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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. TO MUTCH PAPER WORK FOR ME,i ride for the fun,don't need awards,do what i can do,don't like DEAD lines,all ineed is wild hair:whistling:
  2. i have made a couple of down town DALLAS rides,one on thanks giving day,and one on x-mas,no traffic,traffic lites were,set nite time,how about other big citys:detective:
  3. :cool10:my grand baby has more wild hair,than your's:rotf:
  4. wild hair 39


    NOW,WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO,DO nice rest,short sport ride,med leaser ride,eat,shot the bull,then D Q:detective:
  5. to a M,E,& GREAT,and what time,for it
  6. doing maintance on both bikes,also got to get throse ducks back in a row,keep looking thro:confused24:
  7. i like ride in's,camp grounds,local motels,two to three days,lot of bull,one or two rides,long or short,not a sport rider, print up sume mapp and,ride the roads,i realy like the eastern mountains,most any thing new,you post it and i will more than likly show up
  8. old age where dose it start,still waiting,for that day,guess,that will be tomorrow:confused24::detective:can't remember,mutch about yesterday,but the bikes still start,will be going in for my 69000 miles check up,soon,sea form & wd 40 and srtonger crash bars
  9. will so much for that idia,its about time i made a run out to californa,anyway,haven't been there,in 25 yrs,no la or sf thro,maybe after the first of yr,depends on the weather:detective:
  10. :confused24:when is it suppost to be open,that would be a great,two day M & G,ride,be one of the first,VENTURERIDERS over the new bridge,the valley & the caynon are not that fur,eather,or maybe VAGAS JUST A THROGH
  11. the only thing bad about a hi milage venture,THEY DON'T LIKE SETTING AROUND,THEY ARE TRAINED TO GO,'145000,on an 89 vr,120000,since i purcher it
  12. hay"it wasn't me,can't send--:beer:
  13. went to w m today,234 mls round trip,forgot what i went after,oh will,will try again today:confused24:
  15. amherst,motel 6 is where i stayed the last two yrs,I'LL BE READY FOR MY 69000 MLS CHECK UP,SEE YOU'LL THERE:bighug: MAYBE WE COULD GET A CONVOY,OUT OF ST LOUIS
  16. should be,MISSED HER AMBASSADOR:rotf::rotf:
  17. i get a new pc charlie,i will post sume pictures,of this cold weather for you,man it's realy hard to ride in this,50-60 deg weather:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  18. think i should call garmin:confused24:
  19. how nany of you,have rode with,a 2 cyclender cruser,on a long trip,the noise,and the sound of them lugging,realy tires me out,i gutted the mufflers on the vr[bad idia]the sound,make me tire,althro the vr,is more comfertable,than the voyager on long trips,don't seam to get as tird
  20. ya,write a book,no one could read,MY SPELLING IS SO GREAT:rotf::rotf::rotf::rotf: TRIED TO GET THE LOCAL S'PORT DEALER TO LET ME TAKE AN 08 TO BEG BEND,i even invited him to go with me,still riding a 1 gen,but i will keep checking with him
  21. REASON I DON'T POST PICTURES'I'M ON DIAL UP,& MOST OF THE PICTURES WON'T GO THRU,maybe a new laptop,with wirless will be in order:confused24:
  22. don't know what that means,but do you thank i could use that handel for a TAX DEDUCTION since i starting again nov 2003,i have put maybe 180000 mls on 4 bikes 89 pc 800 18000 89 vr 124000 86 vr 16000 94 voyager 27000 185000 divided by 38 mpg = 4800 gal x $2.50=$12000 on gas,not counting,food,motels,tires,and maintance,& GOLD BOND GREAT TO BE RETIRTED
  23. at a 66 gas station last month,dropped the,vr----two little white hair ladys,setting in a lincoln,got out of there car,came over and helped me pick it,got razzzzz,a little,tryed to buy them dinner,they said that would keep an eye out for next time,then it would be a big stake SO DROPPING THE BIKE IS NOT ALL THAT BAD
  24. i have dropped the VR,many times[maybe 10]always at a stop,sume times,bends the crash bar,cracked the farron,a time or two,droped it on the left side,picked it up,then over on the right,always look around for help,but i can pick it up,the voyager is a lot easler to pick up,don't need any help,and nothing was damaged,i don't park close to gas pumps,cars,or anything,watch for slick spots at all stops,used to bother me,but now i just take my brain bucket off,and show my white hair,and say "00PS" SO FAR HAVEN'T BEEN ABLE TO FIND A SKY HOOK,BUT I'M STILL LOOKING
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