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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. note:if you buy tires from a independant,dealer,even thro they are large in your area,and it is a brand name tire,the warrent may not be any good out of there area,i put goodyears on my van form a local dealer,runed a tire in denver,goodyear would not do the warrenty,cause,the local dealer,carred the warrent,that is my worth
  2. i have 32 vr,s in my gps,when on the road-hit find-waypoint-neerers place-ok,then all will show up starting with the neerers to me,only have menbers that have sent me there address the address & zip code is all i need,sume of you,that are in new additions may not show up,but when i do get to your place,i can mark it as a new waypoint now the bad news,it mite cost you a cup,if show up,so if you want to,take a chance,pm me your address & zip code
  3. water proof watches,to 50 mtr,most washing machine,are 51 mtr deep,maybe fuse blocks,are water res :icon_smile_question
  4. don't go to night clubs,often,but a M & E,sume time would be great ??????
  5. mostly year round,no cold rain,or chance of ice,o,and all the ducks in a row
  6. future,2 gen pick up rigg:whistling:,plenty of room
  7. woow,through i was going,have to put a trailer hitch on the bike,will better,put it on any way will have to go pick it up:whistling:
  8. jrichard:left yesterday,for s-west tx ,only got in one good ride [weather] lots of b s,little bike maintance.more b s,as useal i for got pictures,will more than likely head down that way,now that most of the ducks are in a row,,,,had a beer or two
  9. i'm tird already,better take a nape:backinmyday:
  10. hay no beer,guess i will just come and vist your doughter,do i need to brang drugs also
  11. are you going to hot rod,or look at the sites--if i did this trip,heres my planning moab-us 90-montro-us 50-lamar-287-us 64-412-check in on rosebud & phill in tulsa then on to-huntsville ar-hwy 23-pig trail-eureka springs-us 62-to the mississippi ,check my time-then wing from there
  12. it's about 100 mls to the south ent,be sure and take snack and wtr,there is not but two servece area the way we went,thank the round trip was about 350 mls,to me it was worth the trip,vagas,is not my bag,wife got a free trip hotel room thing,she did win enough to pay for the gas to and from,hoover damn,was the best,they are biulding a new bridge across it,hope to drive across it,when they open,maybe 2010
  13. let the chroming begain,man ther is a lot of chrome avalable,for the 1800s
  14. where is the cigars hope to be there soon after the big event :ice_awesome-vi46644:sign isnt that spec
  15. nope,not mine,my deer look like this:no-no-no:
  16. do,death valley,should be great this time of year
  17. 89 vr 20 yrs old,148000 mls,don't use oil,40 mpg @ 60mph,cb,radio,tape,cruese,air system,,alt,all work,org clutch[new spring]prog,fork springs,even the plastic,and paint,still pretty good,hope i can ride long enough to see a 2 gen,have as good history,now that i have said oll this,it will proable blow up,the next time out
  18. where is the trailer,mite be up that way,we could start a relay,worked the last time,maybe this time i won't run out of gas
  19. on mine its called way points,put them in and they show up auto on the screen,give the name radar trap,personaly,i try to stay with the traffic speed:080402gudl_prv:
  20. if you like open roads,not mutch traffic,not in a big hurry,take a look at US 84,good road,except thru ]la],little rough,also good to watch the gas gage
  21. can you handle a garage,it takes a lot of getting used to,mite come by to show how to put a venture in it,congraution,all the luck ,in the world lowell
  22. better you than me:rotf::rotf:
  23. i'll ride in the cold,clear weather,maybe 20 f,but snow,rain & ice,foreget it brain slows down to mutch,wild hairs don't work in that weather did you know that a 1 gen is warmer,with the lowers removed,more warm air flows up around,the legs,& butt,put a cutout pecice of shipping foam,for the fork opening,works pretty good
  24. how about taking a picture of phill,just want to know,weather he is around,its ok for you to show the leg irons:rotf::rotf::rotf:
  25. wish you vanturerider would start posting more crape, so i,would have to read it :rotf::rotf:
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