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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. ditto
  2. wild hair 39

    Got one!

    ride,like you stoll it,i would:Cool_cool36:
  3. when i get back on the bike need all the support i can get http://wimp.com/bicycleskill lowell:banana:
  4. till go back for the next,meeting with the doc,got a good report,still didn't ask if i could go on long rides,last couple of rides,were great,no after effects what so ever,so the prayers are working,looks like a little rain for 6 or 7 days,don't thank i should get wett yet all is going will lowell
  5. guess it was a good thing not to call me,that might have mess your hole trip--ha ha,any & every one is welcome at my place,even if i'm not here,peck's trailer hitch bus is only half block,from my house,they have a key,just show them that you are ALIVE,then stand by for the B.S lowell
  6. had to cut our vist,short,neice owns a bar,and i'm her maintance crew now,work cheep,BEER & POP CORN,just one beer when,i;m on the bike,realy i needed to leave,it was after 4,and an 80 mile ride,don't care to ride after dark,can't see as good as i used to,great vist,john,we got all our problum fixed,we got ever one voted out, and a new bunch voted in,we are still working on SS,maybe next time lowell
  7. rosebud & phill came buy yesterday,had a great vist,she brough me sume cookies,ate the bag, throwed the cookies away[ ha ha ] road part way,with them,as they headed home. road bout 150 stress free mls,heart rate was vary good,when i got back home,138-78-61 to day will go to dooder1,for an other short ride,got to keep them up on all my B S bikes runs great,thanks to you'all,started loading the bike yesterday for sume trips,no camping,go back to the doc the 21,,now need to biuld up my stamima,can't do mutch walking,or lifting, being layed up for 6 mos,has taken its toll so maybe back on the road lowell
  8. these prayer work.just ask me how i know all the good will,& prayer are with you lowell:thumbsup:
  9. try this ttp://motorcycle.jaxed.com/cgi-bin/mash.cgi?itm= there lots of bikes to look at
  10. haven't been on line for a long time,not to good,tell about myself,if i do this right,heres the story. my health wild hair; came home from cody wy,blood pressure was vary low [less than 100],the more i did the lower it would go,doc didn't believe me,next time i went,this was in jan. went to the parking lot,walked around till my hips were hurtlng,blood was in the 80's,middle of jan,got a large bill,made by wife & her kids,had another run IN with her boys,saying that were intidled to use my stuff, strass level went up,had to make a dission,devorice,was about the only thing i could do,so i filed,put my place up for sale,lots of debate,finaly had to pay her off,stress was vary high,didn't thank,my place was going to sell,started to make arangment,to keep,lady came and looked,made the deal,sold it heart rate went up,as high as 180,shortness of breath,vary week,went to the E R,they didn't tell me about the heart rate being so high had to check out of hosp,as my realstate wanted to close,closed,now had to be out with in 30 days,got sume help,they took what i wanted to give,for pay, then never showed back up,three weeks later, loaded my bike on my trailer,tore the oil drain plug out of it,set down by the trailer & cried,then hauled it to springfield mo,looked for a house,stored my bike and things,went back to deberry,sume things were stollen while i was gone,the guy who was suppost to look affer things,didn't do vary good,lied to me about when he would have stuff removed,friday caller my dougher,and necice,friday 11pm back in the E R,back to the va,shreveport,had to check myself out tuesday so,i could be out wendesday,had to check into the va hosp,spingfield,drove to springfield,pulling a trailer,heart rate,around 150,when i would get shortness of breath,had to stop,till heart rate came down, took my stuff to my neace house,guess i passed out,cause i haden sleap,more than 4 hrs for 2-3 months,took thursday off,did nothing,friday,checked into the va,slaped me in the I C U friday,saturday,had a little trouble saturday night,heart went rate went way up,180--190,got that taken care of,docter wasn't to smart,released me tuesday,pumped me up on pills,to come back on friday,alaped me back in I C U st johns hosp,springfield,5 days,got me on a bunch of pills,heart rate is a lot better.back to the va,did all that stuff,to find out what the heart,was doing more EKG,ultersound,sumething else,lower right of my heart pumping about half of what it should,be doing,upper and lower part of heart not working togather,causing heart to fibulate,more pills,start getting better,two week,heart rate starting stay below 100,back to doc,pill adjustment,heart now staying in the 50's & 60's,now blood is running hi in the morning,low in thr after noon,don't have any stamnal,cani't lift much,can't walk very far,been on the bike three short trip,first to the doc,did till them about riding my bike,sec harrison ar,lost the altnater,unplug every thing,new battery to get home on,new altnater,back to trip #3,ride around springfield 200 mls,mow to get away from the doc,will get sume riding in want to thank you all for all the paryer,support,and good will,menny thanks for all the get well cards to: eck,and john smith,for getting by bike fixed have large back yard,can camp out,or i will make room for you,70 miles to branson,lots of good riding around springfield your humble frend,lock the doors,you can't tell where i will show up thank for every,thing WILD HAIR 39 lowell 2428 n lyon ave, springfirld mo 65803 same cel #
  11. life is painfull,death is peacefull,god bless,you and yours lowell
  12. there is no way i can make it to M D,just to mutch to finish up around here you'll have fun,take a picture of the POND MONSTURE lowell
  13. i just bearly remember LAKE PLACID,lot water has run under the bridge,selling out,here in east tx,this place was ,to much to try and take care of,my ex's kids wanted squarter rights,that they were entittaled to come and go,mostly come,wouldn't ever help take care of this place,shes is gone,and i am going lowell
  14. ok 'i'm about 80%'to get out of here,last inspection the 26,will close the 29,have a moving comp to move me,my barn is a lot bigger now,,ever hurd of a MAKE AN OFFER barn sale,it's working a little,final trash run,will be tue the 22,got to make a run to springfield tue the 15,need to look at a couple of places hope this is the coffen house,do the rest of my days,on the bike or down and out at home lowell
  15. looking for,A-RENT-A-WIFE-,good on you, remember my moto lowell
  16. i'm getting along slowly,i will hollow,if i get in to much of a bind:fingers-crossed-emo
  17. wild hair 39

    M D

    don't look like,i'm can make it,need to be out of here,by the 20 th,have a lots to do,DAMN, i have a lot of junk,you know PACK RAT STUFF, it's hard to thro away all this good STUFF, help hasn't showed up for the last three days,haven't even got to go look,at any new places yet still have a chance,but it is vary slim lowell
  18. don't know,weather this is a good story,or not,for a newly divorced,single ,dirty old man,don't ride two up any more,so maybe i'm safe lowell
  19. what wears out front tires,i have never,got less than 20,000,mls on a front tire,have got as mutch as 30,000,out of brickstone S 11,that is the sorriest tire, they say you can buy,sume have cupped,if i didn't get the blance right going to try an e 3 on the front,this time,the brickstone has about 26,000,on it now,not wore out,not cupping,no wabble,just doing a complete mainance on the front,so when i get my DUCKS back in a row,I CAN GO lowell
  20. i ride a COWASAKI VOYAGER,it fits me better,lighter,lower,to gruond,lot better in parking lots,not as top heave,better plastic than the 1 ST gen,i ride single,run a BFG ct,i carrie 5 changes of closes,rain gear,cold weather coat,10 x 10 tent,air mat,chair, pump,sleeping bag,laptop,tools,repair,stuff,maybe over 200,000 mls,on a 1 st gens,over 100,000,on the voy,only been let down one time,lost a u-joint,in laural miss,rented a truck,took it home,use RIDE-ON,in tires,gas milage,35 at 80 mph--55 at 55=60 mph,front tire 30,000,rear ct 30,000 now thats my 2'ct lowell
  21. he was there in 1995,didn't ride a bike thro,2 weeks, in a rent car,driving on the right,was bummer,for me,don't thank i could have did it on a bike lowell:thumbsup2:
  22. need to check the mod.# on the condenser unite,make sure that ,the evap coil, matches,i have found that,alot of evap coils are under sized,on moble home, as,the installer are not realy A.C.people just installer lowell
  23. how am i ever going to thank all my frends,have over 50, so guess i just want to thank all of you,god this is a great group to part of lowell
  24. every thing looks good,the inspecter came out to day,nothing major,can fix it all my self,the lady,seams to be vary happy with every thing,may be on my way before july 15,got 30 days after moving comp. picks things up,to find a place,have a nece in springfield in real estate buss ,she is looking for a place for me. now to get every thing done,off to okla tomorrow to get rid of these pugs,then who knows-??????????? lowell
  25. so far,so good,thank i have agood start,moving comp,has been notifided,looking for sune one to hall all this PACK RAT,stuff off lowell
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