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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. on this one,better me than you
  2. roads open,just a figure of speach,won't have any thhing planed,from aug the 11 to the 28
  3. is the roads open,from aug the 11 after ashville,and before aug 29 P I P,been wanting to make it up there for over 25 yrs,this mite be the right time,what is the weather like,do i need to pack for cooler weather,say below 50 deg. voy will have new,tires,drive shaft,new oil ,fluides,what the camping like,this will have to be a thrifty,RIDE
  4. you have my vote:97:
  5. now you have started to see what you've been missing,halling a-- is only good,for the big road [4 lanes or better]
  6. no not at all,setting on the shelf,or in the store,dose a first aid kit work,have seen one prevent an injury,yet still carrie one:think:
  7. don't do these I B' unless i'm on my way home,need the time to rest up,if i do one going to ???? i would miss a lot the fun
  8. you are right i was asleep,thank i slept 11 hrs that day,didn't feel all that tird,till i got all shut down,then,the knock punch;)
  9. you went right by my place,4 mls on down us 79 on the right,private road 7173 is my road,i was home,made an iron butt ride on in sunday,got home 4 am monday morn lowell
  10. did sturgis meny yrs ago,not my bag,as for the ride,would meet up with you,but right now ,i'm waiting on parts,and they haven't shipped them yet,may be on your way back,mite catch up with you my wild hair i realy getting KINKEY
  11. cant find your place with these coordinates,but i found Waldo,and have your #
  12. head light modulator,are just like deer whistles,and fishing lures,:bang head:they sure don't work,setting in the store,
  13. you build it ,they will come,me too
  14. just lost a drive shaft,u-joint,rear splin coupling,LACK OF GREASE,my fault,didn't check it the last two times,i changed tires,splines are wore out,u-joint,is non greaseable,two of the cups are almost frozen up,new parts on order,$280 bucks,going to try,cooper antisEze,when i put it back togather,the moly grease,on the wheel hub,was dried out,15000 mls since it was greased,gress i can't complain thro 110,000 mls on the bike,the first major expence
  15. in the group rides,seams like all our gas milage is 42 to maybe 50,thats is running around 50mph,1st and 2nd gen,my cowasaki,has got up to 58 mpg,that is what they told me on a ride ,at KITCHENER,it dose over 50,if i stay 60 mph or below,no head wind
  16. here is the picture
  17. IF YOU HAVE A COUPLE OF xl,I COULD PAYPAL YOU FOR THEM, I'M IN THE DOG HOUSE,can't seam to get the wife credit card,punch without the T_shirts lowell
  18. i have 15,000 0n my CT now,still looks pretty new'so far my only complant is,it is a lot more sinsity to unever serfices,expecity at 10 to 30 mph ,corse it's a COWASAKI, so that may account for,this short comming,at least i don't have to change tires each time i change oil lowell
  19. sume times it's kinda hard to get turned around,thro,have had help,from the people who live at the end,been ask what i'm doing there,never a problem
  20. what kind of bait do i need lowell
  21. IF YOU PLAN AHEAD, YOU MAY EVER DO IT,point the bike down the drive way,make a left or right,50 mls or 500 mls,i gurante,you will not regreat it lowell
  23. making a trip down the driveway to US 79,now left or right,off to sume place,will more than likly change my mind[well anyway],just GO,take a road that say, north,south,east or west,good twisties,or not,get on a back road,set the cruse to 40 to 55 mph,then let her rip,you would be suprised what you will find,most of the time i don't have any idia of where i am,then just let the GPS take to where i need to be latter,i have had sume great rides,BUT DON'T HAVE ANY IDIA OF WHERE I HAVE BEEN, so can't talk about it to mutch now if any of you have the time,for a ride like this,YOU CAN NOT BEAT IT LOWELL
  24. i'll let you'll cal me the AMBASSADOR,I just like to ride,and show up,for a cup
  25. most all auto paint stores have pinstripping
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