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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. give me a day or two,i'll come up and help you out,my cow,could do that,to short legged:rotf::rotf:
  2. east tx,30 mls southwest of shreveport la,on hwy 79,a great jumpping off place,600 mls to big bend 800 mls to the rockys,1200 mls to charley's,600 mls to the smokeys,1300 mls to the keys,if you want to ride,east tx,ar,la east ok,let me know just got back off a ride to denver,glen cove springs,temp in the 30's,denver to okc temp in the 60's,to springfield mo,temp in the 60's,got home last nite 730 pm,didn't get wett,didn't freeze,couldn't post,till igot home,3500 mls,cowasaki,did great,BUT the vr is a better long distance,ride,gas milage,is 25% better on the COWASAKI 0H IT'S 550 MLS TO REDNECK'S:whistling:
  3. in strafford,tx,will be heading to denver sun morn,could meet sumeone in dumas for a cup today
  4. on the road again,will be out of here,by 730am,taking the cowasaka,finley got the wheel wabble out of it,front wheel bearing,were vary bad,new bearing & seals,from local bearing supply,less than $20,they were over the counter,in stock any of you venturerider in the tx panhandle,want to M & E sat or sun,cal me---903 407 8711
  5. check your privete message
  6. did you get the email i sent
  7. i also used shock boots,igot from a off road four wheel drive,dealer $20,just cut them off,clamp the top,let the bottom float,snapper,be sure and get the long one,sume snapper dealer have sume after market ones that will not work
  8. bike or cage:detective:
  9. i thank mod head light help,may be like deer whislers thro,who knows
  10. shreveport la,i'm 35 mls down on hwy 79,stop in,i mite ride on down to san antonia with you you are welcome to spend th night,it about 325 on to san antonia,stop by a $ store,and get a bath rm matt your butt may need it,I 20 is apretty good road,not to much const, ride safe---903 407 8711----903 622 4076,4 miles south of the de berry causion,lite on the right,big red barn
  11. when's the next sleep-in:rotf::rotf:
  12. :whistling:the ride was great,temp 38 d to 90 d,over 2000 mls,super great weather,don't thank we saw a cloud west of I 35,big chille cook off this comming week end,many,many traval trailer,and motor homes,realy the traffic was lite PICTURES,CAN'T SEND DUE TO MY DIAL,UP maybe i will have a wirless laptop,for my next trip,looking for one big ps,don't ride to the hot springs,glad i did it but don't recamend it
  13. 44 deg,on the road again:whistling:
  14. wild hair 39


    just got the 2008,mapps,and a two gb chip,got all of nor amer loaded,looks great
  15. miles & miles,don't know how many,in one day,but from denver to de berry,sun up to sun down,more than once,vogal to deberry,a couple of times,9976 mls june 27 to july 27,will be doing sume of them again,more than likely BIG BEND to DE BERRY,if that gold wing don't crap out or cowasaki don't run out of gas
  16. didn't crap out,wife,had a bed room party,and i wanted to be there:whistling::whistling:
  17. i have one on each bike,and thank,they have saved my a$$,many times--but to each his own,i do what i thank is best for my riding:confused24::confused24:
  18. 147000,on my 89 vr,lost a u-joint at 132000,just maintaince,other than that,still has the org clutch,just a v max spring
  19. wild hair 39


    try sales@hotbuyselectronice,com,just got a new 2610 from them--239.00-plus three addional warr--plus shipping
  20. now that is a ride,what about gas stations,when i was down there in 96,got out a ways,not to easle to find,would like to do it on a bike,but driving on the right,was a bummer,took me a week to get,better at it,on a bike,could be worce,anyway,now it is just a dream
  21. wish i could,but,have a ride in,cado lake today,then to okc wedding,7 pm friday,then off to big bend next wensday,if the weather holds,mite be up your way,your coffee is great,we won,t talk about the other stuff
  22. great warrenty,7 days home to home,can't beat that,ON THE ROAD AGAIN
  23. hi,there swifty:great to hear from you,maybe we can hook up again sume time,eck,likes sume of the off gps roads also
  24. how meny of you,go for a ride,and just follow the north,south,east,west signs,as long as the road are paved,man there is a lot of roads out there,and not on the mapps,little towns,or just wide places,in the roads,the miles can realy add up
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