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wild hair 39

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Everything posted by wild hair 39

  1. stearing head bearing may be to tight or wore out,wore flat rear tire,will also case this, what is the milage on it,check the front wheel bearing
  2. these honey-dos,and round-to-it are killing me,wish it would snow,then i couldn't go any where
  3. no just
  4. i'm with you,on this,last new car,i brough,cost me $10,000 the first year,haven't spent that match,on any used veh sence:bowdown:
  5. if buying a new or used,what brand would,you consider,for the next 100000,mls,and how long do you thank,it will take you to rack up 100000 mls lowell
  6. take the bearings,and seals to a bearing supply,they can match them,think mine were $18,for all lowell
  7. through it was the ct,with rain groves,replaced the front,and most of the rain grove feel went away,smother,lots less wiggle,running 38# air on the voyager,24000,still,look,like a nother 24000,left lowell
  8. what to say,my prayers,to your famly lowell
  9. be sure to bring georage,don't want any one to get any idias:Laugh:
  10. will buy you dinner at the cracher berrel,pines rd s'port la just let me know,what time
  11. zero miles,on the OD
  12. how many of you have put over 100000,mls on a bike,that you brough brand new,most i ever put on a new bike was 48000 mls:think:
  13. hell i new you are a fine man,cause the wife didn't tell me any tails,about,your and:beersign:when i was there
  14. my voy gets 50 mpg at 60 mph 42 at 75 to 80,50 + below 60 mph,while in canada, i got close to 60 mpg,thank there gas is a little better,the 155/80/15 has 24000,0n it now,and yes it seams to drag the pegs more in sweeper,and amplifes the unever road condition,at lower speed,say 0 to 20 mph,my next ct[if i ever wear this one out],i will take it to a tire dealer,and have the outside tread ground down to more like a mc tire PS low air pressure,and the ct realy get squrirrely,in sweepers
  15. haven't had any phone serv,till yesterday afternoon as sume of you know,laura's[mrs wild hair] mother road out the storm,in galveston,she was evac, we finly found her,late friday,she was evac to port san antonio,all is well but she thanks that they will be,back in galveston shortly,but all the news from down ther don't suport that guess she is as hard headed,as mrs wild hair,sumetimes two lawn mower fixed,hay field knock down[any of you,inventer,should thank about a small hay bailer]there is enough hay to feed her little horses,for a year all is well,no damage from the store,haven't been onthe voy,this week,more round-to-its to do,oh fore got the honey dos lowell PS shes gone:fishin:
  16. going to be laying low for a while,have a hole lot of ROUND-TO-IT,to do beer,gaterade is gone,good while it lasted,tell linda spiderman sheet will great lowell
  17. wild hair;plan to camp out,home 35 mls south west of s'port, hwy 79,deberry tx,your schedule,is my schedule lowell
  18. you show up,and she will take you fishing,went out yesterday,and came in with a 5 gal buckett full she is a great lady,sence she mate you all,i am going to have to do all that training all over,maybe i need the rehab :rotf: lowell
  19. dittos------now when would be a good time to brang my 93 by lowell
  20. hay,we are doing great,every thing is ok at home don't know any thing from galveton yet lowell
  21. you thank the ventures wine,you need to ride my voyager,good thing i'm deaf in one ear,and can't hear in :thumbdown:the other
  22. MR & MRS WILD HAIR 39 left ES about 11 am desided to go to paulsvalley,we didn't have any reason to hang around,SEE i told you'll that you would not get wett, and sounds like i was right wife and I really enjoyed all the BS,thank she is going to go into rehab,so she can make these ride ins,the cage is not bad,but its not neer as much fun we took the short rout to paulsvalley,lots of good seanery,no rain till we got ada,cores we didn't get wett thanks to bill & linda,buddy & peg,and all of that this a realy good meet mrs wild hair,say THANKS[me to] lowell.& laura:bighug:
  23. lewis;it's your turn to do those 4 letter words most wifes hate,[COOK,WASH,DUST] you can now rule the house,but don't dig a hole you can't get out of good luck,my prayers are with you lowell
  24. great NEWS,tell him WILD HAIR,is pulling for him,will se e him down the road prayers for him lowell
  25. that sounds like a WILD HAIR RIDE,
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