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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. hay jeff,do you and mimi have a banner,i could fly it,while taken in these reillys,maybe pink boxers dubble hump camel,gets better gas mls,remember globle warming,no corban lowell
  2. maybe i should have said oil,my voyager,is starting to wine,at 72 to 76 mph,just like the 94,did,changed the pumpkin to fix it,so i thank that the oil is not the right oil,using 70\80 syn now,what is the best rear end oil lowell:confused:
  3. keep the bike,find sumeone thats wants the MM color,and trade the plastic
  4. :bighug:peg hang there,have been there,on another site,can't read,to well,and write is even worrse,took me six month,be fore i posted there again,to meny great frends here,that are part of our lives,where would sume of us be with out the VENTURERIDERS lowell
  5. me too,did the HUB,MEANA,NEW ORLEANS,NATCH TRASE,THEN VOGEL,following SWIFTY,most of the way,[p---- off Mrs Kban] cause i didn't stop buy,where else could there be such a great famly,to be with hope i can do the p.i.p,davis,and cody swifly,thank you for letting me follow along,it's realy great to just ride be hind, and not have to thank where i am going'just look, no dissions to make,if anyone has a better way to ride,just let me know love this group lowell
  6. sume one wanted me to strap the mac's on,carrie them to the hub,so if you want to try them out,need to pick up sume gaskets,i hav the spaciers,should be leaving hear bout 10 today
  7. go lite on that old man stuff,took me 70 yrs to look this good
  8. boy,didnt' sleep to good last nite,realy need this VR fix guess it's been two mo,now,voy is lock-loaded,now for tom and ponch to show up [star cafe henderson],was going to put the mac's on the bike,to look like an 18 wheeler,but didn't work out,looks like a 400 ml ride
  9. cleaning 2 bikes is like doing the dishes,always sume thing left to do great looking ride,let the cleaning begain
  10. run shell syn 15-40 in the 94 voyager,meny mls,got a 92 voy,comparring the eng sounds,the 94 raddled a lot more,maybe ware,changed it back toGTX 20-50,it sounds more like the 92 now,still running 15-40 in the 92,guess only time will tell
  11. mac,s on the way if i don't forget
  12. :thumbsup:test ride to dallas,west ok,800 mls leg is fine while riding,still have to be careful getting on and off,also need to watch my steps,getting off and on from the left side is backard for me,but i'm working on it hub here i com sunday,should be there around 5 pm
  13. you thank that gov health care might be good,need to try the VA,6 week now they finely took an x-rAy,now waiting for an MRI,leg is better,but it will give way,down i go,hard to walk down hill,can't step down with right foot,tall grass is hard to bring the left foot foreward TIME WILL TELL LOWELL
  14. has anyone tryed this http://nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/standard.asp i need all the help i can get lowell
  15. MUST BE A 2nd gen owner manual,no one else has cowasaki
  16. how about NOT--FISHING
  17. right now every thing is on hold,plan on comming to the HUB in the cage,if that is what it takes
  18. that GREAT john,now i don't need to come and check on you,and make gravy,guess i am down for a while thro lowell
  19. had a relapes yasterday,leg just comelpety gave way,have another doc app next thur the 9,was getting the bike out to ride,and the leg gave way,dropped it had to call a frend to put it back in the barn,right now i can't hardly get around,no pain while setting or laying around,have to do things just right to get on my feet,the pain is bad then guess my riding days are on hold for a while
  20. how about a 2 nd gen real wheel----will it work on a first gen----have a lot of time to thank up this crap now,guess i have time to do sumething to my 93 ,may be try and make it look like a sportster
  21. looks like i will be down for a while,doc app.the 2 of july,can't hardly get around this morn,guess to much exc,heat exh is gone mama's car is fixed,got the leg on ice,right now,will do the heat/ice for a while so guess my riding on long trips is on hold,for a while
  22. tryed that,but made my leg go nume,now will just try more walking
  23. dale can do a lot more, to relax you than any one of us can do,just go to bed early
  24. doc said have little bad blood circ,to my right leg,after a wild week end with mama,s car[installed a new air cond evap coil]leg seams to be better today,maybe all exsice did more good than bad,yesterday was realy bad,think got heat exh,took sume salt pills,1 hr latter,felt like a new [OLD] man,looks like it is a day to day thing,for our trip to nelson,[colesgrandpaw],need to leave by thursdayso it's a day to day thing now
  25. i just put that nexen tire on a frend of mine's bike,he has a voyager kit on it,took a avon off with 6,000 on it,with the trreads showing,he rode it home[250mls]sayes it seams to work real good,now to see how the milage works,tire had 6,000 on it when i put it on
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