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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Stroker Ace...it is a good sickness though, eh? I hear what you are saying, and I would not suggest that you buy a sport bike. Given the bikes you already own, you have a nice selection of bikes to choose from for different rides. I too have owned an FJR13, and did a lot of riding on it. And, given my riding history , I don't know of anyone that would think I ride like a grandpa. (I know, you did not say that "I" did) But the question then comes down to tire pressures. You did not tell us what psi you are running. Also, to go through brake pads the way you are...it "appears" you are doing more braking than is necessary. Rather than attacking the curves, power through the curve. Braking and gear changing can be done before entering the curve, so that you can then power through the curve, and use more traction, rather than loosing traction by braking. This is not specific to you, but it always amazes me when riders on bikes similar to what I am riding go through brakes as fast as they do. Whether I was riding 1500 Wings, or ST1100's, or the FJR, or 1800 Wings...it always seemed that there were a few people that went through brakes twice or three times as fast as I do. I do have fellow riders that can get the same mileage I do out of brakes, so this is not limited to only me getting good mileage out of brakes. But when a rider gets 1/2 or 1/3 the mileage from their brakes as I do, on a similar bike, then there is an error somewhere. On my 1800 Wings (had 3 of them) I could average about 80K miles on a set of brakes...front and rear. So, back to the point of this thread...mileage on Tires (tyres), what air pressures are you running ? There must be a reason you get so low of tire mileage, and I get really good tire mileage.
  2. I would really like to know what kind of bike you have that you only got 5,000 miles out of a set of Dunlop E3's. Since you do not state what bike it is that you ride, I can only imagine it must be a super sport bike. Not a Sport Touring bike, or a Touring bike, or even a Cruiser. Or...are you possibly running the wrong air pressure...off by a long way...to only get 5,000 miles from a set of Dunlop E3's??? Okay, Mike, I looked you up, and you have an '03 Venture. How in the world did you only get 5,000 miles on a set of tires on that bike???? On my '06 RSMTD, I currently run a matched set of Dunlop E3's, and I have at least 15,000 miles on these tires, and they still look very good. I anticipate that I will get at least 20,000 miles from this set of Dunlop E3's, and I run the proper air pressure in mine. BTW, I usually ride my bikes at triple digits when I can, so I am not easy on tires, but very mindful of pressures and wear. And, to midnightventure that started this thread...that is needing to buy a new rear tire for his '02 Venture...WHY would you allow the price of the tire to dictate which brand of tire you will buy? I can understand wanting to get the best price on "a" tire...once you had already decided on a brand, preferably to match the brand you have on the front tire. But to pose the question as to which tire to buy, based solely on the price of the tire...that...to me...is wrong. I want to put the very best tires I can on any of my bikes. I am never looking for the least expensive tire...just to have a tire on the bike. I do my very best to replace all my tires as a set...both the front and rear at the same time. If for some reason that is not possible, then I will replace the one that needs to be replaced...so that it matches the one that is still on the bike. If all you want is the cheapest tire you can find, then Shinko makes cheap tires. And there are other Chinese and Korean knock-offs that are cheap. I understand that not everyone can afford to put the best quality tire on a bike. But...can you afford not to ? Given that the tire has a very small contact patch to the road, which is your lifeline to the road, can you afford to have a $ 75.00 tire installed, versus the $ 175.00 that your bike was designed for? The first question I would ask you is: What bike are you riding? (we know it is an '02 Venture) Next: What tire do you still have on the front? (that is the unknown factor here) Next: How many miles did you get out of that rear tire you are needing to replace? (you "should" get between 15,000 to 25,000 miles from this tire) Next: How many miles are on the front tire? (another unknown factor) Next: What air pressures are you running, front and rear? ( front should be 38-40 psi, and rear should be 40-42 psi) If it sounds like I am giving you a hard time...possibly I am. It is because I care enough to say, stop pinching pennies, when it is going to cost you more dollars to make these kinds of errors.
  3. If any of you just have to have one of these Honda MB5's, here is a frwesh ad on CL, that was posted yesterday. http://seattle.craigslist.org/see/mcy/3381562763.html Go take a look see, for only $ 1200.00 Miles:sun1:
  4. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all. I hope that everyone is warm, cozy, comfortable, and a special thought goes out to all of our forum members that have fallen this year. May your boo boo's heal fast, and may you be ready for next riding season.
  5. I will second that. If you have PayPal, let us know where to send a donation, and I will pitch in for a new helmet. Now, I will ask the question that no one else has asked...yet. WHY did your front brake lock-up? There must be a reason. You say you were doing a "test ride". Does that mean you had done some modifications to the bike, some additions, some changes, some repairs...and this was the first "test ride" after that work??? And for it to happen at 25 mph...Hmmm !!! I would want to know what happened, so that it can be fixed or remedied, so that it does not occur a second time.
  6. While you have that pumpkin torn down, why not have it painted a respectable color, like Platinum, or Titanium...or maybe even Black ????
  7. Good point, XS1100SE, and I had already decided that I would use bike tie-downs to secure the bike to the channel iron adapters. While the bike is very steady up there, I agree that it is wise to secure the bike...even moreso than securing the bike adapter to the car lift adapter. By securing the bike to the car lift, I will be securing the most weight at its' highest point to the largest list, the car list, that is bolted to the ground. And, Eck...to avoid your bike or truck from hitting your garage door...close it. There are a few vehicles that when on my car lift, if I want the vehicle to go all the way up, I need to close my shop door, to allow for more head room. Just saying:detective:
  8. Well, Mike, if you need or want anything, just let me know. Miles
  9. Huh? What in the heck does that mean? Okay, I bought a Carbon_One style of lift adapter from one of the forum members, and it works great. Then, I decided to make an adapter for my car lift, to use the bike lift adapter. Yes...I do have a brand new bike lift. It works real good, but it only lifts the bike approximately 20" high. While it does allow the bike to be mobile while on the bike lift...I can wheel it around in the shop...it does not allow me to work at a good height. So, as you can see by the pictures...I have used some 4" wide channel iron, cut to correct length, and drilled so I can bolt the channel iron to my car lift. By removing the body lift pads from my car lift, I can then run the bike in between all the lift arms, install the Carbon_One style lift adapter, then install the new "Miles" style lift adapter, and by using my 9000 lb. car lift, the bright orange channel iron lift adapters make contact with the red Carbon_One style lift adapter, and I can raise the bike to any height to work on it. [ATTACH]72794[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72795[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72796[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72797[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]72798[/ATTACH] I can also use this new set-up with any of my bikes, but not using the Carbon_One style adapter, except for when lifting the RSMTD. I can tell you, even at full height, the bike is as solid as New Hampshire Granite. For you folks that have a car lift, this is very easy to make the two pieces of channel iron as an adapter. *************************************************************************** BTW, if any of you riders from Washington State want this license plate for your bike, let me know. [ATTACH]72799[/ATTACH] I have ordered a new personalized plate. It will be my 39th personalized plate. All I have to do is sign the DOL paperwork, so that you can register this to your bike, if you want it...for free. You will have to pay DOL a small fee, but I am giving it away.
  10. Here is a link to a dealer that has his head up in the clouds. http://www.cycletrader.com/listing/2005-Honda-Valkyrie-Rune-(NRX1800)-96590863 This dealer in Oregon thinks that because the Rune he has been sitting on for 8 years now, that has VIN 1000001 on it, is somehow worth almost $ 60,000.00. Obviously he does not really want to sell this bike. He wats to use it as a window showcase, to atract other buyers to his showroom. What a joke. I can find 17 other Runes on CycleTrader that cost anywhere from $ 17,000.00 to $ 25,000.00.
  11. Mike, I was not aware that you fell off a ladder and got hurt. Now that I am aware...is there anything I can do to help? I am only a few miles and minutes away, and lots of time on my hands, so if you need anything, please let me know. Miles
  12. Took my wife to lunch today, and had to drive past the local Hostess Bakery Discount store. They were ten times as busy as they usually are...and we all know why. Stop at the very small local grocery store on the way home, and while I was lookinbg for a bag of frozen succotash (yes, I am old, and someone will need to explain what succotash is to the younger riders here), I found that the store has only two packages of Twinkies left on the shelf. In the case of this small store, that is probably their normal inventory. If anyone wants the last two packages of Twinkies in my small town, let me know.
  13. Great Ideas, Bob. We will make it a point to check it out...or...check into the hotel. Thanks,
  14. I would be very happy to take a few of the Tigers off your hands, as I can provide a good home for them. BUT...I am afraid that my Llamas, Alpacas, and Nigerian Dwarf Goats would not be happy about the new animals on their ranch. I see a conflict brewing. As for the Cougars, this is Huskies Territory. University of Washington mascot is the Huskies. Washington State University mascot is the Cougers. Another conflict. If you need donations for your cause, let me know.
  15. The ride decision has been made. The guy I rode to Happy Valley/Goose Bay, Labrador with last month...he and I have decided to leave the Monday after Thanksgiving, and ride up to Prudhoe Bay, Alaska. I have done this ride 3 times in the past, but never in the Winter. We will be gone for about 2 weeks, and be back in time to thaw out before Christmas. Then, after the New Year, we leave for that trip down to Bolivia. I will bring everyone back a snow-cone from the North Pole.
  16. Ahhh...geee...given that I do not want to get in between a husband and a wife...it is a good thing that all of my bikes are set up for SOLO riding. The few bikes that do actually have a rear seat on them...have an auxillairy fuel cell sitting on the rear seat. So, while I may be riding to Georgia for dinner, I will not be able to take you, or anyone for a ride. Gulp...
  17. Which Friday? Are you talking about November 16th, which is two days from now, or Friday, November 23rd, the day after Thanksgiving? Considering I live just south of Seattle, Washington, it is a little short notice to be in Ontario, Canada in less than two days...even for me. Miles
  18. Eck, thanks. I have already been paying attention to the first link, but those are all for next year. I will continue to monitor that one for rides next year. The second link I was not aware of, but all those rides are past tense. I will keep an eye on that one for future rides too. But, as XS1100SE suggested, maybe I should just tell people that I will be in such 'n such corner of the country at such 'n such date, at a particular restaurant, and whoever shows up gets a "Dinner with Miles". Hmmm...
  19. Yo, does anyone know of any VR meets, MD's, or gatherings of anykind, anywhere in the next few weeks or month????? I am tired of sitting around, and want to go out riding a distance. Rather than simply going riding in my local area for the day, I always need a purpose and a destination. Otherwise I just sit home...typing on this forum. So, the best way to shut me up...typing wise...is to tell me there is a ride happening, a maintenance day happening, a nice dinner happening, and it is...1000 or more miles away. I leave in about 7 weeks to ride down to Bolivia, but I need something before then. Help?????
  20. I have already been on the phone with every Honda dealer within 50 miles of me this morning, giving them at least 15 minutes to open their doors, and every one of them told me that they have not ordered any of these F6B bikes yet. Having had 3 GL-1800's already, and I usually take off the chrome crap and make things blackened out...I really want one of these new F6B Wings. There are some changes I will make to it, to fit the bike to me, but I just have to get one of these bikes. The International Bike Show will be in our area next month, so I can see one in person. If it looks as good in person, then I will have one in my garage as soon as they release them. Maybe my 39th personalized license plate will read...KRAKEN , so it can mean...release the Kraken) Or...maybe...WRAITH Now...which bike or bikes will I get rid of to make room for this new F6B???
  21. What ???? That is only 2 days riding. How did you get 4 or 5 days riding to go 2760 miles ???
  22. (he he he) If you rode more miles...they would.
  23. Welcome to the forum, GregR. Your old bike, the C50, is a very nice looking bike, and I like the mods you did to it. The new bike, the '83 Venture, is a great looking bike, and if Honda were to produce a motorcycle child from the marriage of a Goldwing 1500 and an ST1100...then let Yamaha adopt it...the first gen Venture would be that child. A nice performance sport/touring bike. Looks real good...nice find.
  24. Yes, and Seattle still remains undefeated at home this year. Today the Seahawks beat up on the Jets...28 to 7, and the one touchdown by the Jets was a defensive team touchdown. The Jets have not scored an offensive touchdown in 8 quarters. Yeah !!!
  25. Pick, I am now going to need to call the attorneys listed on that billboard in the picture, because...I now have a hurt neck from staring at the sideways picture you presented. If your picture had been rotated 90 degrees to the right, then I could have avoided this injury. Now I have a bone to "Pick" with you. (ha ha ha ha ha) Can you please explain the picture? Who hit whom? Is that coolant on the ground behind the car? Did the coolant come from the car, or another vehicle? I used to do motorcycle accident investigations, many years ago, for Russ Brown, the big biker attorney out of So. Cal. I was in Nor. Cal, and anytime there was a bike accident that he was asked to represent the rider, I was called in to investigate the scene. That is why I am curious.
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