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Everything posted by Miles

  1. I agree with Larry, our paths will also cross a few times during your journeys of our continent. It will be a peassure to meet you at Freebirds' MD, and again at the International Rally in Galena, IL. If you have any need to assistance when you are in the Portland, OR. area, please contact me. I live only 105 miles from Portland. I can be there in a jiffy if you need.
  2. Happy Birthday, Jeff. I hope the best gift you get today is good news from the doctor.
  3. Ah...patience grasshopper...patience. There is no need to tell you about items 2 and 3, if you are not going to do item # 1.
  4. Don't Bogart that joint, my friend...
  5. Thanks Playboy. I had forgotten where it was. This time I am searching for a 1st Gen Venture. Thank you,
  6. About a week or more ago Freebird gave me a direction to go in, which allowed me to do a national search on the Craigslist site, to search all of the locations at one time, for a bike. I cannot remember how that goes. So, for you folks that are much higher tech than I, can you tell me how to do a one time search of all of CL, searching for a bike ? Thanks...ya'all...eh ! (trying to get all the Southerners and Canadians into this thanks)
  7. Yes, there is a good way to finish it off...as I stated in my post above...a nice aux. fuel cell mounted back there would be good. Seriously ! http://ocala.craigslist.org/mcy/3607253924.html
  8. Thank YOU for the listings. The one copied above is the one I like. It is not hard to find a rear trunk, or...(he he he) add an aux. fuel cell back there. As for chrome racks on the rear trunk...that is only a drag to me. I honestly ride fast enough that I usually cut down the passenger backrest on all the 1800 Wings I have owned, ansd I don't want anything sticking up high behind me, as it causes an air dray at triple digit speeds Snow ??? Shoveling snow ??? This has been the most mild winter that we have ever had. On Christmas day we gotr maybe 3/4 inch of snow, and that was it. Just enough to have a white Xmas. I will contact this guy on the '86 bike, and see about it. Thanks, Miles
  9. Dan, I would argue that statement. I have been trying to find a 1st gen, but I cannot find what I want. I want an '86 to '93, that is as stock as possible, but the one thing that turns me off on most of them is that they all seem to have installed the rear top box chrome rack on them. I do not want a chrome rack on the top box. Yes, I could remove it, and then cover the holes, but I want as close to OEM, as close to stock, so I am being picky. I have been meaning to ask if anyone on this forum has...or knows of a 1st gen that fits my needs, as I would like to buy one. David, David, David, welcome to the family of people from the Great Pacific Northwest that ride 2006 RSMTD's. Once your snow clears, I will take a ride a little north of me, and come have a cuppa joe with you, so we can compare '06 RSMTD bikes.
  10. Anywhere in Ohio...to Sturgis, SD is only a one day ride. And why would you think that driving a motorhome, towing a trailer with the motorcycles on it, would be faster than actually riding the bikes ? I have been there many times, and we used to rent the house of the HS vice principle, which was one balock over from Main St. We just left the bikes in the back yard of the house, and walked over one block to the zoo. It was fun...years ago, but that was when there was only 200K to 250K people there. Now, with 500K people, it is too crowded. If you do go, take the bikes...see all the sights outside of Sturgis, camp or motel away from the really big campfrounds, like maybe in Spearfish, SD. It is worth going one time, but the crowds and drunks are a problem.
  11. Wow, I just now tried to call them...no answer, and it is 11:30 am EST on a Friday. I could not find a working website either. I want to know what bikes they have for sale, but no one is around.
  12. I do not believe you, because...YOU did not post any pictures to prove it.
  13. ragtop69gs, do not be conned into moving into a state that has no mountains, has an annual hurricane season, has more blue-haired old ladies driving than anywhere else, requires all old men over 80 to wear speedos at the pool and beaches, and uses old glass in the mix of their road asphalt. I will say that Florida is a great place to wear out motorcycle tires real fast, without going very far, due to heat, and glass shards in the road surface, and...if you want to get hit by an uninsured old lady or illegal cuban, this would be your place. Of course, housing prices are cheap there, because they have to rebuild them every couple years due to hurricanes coming through. Just saying...they have oranges...we have apples, cherries, peaches, salmon, Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, and the people in Washington are friendly, and speak in such a way that you can actually understand what they are saying, except those Canadians that come visit us, and always put an eh? on the end of every sentence. BTW, Happy Flag Day to all our Canadian brothers and sisters. Eh !
  14. Here are the 3 cars I will be bidding on. I am hoping that they are far enough down the auction day, that most others bidders are gone, bored, or spent out. And I think these are a little odd, so will demand less money. Lot # 307 - 1967 Subaru 360 Custom Lot # 612 - 1957 Vespa 400 (car), there is one of these running around our little town, owned by a local guy. Lot # 248 - 1958 Zundapp Janus I will see how things go.
  15. Just so that I don't have to start a new car thread,. on a motorcycle forum, I will tag onto this one, since car people are reading this. I have a very close friend that lives just north of Carson City, NV, and south of Reno, NV., and he has 3 cars he would like to sell, but is in no hurry. The first is a 1967 Pontiac Firebird, that is as close to concourse condition as possible. This car is a 90+ on a scale of 100. The second car is a 1955 Ford Thunderbird. This car is a complete car, but not done with the restoration. It is all there, and not a pile of junk parts. If a person wanted to finish the complete restoration, this is a good car to have. The third car...and one that I may possibly buy from him, is a 1958 Mercedes Benz 190SL. This car has had a full and complete body off paint job, but...it is the wrong color. MB did not make rootbeer brown cars back then. It is all there, and the restoration is 80 % done, but needs to be finished. All new tops, new interior, etc. I do not know prices on these cars, so you would have to ask him. All cars are stored inside a heated shop, and this guy does not have junkers. He also has a '67 Camaro, fully restored, a 95 out of 100, and he will not sell it. A convertible BTW. If you are interested in any of these, let me know. This guy is a rider, I have been very close to him for almost 40 years, and I know what his cars are like. If I don't buy one of the micro cars today or tomorrow via the auction, I may just spend my money on that '58 MB 190SL, and do a full repaint to the correct color, and then finish the restoration myself.
  16. Yeah, their estimates are a lot high. Not a little high, but a lot high. That is why I am going to be bidding on a few oddball cars, that I hope fewer people will be interested in. I am only willing to pay, what I am willing to pay, and I won't get sucked into a bidding war, just to up the price. I am hoping to get one car, and if I get the winning bid on one, then I am out for any further cars.
  17. ragtop69gs, I can see your point. They are ripping you off in that state. They are trying to pay for all the problems going on in Detroit. Not the auto industry, but the city of Detroit problems. You are most welcome to come west young man, as see the beauty of Washington State. We do have higher gas prices than most, but we have NO state income tax. We have the cleanest air of any state in the USA, our water is good, and pleantiful, and the weastern side of this state looks very similar to Michigan, except we actually do have mountains, snow skiing, fishing for fresh salmon off our coasts, and milder winters than you are used to. Come on over, and I will show you our fine state. Just dont' tell this to any of those southern folk, as we are above the Mason/Dixon line. :rotf:
  18. Again, I want to repeat, and reiterate...I pay $ 471.00 a year. full year coverage, for 4 motorcycles, full coverage, and it includes an additional $ 2,000.00 accessory coverage on each bike. My deductible on each bike, that WAS $ 250.00 each, has now dropped down to only $ 62.00 per bike. I do not see how anyone can beat those rates. www.markelinsuresfun.com I am a believer.
  19. BigLenny...Lynn, while bj66 has touched on most of the usual suspects, I will add a couple more here. Little Bighorn Battlefield. If you are going to Custer, MT. for pie and icer cream, go a couple miles more down the road to the Little Bighorn Battlefield. Not a lot to see there, as they have hauled away all the dead bodies, but it is a national monument, and a place in American history. If anyone in the group likes...GUNS...then a must stop is the William F. Cody Gun/Firearms museum in Cody, WY. It is the largest collection of firearms I have ever seen in the world. The buildings are filled, and it takes two days to see it all, if you take your time. Your entry ticket is good for two days. It is located in the western half of Cody, very easy to find, and to get to. It is about this far...___________...from the Eastern Gate at Yellowstone. Thermopolis, WY. is also kind of cool...er...not. It is hot there, as it is a natural hot springs and hot pools. It has lodging, very large natural pools of hot water, and a good place to relax. If staying anywhere around Yellowstone...stay in West Yellowstone. Lodging is slightly cheaper there, and more abundant. You could stay in Cody, WY, and visit Yellowstone for a couple days, but it is a drive of this far...____________...to Yellowstone from Cody. I want to echo bj66 on the idea of Devils Tower. If you have never seen it, you must. Think of...Close Encounters of the Third Kind. This was used in that movie. I will come up with more, in time. BTW, WHEN are you and your bride taking the cruise from Seattle up to Alaska???
  20. If you rode on Beartooth Pass, which I do believe you, then why have you not colored in Montana on your US map ?????
  21. WOW ! I just checked my policy rate for my 2006 RSMTD, with full coverage, and an additional $ 2,000.00 accessory coverage, and they charge me only $ 165.00 per year. I know that rates vary per state, and per zip code in a state, and per drivers record, etc, etc, etc. But I never would have thought a trike would be that much.
  22. I will let you in on a little secret...shhhh...come a little closer... I have been following this upcoming auction for the past 4 months. I am a registered bidder, and will be bidding online starting tomorrow and Saturday. I have a few cars I am interested in, as both my wife and I love very small cars. With any luck, the cars I want are oddball enough that I won't get into a long drawn out bidding war, and I can get them for a reasonable amount. I will let ya'all know on Sunday or Monday if I am lucky enough to be the highest bidder. Then, need to schedule a trip out to GA to pick it up.
  23. Jay, check into Markel insurance. I believe it is: www.markelinsuresfun.com I have the 4 bikes that I ride the most insured through them, have been for many years, and I pay only $ 471.00 a year for full coverage on all 4 bikes, including $ 2,000.00 additional accessory coverage. My deductible has dropped form the previous $ 250.00 down to only $ 62.00 per bike. I have had one loss claim through them, they settled it perfectly, and I was 100 % satisfied. I highly recommend Markel Insurance for motorcycles.
  24. So, are you saying that even in Michigan you cannot get lead wheel weights ??? Want me to ship some to you?
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