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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. thanks: will set it up today,then will try to get the ext speaker to work in the head set
  2. how do i adjust,the spliter,what meter do i use,have turned the adj screws ,dose not seam to change anything:confused24:
  3. thanks: i have printed all this,and will take them to court with me,don't know what else i can do,maybe i should have paid the fine,and let it go,but,they didn't seam to even want to look up the law,kinda thank i was,railroaded,they were more inested in the momey than the law
  4. all of you law enforement,riders,would you plaese send me a statement of the law in your area. as you all know,i got a emproper use of flashing lights in Kiowa ok,i am fighting this ticket,any statement,will help thanks lowell ps have over 100000 mls on my mod,never had a blub to burn out,i have a diamond---,dose the high or low beam-plus the horn,hit the horn,it will flash three times,great for the cages,pulling on the road at night,and passing 18 wheeler
  5. aboutlost your post about fork boots---i have tryed two types,one off a snapper rear engine riding mower,have over 60000 mls on it,still looks like new--the other is shock gards,for those,big off road veh,about $20,if you use snapper parts be sure and get the long ones about 10",as napper has changed the style,the new ones are not as long, pm me if i'm not to clear,about this
  6. how i check the stearing bearring--stop the bike on a small up hill grade,turn the handle bar all the way left or right,let the bike roll backward,clamp the front brake,if you feel any play,maybe the bearring may need adjusting,to tight,and the bike will wounder at low speed,on my 86vr had to replace the,lower bearring,pitted real bad BEWARE OF E-BAY SEALS,the ones i got didn't fit tight enough,and leaked
  7. guess that stuff realy works,pulled the tire off,found a nail in the tire also,the cut was thru one cord,tire had 42# air when i got home,so didn't louse any air,new tire is on,now to put the wheel back on
  8. fork oil,had to use 5W,on mine,to get the rid of the harsh ride,after that,rides great 13 oz fork may be to mutch oil,prog are larger,and don't need as mutch,forks claped,5.5"from the top.prog spec,
  9. like a dumn a--lost the clutch in WIChITA,didn't even look at the flould,road it home,clean replaced with dot 4,off to atlanta,lost it again,this time i check the floud,real bad looking,mast have mosture in it,this time new dot 4,so far so good
  10. have over 137000,on the O E M,the new fib were thinner than the old ones,so rough sanded the plates,finish sanded with 350 greet,new V_MAX spring,still old fib,did all this at about 90000 mls,still going pretty strong,anzoil,was causing it to slip a little here lattly,changed to moble 1,now only slippes when cold,had mine open four times still same gasket,still no glue on it
  11. boy you have that right
  12. any of you know anything a bout them,i have one all hooked to a car am/tape player,in a tank bag,need sume sort of a wiring diag,want to try and put it on my voyager thanks lowell
  13. don't thank quality control is to good on motorcycle bat,a WW battary is still going after two years,three others,one interstate,one WW,and a green bat[didn;t have a name on it]lasted about 1 1/2 yrs,have a test interstate,has a full charge 13.7 volts,but won't start a bike,so i guess you all are the judge:confused24::confused24:
  14. the true story is,i put a new tire on the front,forgot to balance it,before i put RIDE-ON in,tire seamed to dribble a little,at 75 mph,so what the heck,i was going to have to clean,the RIDE-ON out to balance it anyway,so,had sume old shot gun shells[lead shot],Q & D ,checked to see if they would go thro the valve stem,so in they went--1 oz is what is in one shell,now only time will tell,don't thank they will be moving around to mutch with the RIDE_ON,maybe i should call RIDE-ON to check
  15. anyone tried those tire balance BB,just put 1oz of dove & quail shot,in my front tire,sames to be working,put 170 mls on yesterday-now will try them in the back tire lowell:detective:
  16. i found sume drawer handles,for my 86,at home-depo:detective:
  17. rear tire,10 to 13000,depends on how long of a trip is ,if it's over 1500 mls i usely change the tire
  18. yes i'm sure of the 39000,mls,put it on at 94000,lost a speedo cable for 2000 mls,bike has 31000 on the clock now the RIDE-NO,STAYED IN THE TIRE,ONLY ALITTLE GOT ON THE RIM,SOAP & WATER,WAS EASEY CLEAN UP,THE RIDE-ON WAS SPREAD ALL THE WAY AROUND THE INSIDE OF THE TIRE now dont for get to balance the tire,before you put the ride-on in the tire,not vary hard to clean out,other than braking the tire down,and lousing $12 worth of ride-on
  19. 39000,mls on this sorry bridgestone tire,also a picture of ride--on sealer in tire
  20. heres sume pictures,i used 1 1/2" pvc for shimm around fork tube,send me your e-mail address,and iwill sund yiu more pictures
  22. jump starting a 1 st gen,is not a good idia,remember allan h at vogel 2 yrs ago,jump started his bike,after liaving the lits on,didn't charge up the battary any,less than a mile down the road,burnt out both the volt reg and the alt,so i don't take any chances,9 volt or more be fore you jump start now that my story and i'm sticking to it
  23. jump starting a 1 st gen,is not a good idia,remember allan h at vogel 2 yrs ago,jump started his bike,after liaving the lits on,didn't charge up the battary any,less than a mile down the road,burnt out both the volt reg and the alt,so i don't take any chances,9 volt or more be fore you jump start now that my story and i'm sticking to it
  24. ALLAN,GOD BE WITH YOU AND YOURS,glad i was able to be with you,as were meny others,in your time of sorrow i am home safe and sound
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