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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. cushman 1954----voyager 2009,just a few miles on them,70yrs old,guess i have road a bike in 49 states,and 3 or 4 in can.trying to do it all again lowell
  2. you are welcome here,fly to dallas,or houston,have a spair voyager right now,will pick you up,you have a place to stay,then as wild hair says, we will be off lowell :sleigh:
  3. wild hair time,ha ha,good luck,mary xmas
  4. can't make it,don't have a cage indorsement,on my D L's,but one of these days latter lowell
  5. help!!!!! need camaflage riding gear :duck::duck:
  6. was there the last 3 years,the venturers,stake out a spot beside the swimming pool,have a breckfast each morn,fire each nite,tons of BS,can do your own thing,just a great reilly,last year maybe 40 Vs showed up,most all camping,will do it again lowell
  7. got home bout 5;30 sun,great ride 7 days 6 nites 30-70+ deg 1800 mls,35 - 50 mpg,now for the next ride,still have pocket $ left,guess will go to houston this week end lowell
  8. in granite OK,will head home in the morn lowell
  9. i'm thanking about it
  10. well looks like the waether is about to catch up with me so will head home to day {MAYBE}head that way ,guess will blow off throing redneck a bone lowell
  11. i'm at motel 6 right now 701 pm rm 107 903 407 8711 lowell
  12. headed south now,leaving stratford tx,down thru plainview,lubbock,mite even throw rednick a bone,45 degs now so off i go lowell
  13. was hopping sume one would chaim in with a time and place thanks for the coffee & Beeee S lowell
  14. headed up that way this morn,JERRY will give you a call when i get close to borger,there should be a cracker barrol sume place i amerillo,nice to meet you V R there,just out for a ride lowell
  15. in granite OK now 40-60 degs bright sun may go springfield MO tomorrow watching the weather all is well lowell
  16. in durant ok, little mist when i left,48-60 deg great ride,no pocket $ spent,visted with 3 G G kids 8 4 2 boys,can't stay around them to long,mom-dad don't want them to pick up of wild hair habbits lowell
  17. out of here this morn,will be gone till the pocket $$ run out
  18. hay anytime you want to fly into dallas,will pick you up,give you a place to stay,have two voyagers you can use,eather one,but i will be on the other one,just remenber i don't do short rides,at least a tank of gas
  19. don't know,but from may 09,sume where around 30,000 on the 92 voy,i have lost track,took a couple of mo off due to left lege & can't get my ducks in a row [$]
  20. got the dragon 10,now back to them trying to trane an old farts brain
  21. thank there are enough d q's in houston
  22. Boy i'm pooped, will start again in the morn
  23. if you see sume of this,training is going bad--*&%#!#$^&*(
  24. has any one tryed this,need all the help i can get http://nuance.com/naturallyspeaking/products/editions/standard.asp
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