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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. hay this,or that is sume day,remember my moto
  2. maybe springfield mo,north tx,or okc got a moving quote,need to be out of here by 15 july lowell
  3. signed the papers yesterday,now 14 days to see if buyer backs out,then the RUSH,to get out of hear lowell
  4. did it in 6 hrs,couldn't stay away from home,any longer than that,you guys are on my list,the trouble,is how far down the list,there are so meny of you i want to vist,guess i need,ruelet wheel,with all your names on it,then just SPENE it lowell
  5. if it has been working for a long time,without,adding,refrig,the system is clean,when you open up the system,that is when mosture and/or other crap get in it,my little caraven,has 240,000,on it,, two cluthes,if mosture gets in the system,more than likly an evaporator,will spring a leak,also,bad clutch fan,go bad,causing high head press,this usley happen when,driving at low speed or stopped another lowell
  6. try rasing or lowering the angle,of the bars ,say a 1/4 at a time,had that problem on ever bike,till adjusted the angle a little lowell
  7. went for a 250 mile ride yesterday,boy,my but is realy out SHAPE,every thing was great,but needs sume TLC now lowell
  8. no visters,no ph, calls,at least 7 days,after you get home lowell:banana:
  9. if you can put up with me,i could put up with you lowell:whistling:
  10. when they run out of cowasaki voy,and i can't ride a bike,will more than likely get merecedes, kit car ,gazille,had one and it was a real fun ride,with a ford 4 banger auto,going thru ak, i could keep up with most all the sport's car,[DOWN HILL] lowell
  11. time is getting close,i hope,getting theses ducks in a row,have my 94 voy up for sale,don't look like my place is going to sell,finly gots wife's kids out of my hair[divorced the 20 of may],got 4 pugs to get rid of,orded new tires for voy,it hasn't been on the road sence,jan,been pretty down the last 3-4 mo,things are looking a lot better,not looking for any wifes or girl frends,just the rosd wind first trip,to denver,see my sister,then,??????????,MD is planed,????????? lowell have about 70 of your ph # ,better change it, if you don't want me to show up
  12. sume times being missed,is not a bad thing,rules must be good lowell
  13. give me a call,when you get JEFFERSON TX
  14. if i could spell,you would run me off this site,have a lot of cumement,but spelling stops my posts lowell
  15. i had to get the paypal credit card,my bank would not except paypal,used to use credit card,but life time limit is $10,000,they would not let me use other credit cards
  16. any off road veh parts supply has shock boots,cut to linth,clamp the top,let the bottom float,if your vr dosen't have dust seal,add one
  17. when did you,start keeping up with gas mileage for me 1960 volvo p544 gas was $.22 reg ,little car got 24 mpg best mpg was 1953 studebaker champ v8 od 35 mpg boy we have come a long way in 50 yrs lowell
  18. i do not give anyone rides,i'm not as good as i used to be,the added wright and movement,takes most of the enjoyment out of riding,what happen to me, happens,don't want to take,anyone else with me lowell
  19. if you must make a hole,use a solding pincal,no crank,hole is stronger
  20. don't drill,glue,GOOP AMAZING,every thing on my bike is glued,can still get it off,with gas,even after a year or so
  21. there must be sumething wrong with my voyagers,front tires have always gotten over 25000 mls,i'm running BRICKSTONES,SUME CUP A LITTLE SUME DOIN'T,a new avon got almost 18000,on the rear,BFG has over 25000 now you be the judge lowell
  22. take a left or right,on us79,then hope they don't ask where i'm going,maybe i will remember,where it is,other wises i just fake it,some times i take a ride,and don;t have any idia,where i went they are all good rides lowell
  23. :whistling:loud pipes are ok for short rides,around town,but,on long rides,they will make you tired,3-500 mls,and your body realy feels it
  24. AYA
  25. to much grease,on the spline,been there done that
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