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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. should have enough tread left on the B F G to make i [25,000 now] it's great to make long rides and not have to chang tires on the road
  2. you see brad,how easey it is to stop for a meet,when i come down your way,i will drive by your place,honk the horn,send you an email,that i was there :banana::banana:
  3. will keep looking for an opening date,then shoot from the hip,been over the dan a few times,but never on a bike,plan to do a west coast trip next spring[if i can get all my ducks in a row] lowell
  4. i,ll be looking for you,have the coffee on,could meet you for breakfast,cracker barrol,i hop,at pines- road-I20
  5. maybe we can do it again,great ride in lowell
  6. would make a great meet and be one of the first to cross the new bridge,sume time in 2010
  7. don't tell me that,it's hard enough to stay home,now you have got me thanking,now looking at the weather,mite be doable lowell
  8. if you don't like these,will do better next time
  9. got home bout 5 pm had a super ride 2968 mls clear and sunn y all the way,son in law will go home today,got sume things to catch up on but will be here,till the wild hair gets to kinkey,want to do the BIG BEND ride,but have a doc appointment little dog,took about a day for her to get over the 1400 mile ride,the next morn,she was back to her normal,took her to the vet,all is ok,vet had not seen any pug around that part of co voyager ran great 43 mpg,sume of the wind,in the mount,was pretty ruff thro,did sume lane changes unexspectly latter lowell
  10. 39 model still all O E M parts
  11. i'm in pauls valley,son in law droped his bike broken right arm and right foot not to much road rash,he is smarting thro,should get togo home tomorrow,i've had a supper trip low temp 28,lamar 85 in wheeler tx,more than likly will head home tomorrow morn,wikk check on son in law before i go thro may not get this to go,as this yi-fi is not to good,will check in when i get home lowell
  12. no disc are differant size
  13. dog has been delevered,new csatle co,only one po-po,1400 mls had a vist with tim,left my TEETH at the motel in lamar co 250 mls round trip,tim road with me,will be back in denver tomorow sume time,will see if can drum up a M & E or two,weather looks good till sat maybe sun won't have enternet service in denver but will call sume of you VR er lowell
  14. i'm in purdy 0k now,headigg out around 9 am i,on the voyager,to lamar co today lowell
  15. hope to be in lamar sunday evening cel #903 407 8711
  16. weather looks good,for the next few days,dogs are not pottie trained,bike is loaded,up thru,OK pug to son-in law,on to lamar CO sun,denver mon,maybe on to glen wood springs co tue any M @ Es along the way not on a tight sch lowell
  17. the 155/80/15 lower my voyager about an 1' at the rear,thank don[gunboat] also is running a B F G
  18. wheres the search and destory,going to b for his bike,will bring duct tape welcome home lowell
  19. icarried his daddy 700 mls i the trunk,he didn't even mess it up,also taking one to my son-in-law onthis trip,just put a ragg in one side of the trunk,then let-er-rip
  20. have a grand son that needs a pug,watching the weather,hope to go this week end
  21. try riding a COWasaki voyager with ther group,i was totaley ignored,almost as bad as sume other bikers i know of:ignore:
  22. one of these days :buttkick:
  23. 9 miles from me,not even a ph call
  24. hay. i'm still in de berry tx,good place to take a break,200 mls from houston,lots of roam to park,will keep the grass growing for you to practie on have a safe trip lowell
  25. i used STP oil treetment,beeded up at 70#,just lubed the tire and it slipped wight on
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