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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. stop at a co. welcome center,check out all the queponds,there are sume good deals there
  2. put your hand on it,if you can count,-1001-1002-1003-1004-ouch=its about 130 deg.
  3. http://mail.yimg.com/a/i/us/pim/mail/video.giftalking about,battarys,anyone seen this
  4. way watching,tv last nite,question was ask what was the first thing that you remembered,as a child,two things for me 1.my brother going off to wwII [1944] 2.running into a barbed wire gate other things,not sure weather,i was told about or not lowell
  5. better give me a call,us 84 is a pretty good ride to I 49 OR ON WEST
  6. if you are not in a harry us 62 is a great ride
  7. you better stop and see phill & rosebud in tulsa
  8. theres not a turnpike between amarillo and nashville if you stay o I40
  9. got two of them now,92 & 94,right now my riding is on hold,due to trying to sell my place
  10. the tower is supost to be about 1/2 mile from my house,have an USB 760 card,ues it on 2 laptop,1 desk top 2003 mod,it works the best
  11. my signal changies all the time,sume times its fast ,then it slows way down,i downloader AVG,at three differant times [just to see if it was my computer or not],first took 21 min,sec took 11 min,last time took al most an hour any of you having these problums they say that there is no others in my area reporting this problums do need to try and keep bugging them lowell
  12. http://www.vpike.com/ showed my drive way real clear lowell
  13. dose a voyager count 138,000,it's a 94
  14. what makes a good football game
  15. http://abcnews.go.Com/Video/playerIndex?id=4826897 Important report on tire safety problems never through about this:thumbdown:
  16. "man" that is a good looking lady
  17. hard to name the best 5 but least 5 kansas new jersey delaware connecticut nevada
  18. how meny have retired,%??????
  19. any york town cvs39'ers here 1962-1966
  20. but the gov. knows best
  21. been driving CHRYSLER products for the last 20 yrs,don,t buy new ones thro,the worse one is the o2 town & country,i have now,fairly ease,for me to work lowell
  22. as a lube,seals on my tracter was wore out
  23. any one used this,have had to replace water pumps on three of my veh this last yr
  24. mary christmas & happy new to all you to freebird
  25. most every day,don't post mutch,because of my reading and writing abilty
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