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Everything posted by Miles

  1. Bob, I have you down as a YES...not a maybe. Since you live in Portland, you and I should get together once in awhile, and have lunch. I am only 105 miles north of you. Also....HOOTERS is OUT. The restaurant that is. Don't anyone panic...there are still hooters out there. But "we" will be meeting/eating/greeting in a different location, yet to be determined. Have no fear, the M/E/G is all about the riders, the food, and a good time, and not about the attire of the waitstaff. As a suggestion for a date...I am "thinking" about April 13th, 2013. I was going to suggest April 20th, BUT...given that is 4/20, and Washington State has now passed the state law to allow people to smoke weed in public, it might be best if we avoid the date of 4/20, because there will most likely be some...so-called people...that want to make a statement that date, and have a smoke-in, just to stink the place up. Ideas...comments...on dates and locations...(from those that think they may attend) (not from those on the least coast, that have no idea of where the Great Pacific Northwest is)
  2. DragonRider, I know that Ken is away for several more days, but when you get a chance to talk with him, can you please verify if the engine in his '84 Venture is a '86...or an '88 ? He states in the listing that it is an '86 engine, but on his personal page, in the description of the bike, he says the engine if from a '88 bike. I would just like clarification on that. And, am I to assume that the winner of the bike would in fact pick it up from Ken's place in Spring, Texas ? Thank you,
  3. Happy Birthday, Don.
  4. Okay, now were talking: So, Bob (awsmsrv) in Issaquah, and...Midnightsunrider in Bonney Lake, and...Sleadhed in Maple Valley, I will send each of you a PM, and we will try to find a Saturday in late March or all of April that will work for us. Hoefully we will get MikeWA and GeorgeS and Brian (Golf & Venture) to join us too. Jay (ragtop69gs) in Michigan...you are MORE than welcome to ride out the 2000 miles to have lunch with us if you want to. I welcome you, and will pay for your meal and drinks at Hooters, if you want to join us. That invitation extends to anyone...if you ride...RIDE... your bike out to our little Meet/Eat/Greet, and you ride it more than 1,000 miles to get here, your meal and drinks are on me.
  5. Paul, with fewer 1st gens out here, that means we will have fewer bikes that break down on the way East to those flat states (bazinga)
  6. Whew...I am glad that only 49 people have seen this post so far, because...I was under the impression that at least 1 out of every 50 people on this forum is from the Pacific Northwest states. Seeing as how no one from the Pacific Northwest states has responded to this thread, that means...the next person to view this thread must in fact be from the Pacific Northwest states. Hear ye, hear ye, come one and come all, to have lunch with me...(possibly my treat)...that should sucker some of you guys into showing up...to a Meet and Eat/Greet, and...maybe we will meet at Hooters in Tacoma, right off I-5.
  7. Ken, to repeat myself...Please tell me, us, all you can about your '84 Venture, mileage, condition, pictures...everything,
  8. Okay, all you wet coast riders from the Great Pacific Northwest...Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nor. Cal., B.C., and anyone else that wants to be part of the Great Pacific Northwest... I would like to host a Meet and Greet...er...Eat...sometime in the next 2 months. Either in March or April. I think "we" can find a suitable restaurant in the vicinity to meet at. This will NOT be a MD. I also want to discuss dragging as many of you as possible out to the Freebird MD in Ohio, with me, in June. I have many tow ropes, so come along. Also, we need to talk about the International Rally in Galena, IL. in late July. So, this is your heads-up, put your thinking caps on, and let's get together to meet, to eat, to greet, and plan our rides to those flat states east of us.
  9. slowrollwv, you make a good point, and...to answer your inquiry...I have in fact measured it ALL, and the 18" tire mounted on a Stratoliner 18" wheel, will in fact fit perfectly inside and under the stock fender of a '99 -'13 Venture or a '05 - '09 RSTD. The difference between a stock wheel and tire from a modern Venture/RSTD compared to a wheel and tire from a Stratoliner is less than a 1/4 " in overall height, and it is narrower than the stock tire. I appreciate your concern, and it makes sense to check these things out, however...I am not one to make errors on measurements, and If I say it will fit, then by golly...it will fit, just as Big Tom will eat Ice Cream today.
  10. Ken, if you want to donate your '84 Venture to the St. Judes charity, via either here, or through DragonRider, I would be interested in bidding on it. I do wish it were a 1986 or newer, but...charity bidders cannot be choosy. Please tell me, us, all you can about your '84 Venture, mileage, condition, pictures...everything, and...I will start the bidding off at $ 500.00.
  11. An 18" wheel from a Stratoliner is an exact drop-in fit for the front of a '05-'09 Royal Star or Venture. I cannot say with 100 % certainty that it will also fit a 2001 model, but, I believe it will. I have personally measured every nano of the stock wheel, and the stratoliner wheel, and it is truly an exact drop-in...uses the same wheel bearings, the same wheel seals, the RSV brake rotors bolt right up to the Stratoliner wheel. I am not aware of anyone that makes a 21" wheel that easily fits the front of a RS or Venture, but...you can check around. Question would be...WHY ? Given the weight of a RS or Venture...I do not think it would be wise to hang that much weight on the rim and tire of a 21". And...Deputy 1216, do you have a 2001 Venture, or a Royal Star ???
  12. Brian, the Tilting Motor Works bike is really cool, and after reading their entire website, I do not believe they make it for a Goldwing. I will call them. They are also about 100 miles north of me. They did set a new world record for land speed of a 3 wheeled motorcycle, riding a Yamaha V-Max trike. Interesting reading. Thanks,
  13. I have a friend that just bought a 2012 Wing, and he wants to trike it. He also has a 2009 Wing that he rides, but he wanted to add a trike to his stable. Question...without starting a pizzing contest about who has the best trike...for those of you that currently own a trike, or have recently owned a trike, which trike company would you AVOID ??????? If you own a GL-1800 Wing trike...and could do it all over again...which trike company would you go to...instead of the one you already have ????? Thanks,
  14. OUCH !!!!!!
  15. I did not have the highest bids on any of ther 3 cars I bid on. The 1967 Subaru 360 Custom sold for a littrle over $ 28k The 1957 Vespa 400 (car), solf for a little over $ 28k and The 1958 Zundapp Janus sold for a little over $ 53k I was only willing to go 25k on each of the cars. I was very surprised at some of the prices that cars were sold for...some of them going for over 100k. Oh well, I have enough projects as it is, and will either talk my friend in Nevada into selling me his 1958 MB 190SL, or his 1955 T-Bird.
  16. Very good interview, and she did well with the knowledge. Good for her...and good for you as the proud father.
  17. SilvrT, if you get scared while going fast...just close your eyes.
  18. SilvrT, no, I do not have a front wheel to sell to you, powder-coated or original. I do like your bike with all the changes you have made to it, and...if you are ever interested in making it go faster, let me know. Given that I have owned 3 of these 1800 Wings...an '03, an '04, and an '06, and rode the first one to over 100,000 miles in 1 year, and a total of over 300,000 miles on the 3 bikes, I have some experience in making the Wing...fly. I will privately tell you the secrets of (shhhhh)
  19. SilvrT, my comment was meant to be satirical, as I knew that you were leading me down the path of wanting me to say your wheels look great right now. I saw through that ruse (ha ha ha) and decided to twist the fate of what you were hoping I would say. Okay, spoil sport, your current wheels do look good...okay...but not shiny. The point is, for BETTER looking wheels that you never have to polish, go with powder-coated Black.
  20. Okay, the Winter riding season is almost over, so....before we start the Spring riding season, let me know about the wheels. I agree with you, after looking at the pictures of your bike again...your wheels do look bad. Those won't shine up at all, without a lot of elbow grease, and polish. Better off to powder-coat them. After I posted the wheels idea to you, I went searching for pics of one of my Wings, but...unlike you egotistical maniacs that take 1000 pics a day of your bike sitting in the garage, I am just not into taking pics of my bikes or myself, eating a gallon of ice cream. I will continue to look for some, because I think I do have some...someplace.
  21. You won't like my solution, so... Okay, here goes, but I told you that you wouldn't like it. I am 5'11", and my wife is exactly 5'0". She can see perfectly down the road, because...she rides her own bikes, and will not ride behind me. Problem solved !
  22. Paul, see...we can turn this thread into a FUN...share your broken bones x-ray pictures. Here are mine, for my R hand, that happened back in 2/10. [ATTACH]74112[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]74113[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]74114[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]74115[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]74116[/ATTACH] The docs wanted to amputate my right hand. The nurses in the ER were trying to get me to sign a release form to allow them to amputate it, until my wife showed up, and as a rider herself, she knew how important my hands are for motorcycle riding. Being a doc herself, she persuaded them to repair it, rather than cut it off. Bottom line, I can still ride today. Paul, I hope yours all heal as well, so you can get back on the road.
  23. SilvrT, ya see, I told you if you are not going to do item # 1...powder-coat the wheels hi-gloss black...then there is no sense in doing items 2 and 3. First...the lower cowling should be...orange. And I am not a favorite of orange, but...a person can buy a black one, so if you paint yours black, no one will think or know that it has been customized. The orange paint on the front lower cowling would look GREAT. Second...I am willing to pay for your wheels to be powder-coated hi-gloss black...it is called 90% hi-gloss...if you are willing to put them on your bike, with the agreement that if you like them afterwards...after 30 days of having black wheels...then you pay me back for the work. You see, the faster sport touring bikes come from the factory with black wheels, whether painted, anodized, or powder-coated. Think...ST1300's (some of them have had black wheels) and FJR's (some have had black wheels), and on and on and on. I have had the wheels on all 3 of my 1800 Wings powder-coated black, and it really makes the bike stand out from the crowd...but more importantly, it makes the bike go faster. The wheels on a 1500 Wing were much better cast, and had a smoother surface, so they were easier to keep clean. But the wheels on an 1800 Wing are not as smooth, they trap dirt and brake dust onto the wheel surface, and they are harder to keep clean. If you have stock...OEM wheels, then you do not have shiny stuff anyway. Offer made !
  24. Chief, great picture, and I really like your bike the way it is set up for solo riding. A man after my own heart.
  25. No...and to be fair, I will tell you what # 2 and # 3 are: # 2 - have the chromed front lower cowling painted the same orange of the bike. The chrome stands out too much, in a negative way, and does not sit well with the new paint scheme of the beautiful bike. # 3 - have the frame painted black. I have a couple friends that have taken their 1800 Wings down to the point of being able to paint the side frame members that are exposed around the riders' knee areas, and painted those frame areas black. Man...doe sit make the bike stand out different than anyone else's 1800 Wing. By having the wheels powder-coated hi-gloss black...$ 200.00 and having the front lower cowling changed from chrome to black...$ 75.00 and having the side frame members painted black...$ 80.00 This bike would then be finsihed with the current paint scheme, and would be a show stopper. Okay, it is great the way it is, and I love it. Kudos to SilvrT for the work he has done.
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