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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. don't know why they are so fuzzie
  2. just made these up NO KAWASKI VOYAGER thro
  3. don't have any idia,of witch way i will go,may depend,on if sumeone else wants to make the ride
  4. been there,to much grease on the hub,will cause a warp-warp-warp,sound,that seal is a pretty good seal,to mutch grease,causes,pressure,againest the,ring gear lowell
  5. is the ride to canada,still on for the first of 0ct
  6. anyone,going to take the long ride to ashville from tx,ok la,ar,or anywhere else,mite be a good ride up thru east OK, north AR,TN,AND ANY PLACE ELSE,WE COULD GET LOST,on the way lowell:stirthepot:
  7. logged 2200 mls from friday morn to monday morn,got home at 4 am,no rain good roads,vary good temp,high maybe 85 deg road with bogbob,up to charlie's then,on to SAULT STE MARIE,he headed on west,then i headed south,got my first speeding tickett,in over 8 years,60 in a 55 zone,guy was p---s,cause he didn't catch a croch rocket got a motel in benton harbor,9 am on the road,there are no sweet spots to ride around the chiago area,so got in the fast lane and halled a--,up to 90 mph,aftr that,back down to the sweet spots call roadkill he was off enjoying the weather,bill and allen were gitting ready for work,so i headed for home had a great time,& thanks to all,will do it again---give me a couple of days and will be ready for the next wild hair lowell:bighug:
  8. doing a couple of days in springfield MO,will be heading out for ishpeming MI,early in the morn,proable up thru divenport IA or ???????
  9. i'm in paulsvalley OK heading out to AR this morning,should be in springfield MO to nite,rattle my phone,usly check it ever fill up:nanner:
  10. here we go
  11. will today i start,will end in kitchener,my route is ????,looks like 90 degs most of the way,voyager is packed,gold bond,is on standby,wife credit card is punched,yard is mowed,cb on 29,new pair of riding pants,will check,back in about an hour,make sure i didn't forget anything
  12. little betty tear,let me down[debated all night]but finly sold my 89 VR,it headed for west tx,it will be happy,with all the roads,not mutch rain,has had a lot of wind exp,older man,road it off,it didn't want to go,started it for the man,blew a fuse to all the aux lites,bad fuse holder,then the radio would not pick up any stations,guess,it realy didn't want to go but down the driveway she went,big tears rolled down my face,guess i had better mow the grass,drank a beer,thank about this up comming trip,that only worked for maybe 2 min now to get started on the 93 VR:cry::cry::bawling:
  13. will do:stirthepot:
  14. your # is in my cell ph,hick pm me your address,iwill put you in my GPS
  15. i used a budget to hall my bike back home from laura ms,280 mls,all for less than $300,call budget,sume times they want to get a truck back to your area:080402gudl_prv:
  16. heading off to KITCHENER, this week,would like to know how the roads are up thru the flooded area,weather i should go around that area,you know how my plans are,FIXED IN SANDSTONE,only have two places i need to be,KITCHENER,AND ISHPEMING,will vist along the way,will be riding my teal blue voyager,with a gorilla,watching my BACK,CB will be on ch 29,all waves will be a hard fist,above the wind sheld,will be loaded with tent,chair,sleeping bag,water jug,OH and me,no need to entertain me just a short vist,a cup,i'll be on my way,hav about 60 of you in my GPS see you'll in kitchener
  17. what can i say,annother great famly get togather,home safe and sound,where is the next one thanks mr.g;mrs.g;little miss g;little mr. g;and last BUT not least,supper little miss G
  18. should be on the first page of the owner manual check the kill switch :rotf::rotf::rotf: that is realy an ego killer
  19. i want to here about the facts,about car tires,not opinions,have 7800,mls,on mine,nothing bad to report,still looks brand new,i have my opinion,but that is not facts:stirthepot::confused24: lowell p.s not suppost to pull a trailer,thank there is a lot more negatives about that,than i've seen about car tires:)
  20. 69 & counting,
  21. hay charley,keep the light on,KITCHner IS NOT THAT FAR FROM YOU,best wishes to hope
  22. thanks don,hope to be there next year
  23. got home 1 pm monday,1185 mls,great MD thanks mr. & mrs freebird,the big rain in southern IL,put me 0n a 3 hr detour,I 70 west bound was closed,90deg,stop and go,was going to stop by bill's and allen's,but i was pretty wore out,wouldn't have vary good company now for the FUN part,every one known about the IRON BUTT thing,BUT do you know a bout the SUPPER RED BUTT thing,after the 3 hr detour,i can tell you all about it,DUMN IT SMARTS,now add 600 mls,that,made a cripple out of me,got home MOONED the wife to get sume simpathy,she wasn't impressed,she said go mow the yard,will the yard ain't mowed yet had a great time,will do it again gigawiskey's md is next,should be back to the IRON BUTT thing by then
  24. Roadkill and I made it to hotel. See you at Don's around 9am. blew right in with all that wind.
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