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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. took the words right out of my mouth:lightbulb:
  2. vote
  3. thanks to tv's & computer,there won't be any baby booms
  4. talked to one of the power comp here and they are sending trucks up your way to get the power up
  7. 89 pc 800 18000 89 vr 124000 86 vr 16000 94 voyager 28000 all of these mls sence nov 2003,my riding time is is bad now due to XMAS
  8. :detective:i thank any any nat park,got mine at the great sand dunns in col,they work at sume state park,if you don't spend the nite
  9. i,m not to good,at posting,and i hope that all the riders i have visted with,don't think i'm an old prude,anyway mary christmas,and happy new new year
  10. one thing i found out about canada,don't talk to people at gas stations,and rest stops,or you will be there a lot longer.open your mouth,and the all will start talking to you,must be my white hair,sure ain't my looks i will do it again,in the neer future,practicing up on my B S
  11. guess i will just put more polish,on the bike,watch more T V,and hope altimmer,sets in so i don.t remenber,what a great time i am having,but till then, on the road again as willy would say
  12. rick;if the weather,would be deasen,we could,do it in a long week,i'm sure we could spong,off sume of our brothers,for coffee,maybe a DQ,maybe 4000 mls round trip what do you thank charlie
  13. bingo,now for the prize,a date with one of my xxxxx wives:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  14. you got that right
  15. wife got me a new xmas present,sumething to ware,& sumething to play with what is it ???????????
  16. black day,of our history,the real freedom war,most of our heros,are gone now,and not to meny new ones,that are recognized what else can i say:confused24:
  17. thank you and happy holidays to all our service people- i will not vote for anyone,who,dosen't support our service,people
  18. the weather is great,that is making my hair so kenky,but have to hang around for these holidays
  19. man it's hard not to go for a ride and releave,this holiday stress'wild hair is so kenky,cant hardly close my eyes,and this weather is not helping,eather,sunny and 40 to 70 deg give me:beer:
  20. you are copying my own throughs,if you want a buddy,drop me a line:cool10:
  21. tulsa,any time,now,can't get the pictures to download,to this laptop,thank i will mount a rear canner,so i can see where i have been:rotf:
  22. what can i say,old men repeat them self,i love it,i love it,i love it,i love it,i love it
  23. got a new laptop,trying to get it tuned for my trips,may in a day or so:cool10:
  24. you come up this way,and we will make a ride,up into AR,if the weather is reasable
  25. i,m a member how do you get notifided,of the rides,or mission:confused24:
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