nuts, and did all the wiring into a 220v single phase connection, all by myself. I have now ised this lift for the past 5 years, it works perfect, is balanced from side to side, and can lift anything I have on my ranch, including my Dodge 1 ton truck that I use to haul hay for my critters. Do an internet search for a lift, and then talk to me. Send me a PM if you want detailed info.
  9. Contrary to popular actions...this "is" the time I year that I go shopping for a new bike. I try to make all of my bike purchases between mid January, and early February. Why? I start looking at the bikes I want to buy...now. I keep a close eye on the few choices that I have narrowed it down to. If it is a dealership...then I wait until after Christmas, as they seem to believe that they will still get some bike sales for Christmas presents to people. After Christmas, the dealers are wanting to sell those remaining units before the end of the year, to close the books on bike sales, and show a good year of sales. If bikes are still on the showroom after the first of the new year, then these dealers are really wanting to sell them...and by about the 15th of January, a good price can be had on most bikes. That is when I finally approach the dealer, and start talking prices. We haggle back and forth for a week or so, and by the time that the last days of January are here...this dealer is hurting to make month end sales numbers, and will do just about anything to make a sale. You see...bike sales in January are the second slowest month of the year. Buyers have just gotten through the financial mess of Christmas, and are now reading the crerdit card statements, and very few riders are willing to spend the money on a new bike in January. If I get the dealer to agree to my price before January closes out, then I buy the bike in January. If they don't agree to my price, then I let them dangle...like a chad in Florida...until a week or two into February. But...you want to secure this deal before February 14th. Some love birds just have to buy a bike for their sweetheart...for Valentine's Day, and that ruins my leverage. I would say that 90 % of my bikes are bought this way. And it works well, especially in the North, when dealers are hurting for sales due to cold weather. If it is a private owner, then buy the bike when it is available, when you find the right bike. The same rules apply as to time of year, especially when the seller is reading his/her credit card statements from Christmas purchases, and they now need to sell that bike to pay other bills. Lesson # 1...never use a credit card to buy Christmas items. Always pay cash or use a Debit Card. Lesson # 2...if you live below the 35th parallel, forget all the above posted info. It never gets cold enough where you live, and the dealers have no additional incentive to sell in the Winter.
  10. Okay, I will do the checking. I will let YOU know what I find.
  11. Condor, you are correct..."if" it is a busy week or weekend. But there are a couple of weeks, and weekends when there are not major activities going on in South Lake Tahoe, or around the lake. And...if you get five miles out of the lake area, the windy twisty roads are all open with little to no traffic. I am just saying, if people are interested, someone could check with the Chamber of Commerce and find out if there are any open weeks or weekends when no other major activity is scheduled, and try to shot for those times.
  12. Kenny, very happy you are okay enough to send the message you did. But...those cigarettes are not good for you. Smoking and riding is like drinking and riding, or sleeping and riding. Bad for you. Heal up those ribs.
  13. GeorgeS, if that was the worst election day of your entire life...then what happens when you find out the results of the governors race? Washington State...for the third time in a row...has still not decided WHO won the governors race. They are still counting mail-in ballots, and at last count Jay Inslee was ahead of Rob McKenna by less than 49,000 votes. Maybe later today we will find out who our new governor is, and that may...or may not...make your day.
  14. Tx2Sturgis, Brian, here is a rig that is being slowly moved...that combines your line of work with my old line of work. http://www.autoblog.com/2012/11/06/this-192-wheel-vehicle-is-carrying-nuclear-waste-to-utah-right-n/?icid=maing-grid10%7Chtmlws-main-bb%7Cdl4%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D232024 This rig weighs in at 700,000 lbs., can only be moved at 25 mph, and will take three weeks to go 800 miles. Oh, and it is 400 ft. long, and has...192 wheels under it. Imagine the pay that this truck driver...or crew of them...are getting to move this.
  15. While you mentioned...Susanville...I would like to throw into the hat the ideas of having a VentureWest Ride-In in...South Lake Tahoe. While I don't live down there anymore, I used to live there, right on the lake, and I am very familiar with that area. A lot of great riding roads...50,000 motel rooms available, camping grounds available, riding around the lake, gambling at the casinos, 3,000 restaurants, etc. While South lake Tahoe can be busy during the summer, there are still weekends that are open with no activities in town. Just a thought:whistling:
  16. Count me in !!!! If you folks want to have a West Coast Venture ride-in...I'll be there.
  17. Yes, I know...I voted for Freebird.
  18. Okay, you have a very good point about the health insurance. I know of many people that retired, and then had to go back to work, even if it was part time, just to have the health insurance coverage from the employer. My secret...I married a gal that is 4 years younger than me, she is a doctor...Ph.D., not MD., and she still needs to work for another 12 years. We have great health insurance through her work...the State Dept. of Health.
  19. Oh, Jeff...you didn't really say that, did you? Not only did the Seattle fans think the Seahawks won that game (or...most Seattle fans do), but also the game Refs think the Seahawks won that game. And...and...and...the XL Superbowl that most people think that the Pittsburg Steelers won (Stealers), it was proven 2 years after the Superbowl that the Head Ref came out and admitted that the officials in that game did in fact make errors that affected the outcome of the game, and slanted the game in favor of the Steelers. The NFL said afterward that they would not alter the results of the game. But that was a theft on the part of the Steelers, caused by ineptitude on the part of the officials.
  20. Bob, the Bills are one of the teams that my wife and I pay attention to every week, and want them to win, because my wife is from that area. Having lived in 30 different states, and in 18 countries...I have many favorite teams that we pay attention to, such as Pittsburg, New England, San Fran, the old Redskins. But it was...and will always be...the Seahawks.
  21. I agree on the idea of buying a "blem" windshield. I special ordered this new one from Clearview. It takes a while for their process to be completed. Just before they shipped it to me, I got a phone call from them informing me that upon final inspection, they found a minor "blem" that was not in the line of sight, off to the far right, and very small...a couple tiny scratches. I was told that if I still wanted this windshield, they would discount it 20 % for me. I told them, whether they give me the 20 % discount or not...I will take the windshield, with the "blem", as I appreciate their honesty. They did issue a 20 % discount return to me, and when I received the windshield, I had to look very hard to find the very tiny scratch. In my opinion...well worth the money.
  22. Hmmm...let's see...the NFL powerhouse teams with the most Superbowl wins over the years are: The Green Bay Packers The Dallas Cowboys The Minnesota Vikings and...The New England Patriots. And yet (wait for it)...all of those teams were beaten this year by...the Seattle Seahawks. So SEAHAWKS...undefeated at home this year.
  23. Dennis, I retired 11 years ago, when I was 47. Retirement will keep you busy. My wife never has a honey-do list for me, because the moment she mentions something she would like done...I am on it, and it gets done right then and there. Now I just have to wait 12 more years for my wife to retire. You will have more time for more riding. Enjoy !
  24. Hey...ya'all, I just got this e-mail from Clearview, and they are having a huge sale on all Yamaha windhsields, like...60 % off sale. If you go to www.clearviewshields.com you will find the info. If you ever wanted a Clearview windshield for your bike, this may be the opportunity. I have to believe that this is for already made...hanging on their walls...windhshields. This sale probably does not include new orders for custom made windshields. Check it out.
  25. Sailor, "was" going to offer road advice, and places to see, unti I read that you are leaving the bike at home, and taking a 4x4 with Michelin snow tires. See, you are not a real Sumas, WA. rider if you take that 4x4. You are a B.C. rider, wanting to be a Sumas, WA. rider. Ha...I say. Ha ! Whew, now that I got that off my chest. Sedona, eh? Are you also planning on visiting Jerome, AZ. ??? Any visit to Sedona, AZ. also warrants a short trip up the hill to Jerome, AZ. Well worth the few miles.
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